Kirja avaa ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden tutustua uniikkiin pohjoiskreikkalaiseen luostariyhteiskuntaan.
Athoksen niemen vanhimmat luostarit perustettiin jo 900-luvulla, ja bysanttilainen kulttuuri elää niissä katkeamattomana traditiona. Tennispalatsin näyttelyssä 18.8.2006-21.2.2007 sekä tässä kirjassa luostareiden suljettu maailma esitäytyy ensimmäistä kertaa Kreikan rajojen ulkopuolella.
Kirjassa kohtaavat Athoksen luostareiden mittaamattomat taideaarteet ja viidentoista eurooppalaisen taidemuseon ainutlaatuiset Athos-kokoelmat. Kymmenen kansainvälistä ja suomalaista tutkijaa valottaa bysanttilaista maailmaa, taidetta ja luostarielämää kulttuurihistoriallisesta ja teologisesta näkökulmasta.
Kaikki Tennispalatsin näyttelyssä esillä olevat ikonit ja muut esineet on kuvattu ja tieteellisesti analysoitu. Kirja on ainutlaatuisen projektin hieno dokumentti ja sen arvo on pysyvä. Kirja on varma klassikkoteos.
Nelivärikuvitus, 2. painos. Ulkoasu: Eeva Louhio
Athos - Monastic Life on the Holy Mountain has been published in connection with the exhibition of the same name held at Helsinki City Art Museum from 18th August 2006 till 21st January 2007. The exhibition included icons and other sacred objects from monasteries on Mount Athos seen for the first time outside Greece.
Athos - Monastic Life on the Holy Mountain is an impressive and richly illustrated overview of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art. Its carrying theme is the Holy Mount Athos (Agios Oros) and its 20 monasteries, which have guarded the heritage of Byzantine art for more than a thousand years.
The book presents a total of more than 400 artworks including Athonite works of art and other items - icons, manuscripts, documents, paper icons, woodcuts, liturgical objects and church textiles - from monasteries on Mount Athos and museums in Russia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus and Germany. Some of the works have been published first time in this book. The life in the monastic community of Mount Athos is also illustrated with documents, photographs, contemporary artworks, and other objects. Articles by experts shed light on the Byzatine world, its art and monastic life from cultural, historical and theological perspectives.
The writers of the more extensive articles are Metropolitan Ambrosius of Helsinki, Rene Gothoni, Bishop Arseni of Joensuu, Juri Piatnitski from the Hermitage, Ljudmila Tarasenko from the Andrei Rublev Museum, Nadeza Pivovarova from the Russian Museum, and Haralampos G. Hotzakoglu and Ioannis A. Iliadis from Cyprus. The book begins with blessings from the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew, Finnish Archbishop Leo, and a foreword by the Director for the Helsinki City Art Museum Berndt Arell.
Publisher: Maahenki Oy (2007)
344 pp., 207 x 302 mm, full colour, bound, hardcover.
(книга на финском языке) Athos - Monastic Life on the Holy Mountain has been published in connection with the exhibition of the same name held at Helsinki City Art Museum from 18th August 2006 till 21st January 2007. The exhibition included icons and other sacred objects from monasteries on Mount Athos seen for the first time outside Greece.
Athos - Monastic Life on the Holy Mountain is an impressive and richly illustrated overview of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art. Its carrying theme is the Holy Mount Athos (Agios Oros) and its 20 monasteries, which have guarded the heritage of Byzantine art for more than a thousand years.
The book presents a total of more than 400 artworks including Athonite works of art and other items - icons, manuscripts, documents, paper icons, woodcuts, liturgical objects and church textiles - from monasteries on Mount Athos and museums in Russia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus and Germany. Some of the works have been published first time in this book. The life in the monastic community of Mount Athos is also illustrated with documents, photographs, contemporary artworks, and other objects. Articles by experts shed light on the Byzatine world, its art and monastic life from cultural, historical and theological perspectives.
The writers of the more extensive articles are Metropolitan Ambrosius of Helsinki, Rene Gothoni, Bishop Arseni of Joensuu, Juri Piatnitski from the Hermitage, Ljudmila Tarasenko from the Andrei Rublev Museum, Nadeza Pivovarova from the Russian Museum, and Haralampos G. Hotzakoglu and Ioannis A. Iliadis from Cyprus. The book begins with blessings from the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew, Finnish Archbishop Leo, and a foreword by the Director for the Helsinki City Art Museum Berndt Arell.
Publisher: Maahenki Oy (2007)
344 pp., 207 x 302 mm, full colour, bound, hardcover.
(kniga na finskom jazyke) Athos - Monastic Life on the Holy Mountain has been published in connection with the exhibition of the same name held at Helsinki City Art Museum from 18th August 2006 till 21st January 2007. The exhibition included icons and other sacred objects from monasteries on Mount Athos seen for the first time outside Greece.
Athos - Monastic Life on the Holy Mountain is an impressive and richly illustrated overview of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art. Its carrying theme is the Holy Mount Athos (Agios Oros) and its 20 monasteries, which have guarded the heritage of Byzantine art for more than a thousand years.
The book presents a total of more than 400 artworks including Athonite works of art and other items - icons, manuscripts, documents, paper icons, woodcuts, liturgical objects and church textiles - from monasteries on Mount Athos and museums in Russia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus and Germany. Some of the works have been published first time in this book. The life in the monastic community of Mount Athos is also illustrated with documents, photographs, contemporary artworks, and other objects. Articles by experts shed light on the Byzatine world, its art and monastic life from cultural, historical and theological perspectives.
The writers of the more extensive articles are Metropolitan Ambrosius of Helsinki, Rene Gothoni, Bishop Arseni of Joensuu, Juri Piatnitski from the Hermitage, Ljudmila Tarasenko from the Andrei Rublev Museum, Nadeza Pivovarova from the Russian Museum, and Haralampos G. Hotzakoglu and Ioannis A. Iliadis from Cyprus. The book begins with blessings from the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew, Finnish Archbishop Leo, and a foreword by the Director for the Helsinki City Art Museum Berndt Arell.
Publisher: Maahenki Oy (2007)
344 pp., 207 x 302 mm, full colour, bound, hardcover.