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  2. Manuels, aides pédagogiques
  3. Textes simplifiés
  4. Goluboe i zelenoe. Lexical minimum 2300 words (B1)

Goluboe i zelenoe. Lexical minimum 2300 words (B1)

Голубое и зеленое. Лексический минимум - 2300 слов (B1)
Goluboe i zelenoe. Lexical minimum 2300 words (B1)
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Année de sortie
0.11 kg
15.00 € 13.64 € hors TVA
Livraison: 2-3 semaines á compter de la commande
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'Goluboe i zelenoe' is a story written by Jurij Kazakov.

It tells the romantic story of two students in the 10th class who experience their first love. The girl marries another man and the young man in love with her feels the loss of something very important, maybe the most important thing in the world.

The text has been adapted for students at B1 level and includes a commentary and exercises to check comprehension and develop expression. The book also includes some interesting facts about the author and a short summary of the story.
'Goluboe i zelenoe' is a story written by Jurij Kazakov.

It tells the romantic story of two students in the 10th class who experience their first love. The girl marries another man and the young man in love with her feels the loss of something very important, maybe the most important thing in the world.

The text has been adapted for students at B1 level and includes a commentary and exercises to check comprehension and develop expression. The book also includes some interesting facts about the author and a short summary of the story.
В книге представлен рассказ "Голубое и зеленое" известного русского писателя середины XX века Ю.П. Казакова.
Это романтическая история о московском десятикласснике, к которому пришла первая любовь. Влюбленные расстаются. Девушка выходит замуж за другого, а юноша ощущает потерю чего-то очень дорогого, может быть, самого главного на свете.
Текст рассказа адаптирован (B1), сопровождается комментарием, заданиями на понимание прочитанного и на развитие речи. В книге приводятся наиболее интересные факты из жизни Юрия Казакова и краткое изложение рассказа.
V knige predstavlen rasskaz "Goluboe i zelenoe" izvestnogo russkogo pisatelja serediny XX veka Ju.P. Kazakova.
Eto romanticheskaja istorija o moskovskom desjatiklassnike, k kotoromu prishla pervaja ljubov. Vljublennye rasstajutsja. Devushka vykhodit zamuzh za drugogo, a junosha oschuschaet poterju chego-to ochen dorogogo, mozhet byt, samogo glavnogo na svete.
Tekst rasskaza adaptirovan (B1), soprovozhdaetsja kommentariem, zadanijami na ponimanie prochitannogo i na razvitie rechi. V knige privodjatsja naibolee interesnye fakty iz zhizni Jurija Kazakova i kratkoe izlozhenie rasskaza.
Classifiсation de la bibliothèque BIC:
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