1. Films DVD
  2. Mélodrames
  3. Osennij marafon/Autumn marthon

Osennij marafon/Autumn marthon

Осенний марафон
Osennij marafon/Autumn marthon
Metteur en scène
Type de média audio
DVD PAL + NTSC , zone : ALL
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Durée - heures:minutes
Le produit n'est plus disponible
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Bouzykine, le héros de cette tragi-comédie, est un homme sensible toujours prêt à aider son prochain et par conséquent terriblement sollicité. Manquant de caractère, il ne pense guère à soi et cela lui complique terriblement la vie. Son problème est de faire un choix, de donner la préférence à celui-ci ou à cela, y compris dans sa vie privée. Ne voulant pas peiner son amante, bien malgré lui il fait souffrir son épouse, et de toute manière, est incapable de prendre une décision définitive. Au reste, il va enfin tenter de changer le cours ordinaire des choses, et la chose semblerait réussir.
The main character of this tragicomedy, Bouzykine, has a gift for attracting people. He is always ready to offer his helping hand and cannot refuse anyone. A kind and gentle person, Bouzykine never thinks about himself, thus getting in all kinds of complicated situations. Making a choice, showing a preference for something or somebody at the expense of others is always a problem for him. This goes for his private life, too. Unwilling to cause pain to his mistress, he unintentionally hurts his wife, unable to make a final decision till the last moment. However, he tries to change the habitual course of events, and almost succeeds.
You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Syysmaratoni.) Elokuvan päähenkilö Buzykin on äärimmäisen kiltti mies, joka miellyttää ja hurmaa kaikki – muttei osaa sanoa ei. Hän valitsee aina muiden edun ennen omaansa eikä varsinkaan halua suututtaa ketään. Tämä tietysti tuottaa vaikeuksia joka rintamalla. Buzykin yrittää kuitenkin muuttaa tyyliään ja melkein onnistuukin... Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
The main character of this tragicomedy, Bouzykine, has a gift for attracting people. He is always ready to offer his helping hand and cannot refuse anyone. A kind and gentle person, Bouzykine never thinks about himself, thus getting in all kinds of complicated situations. Making a choice, showing a preference for something or somebody at the expense of others is always a problem for him. This goes for his private life, too. Unwilling to cause pain to his mistress, he unintentionally hurts his wife, unable to make a final decision till the last moment. However, he tries to change the habitual course of events, and almost succeeds.
The main character of this tragicomedy, Bouzykine, has a gift for attracting people. He is always ready to offer his helping hand and cannot refuse anyone. A kind and gentle person, Bouzykine never thinks about himself, thus getting in all kinds of complicated situations. Making a choice, showing a preference for something or somebody at the expense of others is always a problem for him. This goes for his private life, too. Unwilling to cause pain to his mistress, he unintentionally hurts his wife, unable to make a final decision till the last moment. However, he tries to change the habitual course of events, and almost succeeds.
The main character of this tragicomedy, Bouzykine, has a gift for attracting people. He is always ready to offer his helping hand and cannot refuse anyone. A kind and gentle person, Bouzykine never thinks about himself, thus getting in all kinds of complicated situations. Making a choice, showing a preference for something or somebody at the expense of others is always a problem for him. This goes for his private life, too. Unwilling to cause pain to his mistress, he unintentionally hurts his wife, unable to make a final decision till the last moment. However, he tries to change the habitual course of events, and almost succeeds.
Печальная комедия - так назвал свой фильм Георгий Данелия. Это история умного, талантливого, доброго, но бесхарактерного человека. Андрей Бузыкин не умеет никому ни в чем отказать, каждого боится огорчить и в результате постоянно попадает в трудные и смешные ситуации...
Фильм, где шутка соседствует с грустью и болью, а слезы - с улыбкой, завоевал немало наград на кинофестивалях.
Pechalnaja komedija - tak nazval svoj film Georgij Danelija. Eto istorija umnogo, talantlivogo, dobrogo, no beskharakternogo cheloveka. Andrej Buzykin ne umeet nikomu ni v chem otkazat, kazhdogo boitsja ogorchit i v rezultate postojanno popadaet v trudnye i smeshnye situatsii...
Film, gde shutka sosedstvuet s grustju i bolju, a slezy - s ulybkoj, zavoeval nemalo nagrad na kinofestivaljakh.