1. Marchandises
  2. Souvenirs
  3. Matrioshka
  4. Matreshka Matryoshka (Nesting doll) Flowers 7 items (art. 141)

Matreshka Matryoshka (Nesting doll) Flowers 7 items (art. 141)

Матрешка Цветы 7 мест (арт. 141)
Matreshka Matryoshka (Nesting doll) Flowers 7 items (art. 141)
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Ah, matreshka - the painted soul of Russia! Souvenir and toy, symbol and legend.
The nesting souvenir is more than a symbol of Russian folk art, it is a national treasure and national pride.
Usually, they are purchased as mementos. Traditional Russian dolls will be a great souvenir for a foreign guest, an international delegation, a colleague from abroad or a collector. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time, since it carries a piece of original Russian culture.
It's a handmade gift "with soul", which will leave the memory of Russia and the presenter.

Matryoshka doll, 7 items in one set.
Size 20 x 10 cm
The first Matryoshka ´s height is 20 cm, diameter is 10 cm
Hand painting.
Hand made in Russia.
Maatuska, 7 kpl setissä
Koko 20 x 10 cm
Isoimman Maatuskan korkeus on 20 cm, halkaisija on 10 cm
Käsityönä tehty Venäjällä

Ah, matreshka - the painted soul of Russia! Souvenir and toy, symbol and legend.
The nesting souvenir is more than a symbol of Russian folk art, it is a national treasure and national pride.
Usually, they are purchased as mementos. Traditional Russian dolls will be a great souvenir for a foreign guest, an international delegation, a colleague from abroad or a collector. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time, since it carries a piece of original Russian culture.
It's a handmade gift "with soul", which will leave the memory of Russia and the presenter.

Ах, матрешка – расписная душа России! Сувенир и игрушка, символ и легенда.
Матрешка сувенир – это больше, чем символ русского народного искусства, это национальное достояние и народная гордость.
Как правило, их приобретают в качестве памятных подарков. Традиционные русские куклы станут прекрасным сувениром для иностранного гостя, международной делегации, коллеги из-за рубежа или коллекционера. Такой подарок запомнится на долгое время, поскольку он несет в себе частичку самобытной русской культуры.
Перед Вами - подарок ручной работы "с душой", который оставит память о России и дарителе.

Mатрешка 7 мест .
Ручная роспись. Материал - дерево, гуашь, лак.
Высота 20 см
Диаметр 10 см
Сделано в России
Akh, matreshka – raspisnaja dusha Rossii! Suvenir i igrushka, simvol i legenda.
Matreshka suvenir – eto bolshe, chem simvol russkogo narodnogo iskusstva, eto natsionalnoe dostojanie i narodnaja gordost.
Kak pravilo, ikh priobretajut v kachestve pamjatnykh podarkov. Traditsionnye russkie kukly stanut prekrasnym suvenirom dlja inostrannogo gostja, mezhdunarodnoj delegatsii, kollegi iz-za rubezha ili kollektsionera. Takoj podarok zapomnitsja na dolgoe vremja, poskolku on neset v sebe chastichku samobytnoj russkoj kultury.
Pered Vami - podarok ruchnoj raboty "s dushoj", kotoryj ostavit pamjat o Rossii i daritele.

Matreshka 7 mest .
Ruchnaja rospis. Material - derevo, guash, lak.
Vysota 20 sm
Diametr 10 sm
Sdelano v Rossii
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