This is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary set of works that must be studied during the...
1."На улице дождь поливает"
2."Как по морю синему"
3."Как во саду"
4."Жили да были два братца"
5."Ты взойди, солнце красное"
6."Уж как по лесу"-"Как по сеням"
7."По бережку, да по крутому"
This is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary set of works that must be studied during the...
This is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary set of works that must be studied during the...
"The Golden Lyre" consists of two sections: Russian and foreign composers. It is called upon to perform a difficult task - to give an idea of the development of musical art over the past three centuries.
"Piano" for the 3rd grade is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary set of works that must be...
This is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary set of works that must be studied during the...
This is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary...
"Piano" for the 2nd grade is included in the series of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all grades of the children's music school. The collection provides pupils with the necessary material to...
This is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary...
Данная книга крупного музыковеда и педагога И. В. Способина уже многие годы служит фундаментальным систематическим пособием для освоения первоначальной музыкальной грамматики. В ней изложены сведения по...