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  3. The Quran as a historical source. Koran kak istoricheskij istochnik

The Quran as a historical source. Koran kak istoricheskij istochnik

The Quran as a historical source. Коран как исторический источник
The Quran as a historical source. Koran kak istoricheskij istochnik
Année de sortie
65.00 € 59.09 € hors TVA
Livraison: 2-3 semaines á compter de la commande
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The population of Arabia lived in conditions of the disintegration of the tribal system and the formation of class society. One of the means of uniting numerous Arab tribes into a single state was the Muslim religion, or Islam. In Arabic, "Islam" means "submission", and the name "Muslims" comes from the word "Muslim" - translated to Allah, in the plural - "Muslimon." Polytheism of the tribes, Islam opposed the cult of the one, only, eternal and all-powerful God of Allah. The text of the book is presented in 2 languages: English and Russian. Население Аравии жило в условиях разложения родоплеменного строя и формирования классового общества. Одним из средств объединения многочисленных арабских племен в единое государство стала мусульманская религия, или ислам. По-арабски "ислам" означает "покорность", а название "мусульмане" происходит от слова "муслим" — предавший себя Аллаху, во множественном числе — "муслимун". Многобожию племен ислам противопоставил культ единого, единственного, вечного и всемогущего бога Аллаха. Текст книги представлен на 2 языках: английском и русском.
The population of Arabia lived in conditions of the disintegration of the tribal system and the formation of class society. One of the means of uniting numerous Arab tribes into a single state was the Muslim religion, or Islam. In Arabic, "Islam" means "submission", and the name "Muslims" comes from the word "Muslim" - translated to Allah, in the plural - "Muslimon." Polytheism of the tribes, Islam opposed the cult of the one, only, eternal and all-powerful God of Allah. The text of the book is presented in 2 languages: English and Russian. Naselenie Aravii zhilo v uslovijakh razlozhenija rodoplemennogo stroja i formirovanija klassovogo obschestva. Odnim iz sredstv obedinenija mnogochislennykh arabskikh plemen v edinoe gosudarstvo stala musulmanskaja religija, ili islam. Po-arabski "islam" oznachaet "pokornost", a nazvanie "musulmane" proiskhodit ot slova "muslim" — predavshij sebja Allakhu, vo mnozhestvennom chisle — "muslimun". Mnogobozhiju plemen islam protivopostavil kult edinogo, edinstvennogo, vechnogo i vsemoguschego boga Allakha. Tekst knigi predstavlen na 2 jazykakh: anglijskom i russkom.
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