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  4. Tam, na nevedomykh dorozhkakh... (Along unknown paths)

Tam, na nevedomykh dorozhkakh... (Along unknown paths)

Там, на неведомых дорожках...
Tam, na nevedomykh dorozhkakh... (Along unknown paths)
Metteur en scène
Type de média audio
DVD PAL + NTSC , zone : ALL
Sous-titre en
Des mesures
190/140/20 mm
Année de publication
Année de film
Durée - heures:minutes
Le produit n'est plus disponible
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Le célèbre écrivain pour enfants Edouard Ouspenski est l’auteur de Tchébourachka et du Crocodile Guéna, de « L’école de clowns » et « En descendant le fleuve magique », ce dernier livre ayant inspiré cet admirable film, un des meilleurs films pour enfants des années 80-90, une oeuvre pleine d’humour bienveillante, avec l’incomparable Tatiana Peltzer dans le rôle de la fée Carabosse!
C’est l’histoire du petit Mitia qui se rend en vacances chez sa grand-mère qui vit à la campagne, et où il vivra nombre d’aventures tant amusantes que périlleuses. Mitia ne savait même pas que sa grand-mère est en réalité… la bonne fée Carabosse en personne qui a livré combat contre le redoutable et perfide Kaschéi l’Enchanteur (merveilleusement interprété par Alexandre Filippenko) et le brigand Rossignol (Oleg Anofriev)…
The wonderful children’s author Eduard Uspensky has give us Cheburashka and Crocodile Ghena, “School of Clowns” and “Down Along the Magical River”, on which this magnificent film is based, one of the best children’s films of the 1980s-1990s. A very witty, kind and merry film! Just watch Tatiana Peltser alone as Baba-Yaga!
Going to vacation at his grandmother’s in a village, the boy Mitya could never imagine that he would become a participant of the extraordinary adventures in a fairy-tale land. And all this because his grandma is Baba-Yaga, albeit a kind one… Together with his grandma Yagorovna, Vasilissa the Wisest, House Spirit and Russian Herculeses, Mitya came out to fight the army of Koschei the Deathless (a fine work by Alexander Filippenko), One-Eyed Evil and Nightingale the Robber (Oleg Anofriyev)… You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
Varastonumero: 401860
(Suom. Tuntemattomia teitä pitkin.) Elokuva pohjautuu rakastetun lastenkirjailija Edouard Uspenskyn satuun. Mitya-poika on menossa aivan tavalliselle vierailulle isoäitinsä luo. Hän kuitenkin päätyy satumaisiin seikkailuihin, sillä hänen isoäitinsä onkin noita, vaikkakin kiltti sellainen. Mitya joutuu taistelemaan kuolematonta Koscheita, yksisilmäistä pahaa ja muita taikaolentoja vastaan Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
The wonderful children’s author Eduard Uspensky has give us Cheburashka and Crocodile Ghena, “School of Clowns” and “Down Along the Magical River”, on which this magnificent film is based, one of the best children’s films of the 1980s-1990s. A very witty, kind and merry film! Just watch Tatiana Peltser alone as Baba-Yaga!
Going to vacation at his grandmother’s in a village, the boy Mitya could never imagine that he would become a participant of the extraordinary adventures in a fairy-tale land. And all this because his grandma is Baba-Yaga, albeit a kind one… Together with his grandma Yagorovna, Vasilissa the Wisest, House Spirit and Russian Herculeses, Mitya came out to fight the army of Koschei the Deathless (a fine work by Alexander Filippenko), One-Eyed Evil and Nightingale the Robber (Oleg Anofriyev)…
The wonderful children’s author Eduard Uspensky has give us Cheburashka and Crocodile Ghena, “School of Clowns” and “Down Along the Magical River”, on which this magnificent film is based, one of the best children’s films of the 1980s-1990s. A very witty, kind and merry film! Just watch Tatiana Peltser alone as Baba-Yaga!
Going to vacation at his grandmother’s in a village, the boy Mitya could never imagine that he would become a participant of the extraordinary adventures in a fairy-tale land. And all this because his grandma is Baba-Yaga, albeit a kind one… Together with his grandma Yagorovna, Vasilissa the Wisest, House Spirit and Russian Herculeses, Mitya came out to fight the army of Koschei the Deathless (a fine work by Alexander Filippenko), One-Eyed Evil and Nightingale the Robber (Oleg Anofriyev)…
Замечательный детский писатель Эдуард Успенский подарил нам Чебурашку и Крокодила Гену, "Школу клоунов" и "Вниз по волшебной реке", по которой и снят этот великолепный фильм - один из лучших детских фильмов 80-90-х гг. Очень остроумный, добрый и веселый! Одна Баба-Яга в исполнении Татьяны Пельтцер чего стоит! Отправляясь на каникулы к бабушке в деревню, мальчик Митя не знал, что ему предстоит стать участником необыкновенных приключений в сказочной стране. А все потому, что бабушка у него — Баба-Яга, но добрая… Вместе с бабушкой Ягоровной, Василисой Премудрой, Домовым и русскими богатырями Митя вступил в борьбу против войска Кащея Бессмертного (очень хорошая работа Александра Филиппенко), Лиха Одноглазого и Соловья-разбойника (Олег Анофриев).
Полная реставрация изображения и звука. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Zamechatelnyj detskij pisatel Eduard Uspenskij podaril nam Cheburashku i Krokodila Genu, "Shkolu klounov" i "Vniz po volshebnoj reke", po kotoroj i snjat etot velikolepnyj film - odin iz luchshikh detskikh filmov 80-90-kh gg. Ochen ostroumnyj, dobryj i veselyj! Odna Baba-Jaga v ispolnenii Tatjany Pelttser chego stoit! Otpravljajas na kanikuly k babushke v derevnju, malchik Mitja ne znal, chto emu predstoit stat uchastnikom neobyknovennykh prikljuchenij v skazochnoj strane. A vse potomu, chto babushka u nego — Baba-Jaga, no dobraja… Vmeste s babushkoj Jagorovnoj, Vasilisoj Premudroj, Domovym i russkimi bogatyrjami Mitja vstupil v borbu protiv vojska Kascheja Bessmertnogo (ochen khoroshaja rabota Aleksandra Filippenko), Likha Odnoglazogo i Solovja-razbojnika (Oleg Anofriev).
Polnaja restavratsija izobrazhenija i zvuka. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.