1. Livres
  2. Manuels, aides pédagogiques
  3. Manuels sur le russe comme langue étrangère
  4. Méthodes de russe pour les debutants
  5. Doroga v Rossiju 1. E-book. License for one year. Elementary level A1. The way to Russia 1. Russian language text-book.

Doroga v Rossiju 1. E-book. License for one year. Elementary level A1. The way to Russia 1. Russian language text-book.

Дорога в Россию 1. Электронная книга. Лицензия. Учебник русского языка. Элементарный уровень A1
Doroga v Rossiju 1. E-book. License for one year. Elementary level A1. The way to Russia 1. Russian language text-book.
Année de sortie
30.00 € 27.27 € hors TVA
En quantité limitée
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THE WAY TO RUSSIA. Elementary Level.
A textbook. The textbook was recommended by the Expert Commission of the State testing system for foreign citizens in the Russian language.
This textbook is intended for students, who begin to study Russian in the universities. The material of the textbook prepares students to learn Russian in order to pass Elementary level test in Russian language and get the appropriate certificate.
The course is designed for 100-120 class periods. For the first months of preparatory faculty.

You receive an activation code for one-year license.
The e-book runs on the publisher's own platform.
- texts and exercises
- audiomaterials
- quick navigation
- notes
- interactive tasks
- Cyrillic virtual keyboard always at hand
THE WAY TO RUSSIA. Elementary Level.
A textbook. The textbook was recommended by the Expert Commission of the State testing system for foreign citizens in the Russian language.
This textbook is intended for students, who begin to study Russian in the universities. The material of the textbook prepares students to learn Russian in order to pass Elementary level test in Russian language and get the appropriate certificate.
The course is designed for 100-120 class periods. For the first months of preparatory faculty.

Saat aktivointikoodin vuoden ajan voimassa olevalle lisensille.
Digikirja toimii kustantajan omalla alustalla.
- tekstit ja harjoitukset
- äänitteet
- nopea navigointi
- muistiinpanot
- interaktiiviset tehtävät
- kyrillinen virtuaalinen näppäimistö
Учебник для взрослых учащихся (все формы обучения, в том числе система предвузовской подготовки). Первая часть готовит к тесту элементарного уровня (А1). Рекомендован Экспертной комиссией Государственной системы тестирования граждан зарубежных стран по русскому языку. Цветные иллюстрации, таблицы.

Электронный учебник.
Вы получаете лицензию и код активации сроком на один год.
Электронный учебник работает на собственной платформе издателя.
- тексты и упражнения
- аудиоматериалы
- быстрая навигация
- заметки к заданиям
- интерактивные задания
- всегда под рукой виртуальная клавиатура с кириллицей
Uchebnik dlja vzroslykh uchaschikhsja (vse formy obuchenija, v tom chisle sistema predvuzovskoj podgotovki). Pervaja chast gotovit k testu elementarnogo urovnja (A1). Rekomendovan Ekspertnoj komissiej Gosudarstvennoj sistemy testirovanija grazhdan zarubezhnykh stran po russkomu jazyku. Tsvetnye illjustratsii, tablitsy.

Elektronnyj uchebnik.
Vy poluchaete litsenziju i kod aktivatsii srokom na odin god.
Elektronnyj uchebnik rabotaet na sobstvennoj platforme izdatelja.
- teksty i uprazhnenija
- audiomaterialy
- bystraja navigatsija
- zametki k zadanijam
- interaktivnye zadanija
- vsegda pod rukoj virtualnaja klaviatura s kirillitsej
Classifiсation de la bibliothèque BIC:
Alternatif ISBN
Alternatif ISBN2
Voir les recommandations de Ruslania
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