1. Films DVD
  2. Films de guerre
  3. Ballada o soldate / Ballad of a soldier

Ballada o soldate / Ballad of a soldier

Баллада о солдате / Ballad of a soldier
Ballada o soldate / Ballad of a soldier
Metteur en scène
Type de média audio
DVD PAL + NTSC , zone : ALL
Des mesures
190/140/20 mm
Année de publication
Année de film
Durée - heures:minutes
Le produit n'est plus disponible
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Ce film a connu une carrière triomphale dans le monde entier. Le soldat russe Aliocha Skvortsov, son héros principal, est l’un de ces millions d’hommes dont l’abnégation a permis de remporter la victoire sur les fascistes. Ni monsieur muscle ni conquérant, c’est un simple garçon qui est à deux doigts de prendre la fuite à la vue du premier char ennemi. Il parvient cependant à se maîtriser et détruit même deux tanks coup sur coup (au reste, les scènes de guerre sont peu nombreuses dans le film). L’exploit d’Aliocha est récompensé par une courte permission qui va lui permettre de rendre visite à sa mère. Pendant le trajet, il croise une foule de gens en difficulté et tâche de se rendre utile à chacun. Si bien que lorsqu’il arrive enfin dans son village natal, il ne dispose plus que de quelques minutes pour embrasser sa maman, échanger quelques brèves paroles et reprendre le chemin du front d’où il ne reviendra jamais.
This film had a triumphant run over the world’s movie screens. The main hero is a Russian soldier, Alyosha Skvortsov, one of the many who made the victory over Fascism possible. He is neither an action movie hero, nor a conqueror. This simple boy, who was panic-stricken at the first sight of an enemy tank, overcomes his fear and manages to hit two enemy machines. However, battle scenes do not take much of the film’s time. For his fighting exploits Alyosha is awarded a two-day’s leave to visit his mother. He meets many different people on his way and is ready to help everybody. That leaves him just a few minutes to spend with his mother – a few words, a hug, and he is off for the front again… to never come back. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Balladi sotilaasta.) Elokuvan päähenkilö on venäläinen sotilas Alyosha Skvortsov, yksi heistä, joka mahdollisti voiton fasisteista. Hän ei ole perinteinen toimintaelokuvan sankari eikä valloittaja. Tämä tavallinen poika, joka panikoi nähdessään vihollisen tankin ensimmäistä kertaa, voittaa pelkonsa ja onnistuu osumaan kahteen tankkiin, mistä hän saa kahden päivän loman käydäkseen äitinsä luona. Taistelukohtaukset eivät hallitse elokuvaa, vaan pääosassa on Alyoshan matka äidin luo. Hän kohtaa paljon ihmisiä ja on valmis auttamaan kaikkia. Näin ollen hänelle jää vain pari minuuttia vietettäväksi äidin kanssa – muutama sana ja halaus ja poika on taas lähtenyt rintamalle... eikä ikinä palaa. Elokuva on voittanut monta kansainvälistä palkintoa ja se oli myös ehdolla parhaan alkuperäisen käsikirjoituksen Oscariin. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
This film had a triumphant run over the world’s movie screens. The main hero is a Russian soldier, Alyosha Skvortsov, one of the many who made the victory over Fascism possible. He is neither an action movie hero, nor a conqueror. This simple boy, who was panic-stricken at the first sight of an enemy tank, overcomes his fear and manages to hit two enemy machines. However, battle scenes do not take much of the film’s time. For his fighting exploits Alyosha is awarded a two-day’s leave to visit his mother. He meets many different people on his way and is ready to help everybody. That leaves him just a few minutes to spend with his mother – a few words, a hug, and he is off for the front again… to never come back.
This film had a triumphant run over the world’s movie screens. The main hero is a Russian soldier, Alyosha Skvortsov, one of the many who made the victory over Fascism possible. He is neither an action movie hero, nor a conqueror. This simple boy, who was panic-stricken at the first sight of an enemy tank, overcomes his fear and manages to hit two enemy machines. However, battle scenes do not take much of the film’s time. For his fighting exploits Alyosha is awarded a two-day’s leave to visit his mother. He meets many different people on his way and is ready to help everybody. That leaves him just a few minutes to spend with his mother – a few words, a hug, and he is off for the front again… to never come back.
This film had a triumphant run over the world’s movie screens. The main hero is a Russian soldier, Alyosha Skvortsov, one of the many who made the victory over Fascism possible. He is neither an action movie hero, nor a conqueror. This simple boy, who was panic-stricken at the first sight of an enemy tank, overcomes his fear and manages to hit two enemy machines. However, battle scenes do not take much of the film’s time. For his fighting exploits Alyosha is awarded a two-day’s leave to visit his mother. He meets many different people on his way and is ready to help everybody. That leaves him just a few minutes to spend with his mother – a few words, a hug, and he is off for the front again… to never come back.
Этот фильм триумфально прошел по экранам всего мира. Главный герой - русский солдат Алеша Скворцов, один из многих, кому принадлежит победа над фашистами. За боевую храбрость Алешу награждают двухдневным отпуском, и тот отправляется навестить мать. По дороге он встречает много разных людей и готов помочь каждому. И вот на свидание с матерью остается буквально несколько минут. Чтобы обнять ее на прощание, перекинуться парой слов, и снова на фронт... И никогда не вернуться обратно. В наличии русские, английские, французские, японские обложки
Etot film triumfalno proshel po ekranam vsego mira. Glavnyj geroj - russkij soldat Alesha Skvortsov, odin iz mnogikh, komu prinadlezhit pobeda nad fashistami. Za boevuju khrabrost Aleshu nagrazhdajut dvukhdnevnym otpuskom, i tot otpravljaetsja navestit mat. Po doroge on vstrechaet mnogo raznykh ljudej i gotov pomoch kazhdomu. I vot na svidanie s materju ostaetsja bukvalno neskolko minut. Chtoby obnjat ee na proschanie, perekinutsja paroj slov, i snova na front... I nikogda ne vernutsja obratno. V nalichii russkie, anglijskie, frantsuzskie, japonskie oblozhki