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  2. Drames et comédies dramatiques
  3. Zerkalo/The mirror

Zerkalo/The mirror

Зеркало / The mirror
Zerkalo/The mirror
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DVD PAL + NTSC , zone : ALL
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Ce film méditation est une des plus belles œuvres du grand metteur en scène Andréi Tarkovski. A l’origine, il devait s’appeler «Blanche, blanche journée». Les poèmes d’Arséni Tarkovski, père du metteur en scène, y tiennent une place majeure. Le narrateur et personnage principal se remémore son enfance, sa mère, les diverses personnes qui sont venues en aide à la famille dans la dure période de l’après-guerre. «Dans «Le miroir», je n’ai pas voulu parler de moi, mais de mes sentiments en liaison avec mes proches, de mes rapports avec eux, de la compassion que j’ai toujours éprouvée à leur égard et de tout ce que je leur dois sans pouvoir le leur rendre», précise Andréi Tarkovski.
This cinematic expression of the author’s reflections is one of the best films of Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky. Its working title was “White, White Day”. Quoted in the film are some of the verses by the remarkable poet Arseny Tarkovsky, the director’s father. The film’s protagonist reminisces about his childhood, his mother who raised him, the people who helped his family in the trying post-war years. “In ‘Mirror’ I wanted to tell not about myself, but about my feelings, connected with the people that were close to me, about my relations with them, about my eternal compassion for them and the unrealizable sense of duty, ” said Andrei Tarkovsky. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Peili) Tässä versiossa ei ole tekstitystä suomeksi. Katso suomeksi tekstitetty versio täältä: target="new">Tässä Hesarin kommentti: Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
This cinematic expression of the author’s reflections is one of the best films of Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky. Its working title was “White, White Day”. Quoted in the film are some of the verses by the remarkable poet Arseny Tarkovsky, the director’s father. The film’s protagonist reminisces about his childhood, his mother who raised him, the people who helped his family in the trying post-war years. “In ‘Mirror’ I wanted to tell not about myself, but about my feelings, connected with the people that were close to me, about my relations with them, about my eternal compassion for them and the unrealizable sense of duty, ” said Andrei Tarkovsky.
This cinematic expression of the author’s reflections is one of the best films of Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky. Its working title was “White, White Day”. Quoted in the film are some of the verses by the remarkable poet Arseny Tarkovsky, the director’s father. The film’s protagonist reminisces about his childhood, his mother who raised him, the people who helped his family in the trying post-war years. “In ‘Mirror’ I wanted to tell not about myself, but about my feelings, connected with the people that were close to me, about my relations with them, about my eternal compassion for them and the unrealizable sense of duty, ” said Andrei Tarkovsky.
This cinematic expression of the author’s reflections is one of the best films of Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky. Its working title was “White, White Day”. Quoted in the film are some of the verses by the remarkable poet Arseny Tarkovsky, the director’s father. The film’s protagonist reminisces about his childhood, his mother who raised him, the people who helped his family in the trying post-war years. “In ‘Mirror’ I wanted to tell not about myself, but about my feelings, connected with the people that were close to me, about my relations with them, about my eternal compassion for them and the unrealizable sense of duty, ” said Andrei Tarkovsky.
`В свое время, - объяснял Андрей Тарковский, - был написан литературный сценарий `Белый, белый день` Мишариным и мною. Я еще не знал, о чем будет картина, не знал, как сценарно это будет оформлено и какую роль займет там образ, даже не образ, линия - этоточнее - линия матери. Но я знал только одно, что мне все время снился один и тот же сон про место, где я родился. Снился дом. И как будто я туда вхожу или, вернее, не вхожу, а все время кручусь вокруг него. Эти сны всегда были страшно реальны`...

Фильм представляет собой своеобразное поэтическое произведение, рассказывающее о сложных истоках духовного мира современного человека, о формировании его нравственных принципов, о том, что память, ее суд - лежат в основе человеческой личности. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
`V svoe vremja, - objasnjal Andrej Tarkovskij, - byl napisan literaturnyj stsenarij `Belyj, belyj den` Misharinym i mnoju. Ja esche ne znal, o chem budet kartina, ne znal, kak stsenarno eto budet oformleno i kakuju rol zajmet tam obraz, dazhe ne obraz, linija - etotochnee - linija materi. No ja znal tolko odno, chto mne vse vremja snilsja odin i tot zhe son pro mesto, gde ja rodilsja. Snilsja dom. I kak budto ja tuda vkhozhu ili, vernee, ne vkhozhu, a vse vremja kruchus vokrug nego. Eti sny vsegda byli strashno realny`...

Film predstavljaet soboj svoeobraznoe poeticheskoe proizvedenie, rasskazyvajuschee o slozhnykh istokakh dukhovnogo mira sovremennogo cheloveka, o formirovanii ego nravstvennykh printsipov, o tom, chto pamjat, ee sud - lezhat v osnove chelovecheskoj lichnosti. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.