1. Livres
  2. Dictionnaires
  3. Dictionnaires de l'industrie
  4. English-Russian, Russian-English Dictionary of Environment Safety of the Chemical Demilitarization. 12 000 w. art.

English-Russian, Russian-English Dictionary of Environment Safety of the Chemical Demilitarization. 12 000 w. art.

Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь по охране окружающей среды и уничтожению химического оружия. 12.000 словарных статей.
English-Russian, Russian-English Dictionary of Environment Safety of the Chemical Demilitarization. 12 000 w. art.
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The realization international 'Conventions on prohibition of development, manufacture and accumulation of stocks of the bacteriological (biological) and toxic weapon and about their destruction' (Geneva, 1972) has put a complex problem to secure the experts engaged in objects of chemical disarmament, population of near-by areas and the environment protection. So arisen a new seemed limited but extremely important area of engineering with an original language and specific layer of a terminology. The dictionary is based on the American English and contains about 12, 000 entries. The dictionary is complemented by the abbreviations accepted in this sphere of activity both in English-Russian, and in Russian-English variants. The dictionary is a useful manual of today for everyone engaged in translation and summaries of the specialized texts in English and Russian, who reads in these languages and studies them.
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