1. Kirjat
  2. Oppikirjat ja -aineisto
  3. Helpotettuja tekstejä / Helppolukuisia tekstejä
  4. O ljudjakh i zhivotnykh. Lexical minimumum - 500 words (A1)

O ljudjakh i zhivotnykh. Lexical minimumum - 500 words (A1)

О людях и животных. Лексический минимум - 500 (A1)
O ljudjakh i zhivotnykh. Lexical minimumum - 500 words (A1)
Katso sisältä
250/140/4 mm
0.07 kg
15.00 € 5.00 € Alennushinta 66.67%
4.55 € veroton
Loppumassa varastosta
Ostoskoriin Lisää suosikkeihin
About People and Animals.
This reader presents stories for children by Boris Zhitkov, a famous Russian writer of the first half of the 20th century.

These are the stories about friendship, love, courage and kindness in people, and also the stories about animals and birds.

The text of the stories has been adapted for learners of the Russian language working at A1 level. Commentaries on the text and comprehension exercises are included with the book to check understanding. The reader also provides the most interesting facts about Zhitkov's life.

This edition is aimed at children of Russians living abroad, bilingual children, and students of Russian at beginner's level (Level A1 of CEFR).
About People and Animals.
This reader presents stories for children by Boris Zhitkov, a famous Russian writer of the first half of the 20th century.

These are the stories about friendship, love, courage and kindness in people, and also the stories about animals and birds.

The text of the stories has been adapted for learners of the Russian language working at A1 level. Commentaries on the text and comprehension exercises are included with the book to check understanding. The reader also provides the most interesting facts about Zhitkov's life.

This edition is aimed at children of Russians living abroad, bilingual children, and students of Russian at beginner's level (Level A1 of CEFR).
В книге представлены рассказы для детей известного русского писателя первой половины ХХ века Б.С. Житкова.
Это интересные истории о дружбе, любви, смелости и доброте людей, а также истории о животных и птицах.
Текст рассказов адаптирован (А1), сопровождается заданиями на понимание прочитанного и на развитие речи. В книге приводятся наиболее интересные факты из жизни Б.С. Житкова.
Издание адресовано детям соотечественников, проживающим за рубежом, детям-билингвам, а также учащимся национальных школ.
V knige predstavleny rasskazy dlja detej izvestnogo russkogo pisatelja pervoj poloviny KHKh veka B.S. Zhitkova.
Eto interesnye istorii o druzhbe, ljubvi, smelosti i dobrote ljudej, a takzhe istorii o zhivotnykh i ptitsakh.
Tekst rasskazov adaptirovan (A1), soprovozhdaetsja zadanijami na ponimanie prochitannogo i na razvitie rechi. V knige privodjatsja naibolee interesnye fakty iz zhizni B.S. Zhitkova.
Izdanie adresovano detjam sootechestvennikov, prozhivajuschim za rubezhom, detjam-bilingvam, a takzhe uchaschimsja natsionalnykh shkol.
Katso Ruslanian suositukset
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