1. Elektroniset sanakirjat
  2. Large Universal English-Russian-English dictionary. Yli 1 000 000 termiä. Toinen, korjattu painos. Yleissanakirja.

Large Universal English-Russian-English dictionary. Yli 1 000 000 termiä. Toinen, korjattu painos. Yleissanakirja.

Англо-русский и русско-английский большой общелексический словарь. Более 1 000 000 поисковых слов. Второе, расширенное издание.
Large Universal English-Russian-English dictionary. Yli 1 000 000 termiä. Toinen, korjattu painos. Yleissanakirja.
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Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/Windows 7/ Windows 8/Windows 10
40.00 € 32.26 € veroton
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2nd edition of Large Universal English-Russian-English dictionary Polyglossum is significantly extended in comparison with 1st edition. Accents are marked in Russian words.
Large Universal English-Russian-English dictionary Polyglossum can be recommended both for users who study language and for professional translation. It is also good idea to use it together with sector-specialized dictionaries.

This Large Universal English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary of common lexis (for Polyglossum, © ETS Publishing House) - really is large. See articles in magazines (Computerra, Hard & Soft), Levin's book "Useful programs". This dictionary contains about a 1 000 000 search words in both languages. Polyglossum can search words not only on headings of articles, but also inside an entry, inside examples etc., so in real much more than a 1 000 000 translations can be found.
This dictionary will satisfy all your translational inquiries and wishes. It is difficult to find a word which would not be in this electronic dictionary.
This Large Universal English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary is structured as the usual paper dictionary. A unique difference is that you should not search for something in several-volumes book. By a few mouse clicks or a key press you can find all possible translations of a word. You browse the dictionary scrolling alphabetic list of English or Russian words, or to type word to be sought. Each of words in dictionary text can be used as cross-reference to find more info.
The dictionary is author's assembly of new Russian and English most popular and modern words and phrases, and also includes idioms, phraseological units and examples of use of words in both languages. It can be used not only as the tool for translation, but also by English-speaking people studying Russian, and by Russian speaking people studying English.
Dictionary contains also jargons, slang, words and expressions of "language of street", language of daily dialogue, etc. In addition to "everyday" lexis, reasonable number of most common words on special topics included. Business, banking, insurance, legal, technical and science, computers, software, Internet, mobile communication, modern technologies, automobile equipment, motorcycles, etc.
This dictionary can be useful both for professional translators and students.
Polyglossum program allows to install several dictionaries (separate dictionary files), and allow one-step search in all installed dictionaries. For example one can install additionally: the economic dictionary – 200 000 search terms, the polytechnic (techniques and science) dictionary - more than 1 200 000 search terms, etc. About 50 English-Russian-English dictionaries are available in our online shop. These can cover almost any needs of professional translator.
In addition, Polyglossum program also provide special "user's dictionary". Polyglossum allows to add new words to "user's dictionary" and to edit is "on-the-run". When searching in any of dictionaries Polyglossum also shows result of searching in "user's dictionary".

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2nd edition of Large Universal English-Russian-English dictionary Polyglossum is significantly extended in comparison with 1st edition. Accents are marked in Russian words.
Large Universal English-Russian-English dictionary Polyglossum can be recommended both for users who study language and for professional translation. It is also good idea to use it together with sector-specialized dictionaries.

This Large Universal English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary of common lexis (for Polyglossum, © ETS Publishing House) - really is large. See articles in magazines (Computerra, Hard & Soft), Levin's book "Useful programs". This dictionary contains about a 1 000 000 search words in both languages. Polyglossum can search words not only on headings of articles, but also inside an entry, inside examples etc., so in real much more than a 1 000 000 translations can be found.
This dictionary will satisfy all your translational inquiries and wishes. It is difficult to find a word which would not be in this electronic dictionary.
This Large Universal English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary is structured as the usual paper dictionary. A unique difference is that you should not search for something in several-volumes book. By a few mouse clicks or a key press you can find all possible translations of a word. You browse the dictionary scrolling alphabetic list of English or Russian words, or to type word to be sought. Each of words in dictionary text can be used as cross-reference to find more info.
The dictionary is author's assembly of new Russian and English most popular and modern words and phrases, and also includes idioms, phraseological units and examples of use of words in both languages. It can be used not only as the tool for translation, but also by English-speaking people studying Russian, and by Russian speaking people studying English.
Dictionary contains also jargons, slang, words and expressions of "language of street", language of daily dialogue, etc. In addition to "everyday" lexis, reasonable number of most common words on special topics included. Business, banking, insurance, legal, technical and science, computers, software, Internet, mobile communication, modern technologies, automobile equipment, motorcycles, etc.
This dictionary can be useful both for professional translators and students.
Polyglossum program allows to install several dictionaries (separate dictionary files), and allow one-step search in all installed dictionaries. For example one can install additionally: the economic dictionary – 200 000 search terms, the polytechnic (techniques and science) dictionary - more than 1 200 000 search terms, etc. About 50 English-Russian-English dictionaries are available in our online shop. These can cover almost any needs of professional translator.
In addition, Polyglossum program also provide special "user's dictionary". Polyglossum allows to add new words to "user's dictionary" and to edit is "on-the-run". When searching in any of dictionaries Polyglossum also shows result of searching in "user's dictionary".
Второе издание Англо-русско-английского Большого общелексического словаря Polyglossum существенно расширено по сравнению с первым изданием. В русских словах проставлены ударения.

Этот Большой общелексический Англо-Русско-Английский словарь в электронной форме – в словарной программе Polyglossum 3.5.5 - действительно большой (по оценке многих специалистов - это самый большой и современный общелексический англо-русско-английский словарь – см. статьи в журналах Компьютерра, Хард-н-Софт, книге Левина "Полезные программы" и т.п.). Этот словарь Polyglossum англо-русской и русско-английской общей лексики содержит около 1 000 000 поисковых терминов на обоих языках. При этом, поиск в Polyglossum новой версии V.3.5.5 осуществляется не только по заголовкам статей (словам, выражениям и фразам), но и по любому слову внутри словарной статьи, внутри выражения.

Этот словарь удовлетворит все Ваши переводческие запросы и пожелания. Действительно, трудно найти слово, которого не было бы в этом электронном словаре Полиглоссум.

Легким движением мыши или горячей клавиши Вы можете перевести слово или фразу менее, чем за доли секунды. Вы можете использовать полосы прокрутки, что бы просмотреть алфавитный список слов английского или русского регистра, чтобы посмотреть близлежащие слова, фразы и выражения к искомому Вами термину. Поиск можно также можно осуществлять набором с клавиатуры, т.е. просто напечатать слово или его часть в строке для поиска словаря Polyglossum. Уже во время печатания слова начинается поиск. Каждая правильно введенная буква приближает Вас к нужной позиции в словаре. Вы никогда не тратите время на поиск. И даже если Вы наберете слово неправильно (с ошибкой или опечаткой) – словарь все равно покажет Вам искомое слово или близлежащее к нему."

Словарь является авторским собранием новых русских и английских широкоиспользуемых слов и фраз, а также включает идиомы, фразеологизмы и примеры использования слов обоих языков. Он может служить не только инструментом для перевода, но и справочником для англоговорящих людей, изучающих русский язык, и для русскоговорящих, изучающих английский. В словаре приводятся многочисленные контекстно-зависимые примеры.
Vtoroe izdanie Anglo-russko-anglijskogo Bolshogo obscheleksicheskogo slovarja Polyglossum suschestvenno rasshireno po sravneniju s pervym izdaniem. V russkikh slovakh prostavleny udarenija.

Etot Bolshoj obscheleksicheskij Anglo-Russko-Anglijskij slovar v elektronnoj forme – v slovarnoj programme Polyglossum 3.5.5 - dejstvitelno bolshoj (po otsenke mnogikh spetsialistov - eto samyj bolshoj i sovremennyj obscheleksicheskij anglo-russko-anglijskij slovar – sm. stati v zhurnalakh Kompjuterra, Khard-n-Soft, knige Levina "Poleznye programmy" i t.p.). Etot slovar Polyglossum anglo-russkoj i russko-anglijskoj obschej leksiki soderzhit okolo 1 000 000 poiskovykh terminov na oboikh jazykakh. Pri etom, poisk v Polyglossum novoj versii V.3.5.5 osuschestvljaetsja ne tolko po zagolovkam statej (slovam, vyrazhenijam i frazam), no i po ljubomu slovu vnutri slovarnoj stati, vnutri vyrazhenija.

Etot slovar udovletvorit vse Vashi perevodcheskie zaprosy i pozhelanija. Dejstvitelno, trudno najti slovo, kotorogo ne bylo by v etom elektronnom slovare Poliglossum.

Legkim dvizheniem myshi ili gorjachej klavishi Vy mozhete perevesti slovo ili frazu menee, chem za doli sekundy. Vy mozhete ispolzovat polosy prokrutki, chto by prosmotret alfavitnyj spisok slov anglijskogo ili russkogo registra, chtoby posmotret blizlezhaschie slova, frazy i vyrazhenija k iskomomu Vami terminu. Poisk mozhno takzhe mozhno osuschestvljat naborom s klaviatury, t.e. prosto napechatat slovo ili ego chast v stroke dlja poiska slovarja Polyglossum. Uzhe vo vremja pechatanija slova nachinaetsja poisk. Kazhdaja pravilno vvedennaja bukva priblizhaet Vas k nuzhnoj pozitsii v slovare. Vy nikogda ne tratite vremja na poisk. I dazhe esli Vy naberete slovo nepravilno (s oshibkoj ili opechatkoj) – slovar vse ravno pokazhet Vam iskomoe slovo ili blizlezhaschee k nemu."

Slovar javljaetsja avtorskim sobraniem novykh russkikh i anglijskikh shirokoispolzuemykh slov i fraz, a takzhe vkljuchaet idiomy, frazeologizmy i primery ispolzovanija slov oboikh jazykov. On mozhet sluzhit ne tolko instrumentom dlja perevoda, no i spravochnikom dlja anglogovorjaschikh ljudej, izuchajuschikh russkij jazyk, i dlja russkogovorjaschikh, izuchajuschikh anglijskij. V slovare privodjatsja mnogochislennye kontekstno-zavisimye primery.
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