1. Livres
  2. Manuels, aides pédagogiques
  3. Textes simplifiés
  4. Moi zheny. Jumoristicheskie rasskazy. A.P. Chekhov. Lexical minimum - 2300 words (B1)

Moi zheny. Jumoristicheskie rasskazy. A.P. Chekhov. Lexical minimum - 2300 words (B1)

Мои жены. Юмористические рассказы. А.П. Чехов. Лексический минимум - 2300 слов (B1)
Moi zheny. Jumoristicheskie rasskazy. A.P. Chekhov.  Lexical minimum - 2300 words (B1)
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This reader presents comic stories by the famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov, including "Moi Zheny" (My Wives), "Radost" (Joy), "Smert Chinovnika" (The Death of a Government Clerk), "S Zhenoj Possorilsja" (With His Wife Quarelled), "Akh, Zuby!" (Ah, Teeth!), "Roman s Kontrabasom" (An Affair with Contrabass).
These are the amusing and hilarious sketches of common people of different professions. The characters keep getting into comic or sometimes even tragic situations.

The text has been adapted for learners of the Russian language working at B1 level. Commentaries on the text and comprehension exercises are included with the book to check understanding. The reader also presents interesting facts about Chekhov's life.
This reader presents comic stories by the famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov, including "Moi Zheny" (My Wives), "Radost" (Joy), "Smert Chinovnika" (The Death of a Government Clerk), "S Zhenoj Possorilsja" (With His Wife Quarelled), "Akh, Zuby!" (Ah, Teeth!), "Roman s Kontrabasom" (An Affair with Contrabass).
These are the amusing and hilarious sketches of common people of different professions. The characters keep getting into comic or sometimes even tragic situations.

The text has been adapted for learners of the Russian language working at B1 level. Commentaries on the text and comprehension exercises are included with the book to check understanding. The reader also presents interesting facts about Chekhov's life.
В книге представлены юмористические рассказы известного русского писателя А.П. Чехова.
Это забавные истории и комические сценки о самых обычных людях разных профессий. Герои рассказов все время попадают в смешные, а иногда и в трагедийные жизненные ситуации.
Текст рассказов адаптирован (B1), сопровождается комментарием, заданиями на понимание прочитанного и на развитие речи. В книге приводятся наиболее интересные факты из жизни А.П. Чехова
V knige predstavleny jumoristicheskie rasskazy izvestnogo russkogo pisatelja A.P. Chekhova.
Eto zabavnye istorii i komicheskie stsenki o samykh obychnykh ljudjakh raznykh professij. Geroi rasskazov vse vremja popadajut v smeshnye, a inogda i v tragedijnye zhiznennye situatsii.
Tekst rasskazov adaptirovan (B1), soprovozhdaetsja kommentariem, zadanijami na ponimanie prochitannogo i na razvitie rechi. V knige privodjatsja naibolee interesnye fakty iz zhizni A.P. Chekhova
Classifiсation de la bibliothèque BIC:
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