1. Films DVD
  2. Aventure et science-fiction
  3. Chelovek-amfibija/ Amphibian man

Chelovek-amfibija/ Amphibian man

Chelovek-amfibija/ Amphibian man
Type de média audio
DVD PAL + NTSC , zone : ALL
Des mesures
190/140/20 mm
Année de publication
Année de film
Durée - heures:minutes
Le produit n'est plus disponible
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Un mélodrame romantique d’après le roman d’Alexandre Béliaev, classé en 1962 premier film en Union soviétique pour le nombre des entrées. Panique sur la ville portuaire, les journaux font des manchettes sur le « diable de la mer » qui sème la terreur parmi les pêcheurs. Encore que personne ne l’ait vu de bien près. Si, la capiteuse Guttieré, qui a eu l’occasion de le faire en des circonstances dramatiques. En fait de diable, il s’agit d’un jeune homme fort sympathique, qui a la particularité d’être amphibie et se nomme en conséquence lchtyandre. Des origines peu banales, une existence mystérieuse. Son élément est la mer et il ne peut rester longtemps dans la société des hommes ordinaires – l’asphyxie le guette. S’enamourant de Guttieré, laquelle a été forcée d’épouser le perfide maître chanteur Zurita, lchtyandre, par amour, n’hésite pas à risquer sa vie. L’acteur Vladimir Korénev est doublé dans ce rôle par le champion de nage sous-marine Rem Stoukalov.
This romantic melodrama, based on the science-fiction novel of the same name by Alexander Belyaev, became a box-office leader in the USSR in 1961. There is a panic in a small seacoast town: the newspapers are full of reports about a “sea devil” terrifying the local fishermen. But no one saw him up close. A beautiful girl named Guttiere happened to meet him under dramatic circumstances. And the devil turned out… to be an amphibian man by the name of Ichthyander. His origin is unusual, his life is mysterious and full of riddles. His element is the sea, he can not stay long with ordinary people on earth. By falling in love with Guttiere, who is forced to marry the ignoble and treacherous Zurita, he is subjecting his life to a deadly risk… Actor Vladimir Korenev was doubled by the USSR underwater swimming champion Rem Stukalov. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Ihmisamfibi) Tämä romanttinen draama perustuu Aleksandra Beljaevin fantastiseen romaaniin. Pienessä merenrantakylässä huhutaan ”meren paholaisesta”, joka on oikeasti meressä elävä nuori mies Ikhtiandr. Tyttö nimeltä Guttiere tutustuu häneen, mutta romanssilla on ongelmia: eikä vähäisimpänä niistä se, ettei Ikhtiandr pysty olemaan kauan maan päällä. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
This romantic melodrama, based on the science-fiction novel of the same name by Alexander Belyaev, became a box-office leader in the USSR in 1961. There is a panic in a small seacoast town: the newspapers are full of reports about a “sea devil” terrifying the local fishermen. But no one saw him up close. A beautiful girl named Guttiere happened to meet him under dramatic circumstances. And the devil turned out… to be an amphibian man by the name of Ichthyander. His origin is unusual, his life is mysterious and full of riddles. His element is the sea, he can not stay long with ordinary people on earth. By falling in love with Guttiere, who is forced to marry the ignoble and treacherous Zurita, he is subjecting his life to a deadly risk… Actor Vladimir Korenev was doubled by the USSR underwater swimming champion Rem Stukalov.
This romantic melodrama, based on the science-fiction novel of the same name by Alexander Belyaev, became a box-office leader in the USSR in 1961. There is a panic in a small seacoast town: the newspapers are full of reports about a “sea devil” terrifying the local fishermen. But no one saw him up close. A beautiful girl named Guttiere happened to meet him under dramatic circumstances. And the devil turned out… to be an amphibian man by the name of Ichthyander. His origin is unusual, his life is mysterious and full of riddles. His element is the sea, he can not stay long with ordinary people on earth. By falling in love with Guttiere, who is forced to marry the ignoble and treacherous Zurita, he is subjecting his life to a deadly risk… Actor Vladimir Korenev was doubled by the USSR underwater swimming champion Rem Stukalov.
This romantic melodrama, based on the science-fiction novel of the same name by Alexander Belyaev, became a box-office leader in the USSR in 1961. There is a panic in a small seacoast town: the newspapers are full of reports about a “sea devil” terrifying the local fishermen. But no one saw him up close. A beautiful girl named Guttiere happened to meet him under dramatic circumstances. And the devil turned out… to be an amphibian man by the name of Ichthyander. His origin is unusual, his life is mysterious and full of riddles. His element is the sea, he can not stay long with ordinary people on earth. By falling in love with Guttiere, who is forced to marry the ignoble and treacherous Zurita, he is subjecting his life to a deadly risk… Actor Vladimir Korenev was doubled by the USSR underwater swimming champion Rem Stukalov.
Владимир Коренев ("Дети Дон-Кихота", "Динозавры XX века") и Анастасия Вертинская ("Тень", "Война и мир") в фантастической мелодраме "Человек - амфибия" .

Далекая южная страна взбудоражена появлением в прибрежных водах таинственного серебристого существа, которого молва окрестила "морским дьяволом". Владелец шхуны для ловли жемчуга, жестокий и властный Дон Педро, решает выследить и поймать это существо. Темвременем его невеста, прекрасная Гуттиэре, знакомится со странным молодым человеком по имени Ихтиандр... Такова завязка этой блистательной романтической драмы, снятой по мотивам фантастического романа Александра Беляева "Человек-амфибия". Этот фильм - один из самых кассовых за всю историю российского кинематографа, лента, которую можно смотреть вновь и вновь. Масштабные, уникальные для своего времени подводные съемки, виртуозная режиссура, волнующая музыка и песни композитора Андрея Петрова, прекрасная работа художников, первоклассный актерский ансамбль - вот еще далеко не все достоинства этой картины. А молодые актеры Владимир Коренев (Ихтиандр) и Анастасия Вертинская (Гуттиэре) стали кумирами нескольких поколений российских зрителей - по сути, первыми "секс-символами" шестидесятых годов... Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Vladimir Korenev ("Deti Don-Kikhota", "Dinozavry XX veka") i Anastasija Vertinskaja ("Ten", "Vojna i mir") v fantasticheskoj melodrame "Chelovek - amfibija" .

Dalekaja juzhnaja strana vzbudorazhena pojavleniem v pribrezhnykh vodakh tainstvennogo serebristogo suschestva, kotorogo molva okrestila "morskim djavolom". Vladelets shkhuny dlja lovli zhemchuga, zhestokij i vlastnyj Don Pedro, reshaet vysledit i pojmat eto suschestvo. Temvremenem ego nevesta, prekrasnaja Guttiere, znakomitsja so strannym molodym chelovekom po imeni Ikhtiandr... Takova zavjazka etoj blistatelnoj romanticheskoj dramy, snjatoj po motivam fantasticheskogo romana Aleksandra Beljaeva "Chelovek-amfibija". Etot film - odin iz samykh kassovykh za vsju istoriju rossijskogo kinematografa, lenta, kotoruju mozhno smotret vnov i vnov. Masshtabnye, unikalnye dlja svoego vremeni podvodnye semki, virtuoznaja rezhissura, volnujuschaja muzyka i pesni kompozitora Andreja Petrova, prekrasnaja rabota khudozhnikov, pervoklassnyj akterskij ansambl - vot esche daleko ne vse dostoinstva etoj kartiny. A molodye aktery Vladimir Korenev (Ikhtiandr) i Anastasija Vertinskaja (Guttiere) stali kumirami neskolkikh pokolenij rossijskikh zritelej - po suti, pervymi "seks-simvolami" shestidesjatykh godov... Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.