1. Films DVD
  2. Cinéma russe classique
  3. Agonija / Agony Rasputin

Agonija / Agony Rasputin

Агония / Agony
Agonija / Agony Rasputin
Metteur en scène
Type de média audio
DVD PAL + NTSC , zone : ALL
Des mesures
190/140/20 mm
Année de publication
Année de film
Durée - heures:minutes
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Vaste panorama de la Russie en 1916. Pour la troisième année consécutive, le pays mène une guerre dont on ne voit pas le terme, partout s’installent l’arbitraire policier, la disette et la ruine. Cela, en contraste avec le luxe et la corruption qui règnent à la cour du tsar, quand le pouvoir agonisant espère encore pouvoir «mater l’émeute». Les hauts dignitaires ne sont pas dupes, ils sentent que le krach de la monarchie russe n’est plus loin. L’atmosphère de peur, de désespoir et la foi aveugle dans la Providence sont un terreau idéal pour l’ascension du pope Raspoutine, un aventurier qui a ses entrées auprès de la famille impériale et qui hypnotise littéralement le tsar et ses ministres... Le film utilise largement les bandes d’actualité relatives aux événements révolutionnaires de 1917. Ce drame historique prêtant à controverse sortit sur les écrans à deux reprises: en 1975, puis, à l’issue de révisions notables, en 1985. RUSCICO propose ici la deuxième version.
A wide-scope panoramic view of Russia in 1916. The country is in its third year of war which seems to never end, with police rule, hunger and devastation at their peak. All this plays out against a background of luxury and corruption at the court, where the agonizing power still entertains hopes of coping with “the rebels”. The courtiers have a presentiment of the collapse of the Russian autocracy. Fear, despair and blind belief in Providence make a fertile ground for the “great” starets, adventurist Rasputin, who is a friend of the royal family and has gained mastery over the Czar and his ministers. The filmmakers used newsreels of the 1917 Revolution… This controversial historic drama was released twice: in 1975 and, after a number of changes, in 1985. RUSCICO offers the film’s 1985 version. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
Vuosi 1916. Venäjä käy kolmatta vuotta uuvuttavaa sotaa. Ihmisten väsymys, epätoivo ja pelko luovat otolliset olosuhteet kapinallisten kannatukselle. Tämän taustalla kasvattaa Rasputin valtaansa tsaariperheeseen ja muuhun hallintoon... Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
A wide-scope panoramic view of Russia in 1916. The country is in its third year of war which seems to never end, with police rule, hunger and devastation at their peak. All this plays out against a background of luxury and corruption at the court, where the agonizing power still entertains hopes of coping with “the rebels”. The courtiers have a presentiment of the collapse of the Russian autocracy. Fear, despair and blind belief in Providence make a fertile ground for the “great” starets, adventurist Rasputin, who is a friend of the royal family and has gained mastery over the Czar and his ministers. The filmmakers used newsreels of the 1917 Revolution… This controversial historic drama was released twice: in 1975 and, after a number of changes, in 1985. RUSCICO offers the film’s 1985 version.
A wide-scope panoramic view of Russia in 1916. The country is in its third year of war which seems to never end, with police rule, hunger and devastation at their peak. All this plays out against a background of luxury and corruption at the court, where the agonizing power still entertains hopes of coping with “the rebels”. The courtiers have a presentiment of the collapse of the Russian autocracy. Fear, despair and blind belief in Providence make a fertile ground for the “great” starets, adventurist Rasputin, who is a friend of the royal family and has gained mastery over the Czar and his ministers. The filmmakers used newsreels of the 1917 Revolution… This controversial historic drama was released twice: in 1975 and, after a number of changes, in 1985. RUSCICO offers the film’s 1985 version.
A wide-scope panoramic view of Russia in 1916. The country is in its third year of war which seems to never end, with police rule, hunger and devastation at their peak. All this plays out against a background of luxury and corruption at the court, where the agonizing power still entertains hopes of coping with “the rebels”. The courtiers have a presentiment of the collapse of the Russian autocracy. Fear, despair and blind belief in Providence make a fertile ground for the “great” starets, adventurist Rasputin, who is a friend of the royal family and has gained mastery over the Czar and his ministers. The filmmakers used newsreels of the 1917 Revolution… This controversial historic drama was released twice: in 1975 and, after a number of changes, in 1985. RUSCICO offers the film’s 1985 version.
Алексей Петренко ("Король Лир"), Анатолий Ромашин ("Рецепт ее молодости") и Алиса Фрейндлих ("Служебный роман") в фильме Элема Климова ("Иди и смотри", "Добро пожаловать, или Посторонним вход воспрещен") "Агония".

1916 год. Россия в критическом положении. На престоле Николай II. Придворные предчувствовали крах самодержавия. "И вот во дворец вошел и, глумясь и издеваясь, стал шельмовать над Россией неграмотный мужик с сумасшедшими глазами..." - как писал Алексей Толстой о "святом старце" Распутине, который приобрел неограниченную власть над царём, а в последствии стал жертвой придворного заговора. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Aleksej Petrenko ("Korol Lir"), Anatolij Romashin ("Retsept ee molodosti") i Alisa Frejndlikh ("Sluzhebnyj roman") v filme Elema Klimova ("Idi i smotri", "Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreschen") "Agonija".

1916 god. Rossija v kriticheskom polozhenii. Na prestole Nikolaj II. Pridvornye predchuvstvovali krakh samoderzhavija. "I vot vo dvorets voshel i, glumjas i izdevajas, stal shelmovat nad Rossiej negramotnyj muzhik s sumasshedshimi glazami..." - kak pisal Aleksej Tolstoj o "svjatom startse" Rasputine, kotoryj priobrel neogranichennuju vlast nad tsarjom, a v posledstvii stal zhertvoj pridvornogo zagovora. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.