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  5. I Was Born in the Ninety-Fourth, I Was Born in the Ninety-Second... Concerto for mixed choir a cappella to the verses by Osip Mandelstam

I Was Born in the Ninety-Fourth, I Was Born in the Ninety-Second... Concerto for mixed choir a cappella to the verses by Osip Mandelstam

Я рожден в девяносто четвертом, я рожден в девяносто втором. Концерт для смешанного хора a cappella на стихи Осипа Мандельштама
I Was Born in the Ninety-Fourth, I Was Born in the Ninety-Second... Concerto for mixed choir a cappella to the verses by Osip Mandelstam
12.00 € 10.53 € veroton
Lähetetään 2 viikon sisällä tilauksesta
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Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (born in 1952) is the Petersburgian composer, whose passion is choral and pedagogical activity. The "Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg" has already edited his collection of ecclesiastic and secular works to the verses by A. Pushkin, A. Fet, A. Tyutchev, M. Tsvetayeva, I. Annensky, B. Pasternak, A. Tarkovsky, Yu. Morits, so as his cycles "Cypress Casket" to the verses by Innokentiy Annensky and "Birth of Wing" to Yunna Morits, Small Cantata to the verses of the German poets living in the 17th century translated to Russian by Lev Ginsburg, choral triptych to Avetik Isaakyan, three choruses to the Latin American poets translated to Russian by Viktor Viktorov.
The compositions by Dmitri Smirnov have already entered the stock of different choirs in Russia and all over the world.
Poetry is akin to vocal. Their natures are alike. Pronounced word strives for being poured to the sung word.
However, the special miracle of choral singing is in the mostly sacred chamber pitch, illusory tuning fork of the lyrical poetry making everyone follow the common breath. Chamber choral genre is distinct for the really fantastic singularity attracting every listener, simultaneously cherishing frail misterious atmosphere.
Such dubious aspect opens the outlook of the individual single soul, meanwhile surrounded by the same common destiny. This is the main feature of Osip Mandelstam's creation. How very resplendent is the amalgamated ambiences of the great unique intricate poet and the genius of choral art.
The Concerto refers to the 1990. The same time it was firstly performed by the St. Petersburg Chamber choir conducted by Nicolai Kornev. The premi? re took place in Switzerland. Since that the Concerto has been on roll all over the world. In 1993 it was recorded to the CD by the chamber choir joyful Company Singers conducted by Peter Broadbent.


1. As Aortas of Mine are Bloodshot...
2. Fragile Mould's Getting Thinner...
3. This Must Be the Apex of Insanity...
4. Your Frail Shoulders Are to Be Stained in Red...
5. My Silent Dream...
6. I'm so as the Others...
7. The Tiny Body Like a Wing...
8. Oh, How Much I Crave, Being but not Recognized by Anyone...
9. My Age
Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (born in 1952) is the Petersburgian composer, whose passion is choral and pedagogical activity. The "Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg" has already edited his collection of ecclesiastic and secular works to the verses by A. Pushkin, A. Fet, A. Tyutchev, M. Tsvetayeva, I. Annensky, B. Pasternak, A. Tarkovsky, Yu. Morits, so as his cycles "Cypress Casket" to the verses by Innokentiy Annensky and "Birth of Wing" to Yunna Morits, Small Cantata to the verses of the German poets living in the 17th century translated to Russian by Lev Ginsburg, choral triptych to Avetik Isaakyan, three choruses to the Latin American poets translated to Russian by Viktor Viktorov.
The compositions by Dmitri Smirnov have already entered the stock of different choirs in Russia and all over the world.
Poetry is akin to vocal. Their natures are alike. Pronounced word strives for being poured to the sung word.
However, the special miracle of choral singing is in the mostly sacred chamber pitch, illusory tuning fork of the lyrical poetry making everyone follow the common breath. Chamber choral genre is distinct for the really fantastic singularity attracting every listener, simultaneously cherishing frail misterious atmosphere.
Such dubious aspect opens the outlook of the individual single soul, meanwhile surrounded by the same common destiny. This is the main feature of Osip Mandelstam's creation. How very resplendent is the amalgamated ambiences of the great unique intricate poet and the genius of choral art.
The Concerto refers to the 1990. The same time it was firstly performed by the St. Petersburg Chamber choir conducted by Nicolai Kornev. The premi? re took place in Switzerland. Since that the Concerto has been on roll all over the world. In 1993 it was recorded to the CD by the chamber choir joyful Company Singers conducted by Peter Broadbent.


1. As Aortas of Mine are Bloodshot...
2. Fragile Mould's Getting Thinner...
3. This Must Be the Apex of Insanity...
4. Your Frail Shoulders Are to Be Stained in Red...
5. My Silent Dream...
6. I'm so as the Others...
7. The Tiny Body Like a Wing...
8. Oh, How Much I Crave, Being but not Recognized by Anyone...
9. My Age
Дмитрий Валентинович Смирнов (р. 1952) - петербургский композитор, чья творческая индивидуальность неразрывно связана с областью его деятельности как хормейстера и педагога. Сочинения Дмитрия Смирнова давно стали репертуарными хоровыми сочинениями, их исполняют отечественные и зарубежные хоровые коллективы.
Концерт был создан в 1990 году, в том же году впервые прозвучал в исполнении Санкт-Петербургского камерного хора под управлением Николая Корнева в Швейцарии. С тех пор концерт многократно исполнялся в России и за рубежом. Записан в Великобритании на компакт-диск (1993) камерным хором Joyful Company Singers под управлением Питера Бродбента (Peter Broadbent).


1. Наливаются кровью аорты...
2. Истончается тонкий тлен...
3. Может быть, это точка безумия...
4. Твоим узким плечам под бичами краснеть...
5. Мой тихий сон...
6. Я наравне с другими...
7. Как тельце маленькое крылышком...
8. О, как же я хочу, не чуемый никем...
9. Век
Dmitrij Valentinovich Smirnov (r. 1952) - peterburgskij kompozitor, chja tvorcheskaja individualnost nerazryvno svjazana s oblastju ego dejatelnosti kak khormejstera i pedagoga. Sochinenija Dmitrija Smirnova davno stali repertuarnymi khorovymi sochinenijami, ikh ispolnjajut otechestvennye i zarubezhnye khorovye kollektivy.
Kontsert byl sozdan v 1990 godu, v tom zhe godu vpervye prozvuchal v ispolnenii Sankt-Peterburgskogo kamernogo khora pod upravleniem Nikolaja Korneva v Shvejtsarii. S tekh por kontsert mnogokratno ispolnjalsja v Rossii i za rubezhom. Zapisan v Velikobritanii na kompakt-disk (1993) kamernym khorom Joyful Company Singers pod upravleniem Pitera Brodbenta (Peter Broadbent).


1. Nalivajutsja krovju aorty...
2. Istonchaetsja tonkij tlen...
3. Mozhet byt, eto tochka bezumija...
4. Tvoim uzkim plecham pod bichami krasnet...
5. Moj tikhij son...
6. Ja naravne s drugimi...
7. Kak teltse malenkoe krylyshkom...
8. O, kak zhe ja khochu, ne chuemyj nikem...
9. Vek
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