1. Kirjat
  2. Oppikirjat ja -aineisto
  3. Venäjän kielen oppikirjat (VVK)
  4. Kielioppi
  5. A Living Russian Grammar. Beginner Intermediate. Part 1

A Living Russian Grammar. Beginner Intermediate. Part 1

Живая грамматика русского языка. Часть 1 / A Living Russian Grammar. Beginner Intermediate. Part 1
A Living Russian Grammar. Beginner Intermediate. Part 1
Katso sisältä
280/210/16 mm
0.65 kg
30.00 € 26.32 € veroton
Loppumassa varastosta
Ostoskoriin Lisää suosikkeihin
The Living Russian Grammar is intended for university students and for students in schools and colleges, as well as for adults at beginner and pre-intermediate level. It can also usefully be used by intermediate learners who wish to review and consolidate their language skills, wither with a teacher, or in self study mode.

Translated into English by John Langran

The Living Russian Grammar responds to the needs of learners who wish to acquire the basics of communication in Russian with a correct lexical and grammatical basis.
The book was tested in different versions, and improved in response to feedback to feedback from clients - students, business people, diplomats, ex-pats, etc.

This grammar does not purport to be a full description of the Russian language. it is a teaching and learning tool based on a selection of the most essential grammatical structures, and introducing an active and useful vocabulary. We have tried to show how linguistic elements are organised and uses in real context. Similarity, we have only used examples that might be considered useful at this level of study. Lastly, we have always attempted to make the learning of Russian grammar less abstract, more interesting and more motivating.

The book comprises 57 units, which allow separate of each grammatical topic, as well as a set of grammatical tables at the end. In the units, grammatical points are explained on the left-hand pages, with live examples, and exercises to practise the language are given on the right-hand page. Certain more complex grammatical topics are split over several units.

Second edition.
"Живая грамматика русского языка. Часть I" - это практическая коммуникативная грамматика, адресованная изучающим русский язык как иностранный.
Она предназначена преимущественно для взрослых и ориентирована на уровни владения языком A1 и A2, а также может быть полезна всем желающим повторить основы русской грамматики. Наряду с краткими и ясными объяснениями в книге даны разнообразные упражнения, содержащие общеупотребительную и актуальную лексику.

Авторы стремились сделать изучение грамматики менее абстрактным и более практичным, по возможности избегая специальной терминологии.
Перевод на английский язык: Джон Лангран
"Zhivaja grammatika russkogo jazyka. Chast I" - eto prakticheskaja kommunikativnaja grammatika, adresovannaja izuchajuschim russkij jazyk kak inostrannyj.
Ona prednaznachena preimuschestvenno dlja vzroslykh i orientirovana na urovni vladenija jazykom A1 i A2, a takzhe mozhet byt polezna vsem zhelajuschim povtorit osnovy russkoj grammatiki. Narjadu s kratkimi i jasnymi objasnenijami v knige dany raznoobraznye uprazhnenija, soderzhaschie obscheupotrebitelnuju i aktualnuju leksiku.

Avtory stremilis sdelat izuchenie grammatiki menee abstraktnym i bolee praktichnym, po vozmozhnosti izbegaja spetsialnoj terminologii.
Perevod na anglijskij jazyk: Dzhon Langran
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