Violinist's Music Folder 1. Elementary School. Exercises and Scales. Etudes. Pieces and Ensembles. Concertos.
Including 3 books and a CD with piano accompaniment. Accompaniment on CD - without...
The study guide in its three editions covers five years of learning to play the piano. It is a generalization of the vast pedagogical experience of teachers of the Central Music School at the Moscow State...
The study guide in its three editions covers five years of learning to play the piano. It is a generalization of the vast pedagogical experience of teachers of the Central Music School at the Moscow State...
W.A. Mozart. Fragment from the Symphony No. 40
L van Beethoven. Fragment from the Symphony No 5
G. Bizet. Couplets of Eskamilio from the opera Carmen
Р. Tchaikovsky. Dance of the Sugar plum fairy from...
Учебное пособие своими тремя выпусками охватывает пять лет обучения игре на фортепиано. Оно является обобщением обширного педагогического опыта преподавателей Центральной музыкальной школы при Московской...
Vihko nro 1
Samanmielisten ihmisten koulutus
Seniorikuoron ohjelmisto. Länsi-Euroopan klassisten säveltäjien musiikkia
Samanmielisten ihmisten koulutus
Jotkut renessanssin laulumusiikin esittämisen...
We are happy to present the Music Folders from the "Golden Library of the Pedagogical Repertoire".
For your convenience, the music material is classified by genre and...