1. Livres
  2. Manuels, aides pédagogiques
  3. Manuels es et les enfants avec une langue d'origine
  4. Russian picture dictionary for children.

Russian picture dictionary for children.

Картинный словарь русского языка для детей.
Russian picture dictionary for children.
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Des mesures
280/210/10 mm
Année de sortie
0.27 kg
30.00 € 27.27 € hors TVA
Livraison: 2 semaines á compter de la commande
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Picturesque Russian dictionary for children.
Russian picture dictionary for children. - 2nd ed.
The dictionary is intended for children of the primary school age studying Russian as a second (native or foreign). It is organized by situational-topic principle (more than 1200 words on 45 themes grouped in 5 sections) and provides communication within the limits of level A2 on a scale of the Council of Europe. Samples of dialogues and tasks for development of skills of reading, accounting, attention. List of words is shown together with all topic dialogues in the end in the alphabetic order.
Picturesque Russian dictionary for children.
Russian picture dictionary for children. - 2nd ed.
The dictionary is intended for children of the primary school age studying Russian as a second (native or foreign). It is organized by situational-topic principle (more than 1200 words on 45 themes grouped in 5 sections) and provides communication within the limits of level A2 on a scale of the Council of Europe. Samples of dialogues and tasks for development of skills of reading, accounting, attention. List of words is shown together with all topic dialogues in the end in the alphabetic order.
Словарь предназначен для детей старшего дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста, изучающих русский язык как второй (родной или иностранный). Он организован по ситуативно-тематическому принципу (более 1200 слов по 45 темам, сгруппированным в 5 разделов) и обеспечивает общение в пределах уровня А2 по шкале Совета Европы.
По каждой теме предлагаются образцы диалогов и задания на развитие навыков чтения, счёта, наблюдательности. В конце приведен общий алфавитный список слов и сведены вместе все тематические диалоги.
Slovar prednaznachen dlja detej starshego doshkolnogo i mladshego shkolnogo vozrasta, izuchajuschikh russkij jazyk kak vtoroj (rodnoj ili inostrannyj). On organizovan po situativno-tematicheskomu printsipu (bolee 1200 slov po 45 temam, sgruppirovannym v 5 razdelov) i obespechivaet obschenie v predelakh urovnja A2 po shkale Soveta Evropy.
Po kazhdoj teme predlagajutsja obraztsy dialogov i zadanija na razvitie navykov chtenija, schjota, nabljudatelnosti. V kontse priveden obschij alfavitnyj spisok slov i svedeny vmeste vse tematicheskie dialogi.
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