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  3. Odnazhdy dvadtsat let spustja (Once upon a time 20 years later)

Odnazhdy dvadtsat let spustja (Once upon a time 20 years later)

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Odnazhdy dvadtsat let spustja (Once upon a time 20 years later)
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DVD PAL + NTSC , zone : ALL
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(Un jour vingt ans après) Sur le plateau d’une émission de télévision viennent se retrouver les anciens camarades de classe parmi lesquels Slava qui est devenu architecte, Ania une scientifique, Marina qui est actrice, Tolia le marin militaire…Seule Nadia Krouglova n’a pas fait de carrière sauf qu’elle a mis au monde une dizaine de petits rouquins espiègles…
Dans les années 70-80 Natalia Goundaréva était une des plus grandes vedettes du cinéma soviétique. Cette comédienne aux talents multiples jouait principalement les rôles des femmes plutôt malheureuses en amour. Il suffit de mentionner sa Nadia dans le film « Bonjour et adieu », la citoyenne Nikanorova ou la malheureuse Véra dans « Le foyer pour personnes seules », et Nina dans « Le marathon d’automne » ou bien les mésaventures de « La femme douce »…
En revanche, dans le film « Un jour vingt ans après » sa protagoniste interprétée par Natalia Goundaréva est complètement heureuse. Et ça lui allait à merveille!
Former classmates meet before the camera of a television program. Slava is an architect, Anya a scholar, Marina an actress, Tolya a Navy officer… Only their class head, Nadya Kruglova, has not achieved any position – she is simply the mother of ten redhaired kids…
Natalya Gundareva was one of the most famous Soviet screen stars of the 1970s-1980s. An actress of polyphonic gift, she portrayed, more often than not, women who were not very fortunate in love. The entire country sympathized with the ill luck of her Nadka (“Hello and Goodbye”) and citizen Nikanorova, the hard-earned happiness of Vera (“Dormitory Provided for Singles”) and Nina (“Autumn Marathon”), the wretched life of the “Sweet Woman”… In this lyrical family epic, Gundareva’s heroine is for once truly and unconditionally happy. And it so much becomes her! You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Kerran, 20 vuoden kuluttua) Entiset luokkatoverit tapaavat TV-ohjelmassa. Yksi on arkkitehti, toinen tiedemies, toisista tuli näyttelijä, laivaston upseeri yms. Ainoastaan luokan vastaava ei ole saavuttanut mitään sosiaalisesti arvostavaa asemaa, hänestä tuli kymmenen punatukkaisen lasten äiti, joka on joukon ainoa varauksetta onnellinen. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Former classmates meet before the camera of a television program. Slava is an architect, Anya a scholar, Marina an actress, Tolya a Navy officer… Only their class head, Nadya Kruglova, has not achieved any position – she is simply the mother of ten redhaired kids…
Natalya Gundareva was one of the most famous Soviet screen stars of the 1970s-1980s. An actress of polyphonic gift, she portrayed, more often than not, women who were not very fortunate in love. The entire country sympathized with the ill luck of her Nadka (“Hello and Goodbye”) and citizen Nikanorova, the hard-earned happiness of Vera (“Dormitory Provided for Singles”) and Nina (“Autumn Marathon”), the wretched life of the “Sweet Woman”… In this lyrical family epic, Gundareva’s heroine is for once truly and unconditionally happy. And it so much becomes her!
Former classmates meet before the camera of a television program. Slava is an architect, Anya a scholar, Marina an actress, Tolya a Navy officer… Only their class head, Nadya Kruglova, has not achieved any position – she is simply the mother of ten redhaired kids…
Natalya Gundareva was one of the most famous Soviet screen stars of the 1970s-1980s. An actress of polyphonic gift, she portrayed, more often than not, women who were not very fortunate in love. The entire country sympathized with the ill luck of her Nadka (“Hello and Goodbye”) and citizen Nikanorova, the hard-earned happiness of Vera (“Dormitory Provided for Singles”) and Nina (“Autumn Marathon”), the wretched life of the “Sweet Woman”… In this lyrical family epic, Gundareva’s heroine is for once truly and unconditionally happy. And it so much becomes her!
Former classmates meet before the camera of a television program. Slava is an architect, Anya a scholar, Marina an actress, Tolya a Navy officer… Only their class head, Nadya Kruglova, has not achieved any position – she is simply the mother of ten redhaired kids…
Natalya Gundareva was one of the most famous Soviet screen stars of the 1970s-1980s. An actress of polyphonic gift, she portrayed, more often than not, women who were not very fortunate in love. The entire country sympathized with the ill luck of her Nadka (“Hello and Goodbye”) and citizen Nikanorova, the hard-earned happiness of Vera (“Dormitory Provided for Singles”) and Nina (“Autumn Marathon”), the wretched life of the “Sweet Woman”… In this lyrical family epic, Gundareva’s heroine is for once truly and unconditionally happy. And it so much becomes her!
Однажды 20 лет спустя
На съемках телевизионной передачи встретились бывшие одноклассники. Слава – архитектор, Аня – ученый, Марина – актриса, Толя – военный моряк… Только староста Надя Круглова ничего не достигла, а была просто мамой десятерых рыжих сорванцов…
В 70-80–е гг. Наталья Гундарева - одна из самых знаменитых звезд советского экрана. Актриса полифонического дарования чаще всего играла в кино не очень удачливых в любви женщин. Вся страна сопереживала неустроенности ее Надьки («Здравствуй и прощай») и гражданки Никаноровой, трудному счастью Веры («Одиноким предоставляется общежитие») и Нины («Осенний марафон), горемыканью «сладкой женщины»… В этой семейно-лирической эпопее героиня Гундаревой впервые по-настоящему безоговорочно счастлива. И это было ей очень к лицу! Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Odnazhdy 20 let spustja
Na semkakh televizionnoj peredachi vstretilis byvshie odnoklassniki. Slava – arkhitektor, Anja – uchenyj, Marina – aktrisa, Tolja – voennyj morjak… Tolko starosta Nadja Kruglova nichego ne dostigla, a byla prosto mamoj desjaterykh ryzhikh sorvantsov…
V 70-80–e gg. Natalja Gundareva - odna iz samykh znamenitykh zvezd sovetskogo ekrana. Aktrisa polifonicheskogo darovanija chasche vsego igrala v kino ne ochen udachlivykh v ljubvi zhenschin. Vsja strana soperezhivala neustroennosti ee Nadki («Zdravstvuj i proschaj») i grazhdanki Nikanorovoj, trudnomu schastju Very («Odinokim predostavljaetsja obschezhitie») i Niny («Osennij marafon), goremykanju «sladkoj zhenschiny»… V etoj semejno-liricheskoj epopee geroinja Gundarevoj vpervye po-nastojaschemu bezogovorochno schastliva. I eto bylo ej ochen k litsu! Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.