1. DVD peliculas
  2. Películas de guerra
  3. Bitva za Sevastopol / Battle for Sevastopol

Bitva za Sevastopol / Battle for Sevastopol

Bitva za Sevastopol / Battle for Sevastopol
Tipo de medio
DVD PAL , Código de zona DVD: ALL
Idioma de los subtítulos
Audio streams
Año de publicación
Año del estreno de película
Duración - horas:minutos
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WORLD WAR II MOVIE 2015 LANGUAGE: RUSSIAN; SUBTITLES: ENGLISH. The breakout of the war shatters the world of a young student, Lyudmila Pavlichenko, forcing her to enlist in the army in 1941. The maiden turns out to be a natural-born sniper, her impressive skill and prowess make her stand out among men and women alike. Seeing Pavlichenko as a tangible threat, the German High Command gives orders to eliminate the girl whatever the cost. In the meanwhile, Lyudmila meets a man and falls in love. War fades into the background... Soon, however, another misfortune befalls Lyudmila leaving the man she loves on the brink of death and herself seriously wounded. The girl is pulled out of combat and later goes to the United States with a publicity visit. Eleanor Roosevelt welcomes Lyudmila in the White House and the two women soon become close. It won't be long before Pavlichenko stands before an audience in Chicago pressing for a second front. Will her words have the capacity to change the course of war?
WORLD WAR II MOVIE 2015 LANGUAGE: RUSSIAN; SUBTITLES: ENGLISH. The breakout of the war shatters the world of a young student, Lyudmila Pavlichenko, forcing her to enlist in the army in 1941. The maiden turns out to be a natural-born sniper, her impressive skill and prowess make her stand out among men and women alike. Seeing Pavlichenko as a tangible threat, the German High Command gives orders to eliminate the girl whatever the cost. In the meanwhile, Lyudmila meets a man and falls in love. War fades into the background... Soon, however, another misfortune befalls Lyudmila leaving the man she loves on the brink of death and herself seriously wounded. The girl is pulled out of combat and later goes to the United States with a publicity visit. Eleanor Roosevelt welcomes Lyudmila in the White House and the two women soon become close. It won't be long before Pavlichenko stands before an audience in Chicago pressing for a second front. Will her words have the capacity to change the course of war?
Юлия Пересильд («Виртуальная Алиса»), Евгений Цыганов («Брестская крепость»), Олег Васильков («Бомж») в военной драме Сергея Мокрицкого «Битва за Севастополь»

Любовь под нескончаемым огнем противника, дружба с Элеонорой Рузвельт, выступление на конференции, повлиявшее на исход Второй мировой войны, желание жить и страх потерять любимого человека — справится ли со всем этим хрупкая женщина?
Это реальная история Людмилы Павличенко — легендарной женщины-снайпера. Солдаты шли в бой с ее именем на устах, а враги устроили на нее охоту. На поле битвы она видела смерть и страдания, но самым серьезным испытанием для нее стала любовь, которую у нее могла забрать война…
Julija Peresild («Virtualnaja Alisa»), Evgenij Tsyganov («Brestskaja krepost»), Oleg Vasilkov («Bomzh») v voennoj drame Sergeja Mokritskogo «Bitva za Sevastopol»

Ljubov pod neskonchaemym ognem protivnika, druzhba s Eleonoroj Ruzvelt, vystuplenie na konferentsii, povlijavshee na iskhod Vtoroj mirovoj vojny, zhelanie zhit i strakh poterjat ljubimogo cheloveka — spravitsja li so vsem etim khrupkaja zhenschina?
Eto realnaja istorija Ljudmily Pavlichenko — legendarnoj zhenschiny-snajpera. Soldaty shli v boj s ee imenem na ustakh, a vragi ustroili na nee okhotu. Na pole bitvy ona videla smert i stradanija, no samym sereznym ispytaniem dlja nee stala ljubov, kotoruju u nee mogla zabrat vojna…