1. Kirjat
  2. Oppikirjat ja -aineisto
  3. Venäjän kielen oppikirjat (VVK)
  4. Venäjän kielen oppikirjat keskitasolle. B1
  5. Russkij jazyk: Uchebnik. Kniga 2. Srednij etap obuchenija.

Russkij jazyk: Uchebnik. Kniga 2. Srednij etap obuchenija.

Русский язык: Учебник. Книга 2. Средний этап обучения
Russkij jazyk: Uchebnik. Kniga 2. Srednij etap obuchenija.
Katso sisältä
205/140/16 mm
0.24 kg
24.00 € 21.82 € veroton
Loppumassa varastosta
Ostoskoriin Lisää suosikkeihin
Russian for English speaking students: intermediate level.
This is an intermediate Russian course designed for the adults. It can be studied both with a teacher and independently. Theoretical explanations, the notes on Russian history, geography and culture and the assignments for the exercises are given in Russian. The main aim of the book is to master the oral speech habits. Being compact, the book is very informative. It's a sequel of the famous teaching book "Russian for beginners" by the same author.
Russian for English speaking students: intermediate level.
This is an intermediate Russian course designed for the adults. It can be studied both with a teacher and independently. Theoretical explanations, the notes on Russian history, geography and culture and the assignments for the exercises are given in Russian. The main aim of the book is to master the oral speech habits. Being compact, the book is very informative. It's a sequel of the famous teaching book "Russian for beginners" by the same author.
Учебник "Русский язык", книга 2, является логическим продолжением первой части.
Будучи компактным, учебник достаточно информативен. Он содержит сведения о грамматической структуре предложения, сведения о речевом этикетк, обобщающий грамматический справочник.
Тексты книги интересны, содержательны, в них представлен социокультурный компонент в еомплексе со страноведческими фактами, а также лингвистрановедческий материал.
Книга является продолжением известного учебника "Русский язык" для начинающих того же автора.
Uchebnik "Russkij jazyk", kniga 2, javljaetsja logicheskim prodolzheniem pervoj chasti.
Buduchi kompaktnym, uchebnik dostatochno informativen. On soderzhit svedenija o grammaticheskoj strukture predlozhenija, svedenija o rechevom etiketk, obobschajuschij grammaticheskij spravochnik.
Teksty knigi interesny, soderzhatelny, v nikh predstavlen sotsiokulturnyj komponent v eomplekse so stranovedcheskimi faktami, a takzhe lingvistranovedcheskij material.
Kniga javljaetsja prodolzheniem izvestnogo uchebnika "Russkij jazyk" dlja nachinajuschikh togo zhe avtora.
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