1. Abonnements aux périodiques
  2. Magazines de politique générale
  3. Region: Regional Studies Of Russia, Eastern Europe, And Central Asia

Region: Regional Studies Of Russia, Eastern Europe, And Central Asia

Region: Regional Studies Of Russia, Eastern Europe, And Central Asia
Pays d'origine
No de publication
2 numéros par an
L’abonnement minimale
6 mois / 1 numéro
Prix incl. livraison
en Finlande:
78.00 €
à d'autres pays:
96.00 € 87.28 € hors TVA
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REGION: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia is a peer-reviewed international journal that explores the history and current political, economic, and social affairs of the entire former Soviet bloc.
Region is a peer-reviewed international journal that explores the history and current political, economic, and social affairs of the entire former Soviet bloc. In particular, the journal focuses on various facets of transformation at the local and national levels in the aforementioned regions, as well as the changing character of their relationships with the rest of the world in the context of globalization, a perspective that stresses both local adaptation to global phenomena and that adaptation’s transnational or even global significance.
Region is published by Slavica on behalf of the Institute of Russian Studies at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
"РЕГИОН: Региональные исследования России, Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии" - международный рецензируемый журнал, в котором освещаются история и текущие политические, экономические и социальные вопросы всего бывшего советского блока.
"REGION: Regionalnye issledovanija Rossii, Vostochnoj Evropy i Tsentralnoj Azii" - mezhdunarodnyj retsenziruemyj zhurnal, v kotorom osveschajutsja istorija i tekuschie politicheskie, ekonomicheskie i sotsialnye voprosy vsego byvshego sovetskogo bloka.
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