Power in general and women's power in particular has been understood mostly in a hierarchical way in earlier research on Mesopotamian women. Hierarchical...
Comprehensive collection of ancient Akkadian literature spanning three millennia. This larger, completely new, 3rd edition contains many compositions not in the previous editions; new translations of previously...
Between 2016 and 2022, a team from the British Museum conducted excavations in the ancient Sumerian city of Girsu, the sacred center of the state of Lagash. On an archaeological mound referred to as the...
This book is a comprehensive analysis of the image of "enemy" in Assyrian state ideology, based on royal titles attested in Assyrian documents from Old Assyrian through Neo-Assyrian times, the narratives...
Royal ideology played a very significant role in the constitution of ancient Near Eastern states, from Sumer, Akkad, and Ancient Egypt to the Assyrian, Babylonian,...
The purpose of the papers read at the meeting held in Helsinki, Finland, in 2014, and of the relevant proceedings forming this volume, was to discuss and...
This study identifies and analyzes Aramaic loanwords occurring in Neo-Assyrian texts between 911 and 612 B.C. As two Semitic languages, Neo-Assyrian and...
The Adapa myth is a literary work of ancient Mesopotamia with different versions in Sumerian and Akkadian. According to the Adapa myth, the sage and cook...
Egypt and Mesopotamia, two cradles of civilization, repeatedly came into contact with each other in antiquity. Interaction between Africa and Mesopotamia...
Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project - NATCP 2014
State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts. Volume X
Assyria's last great king Assurbanipal invested much time and effort ensuring that his accomplishments...
The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project. State Archives of Assyria. Volume II. SAA. Volume XX
The internal stability and cohesion of the Neo-Assyrian Empire to a very considerable degree rested on the public...
The present volume completes the critical edition of the political correspondence of Assurbanipal, the first part of which was published in SAA 21. The 163 letters...
Who were the Umman-manda? This is a question that has vexed Assyriologists since the early days of the discipline, particularly because the question has...
Since the 1980s, projects such as the State Archives of Assyria have made great strides in the philological study of Neo-Assyrian inscriptional sources, producing text editions and hand-copies of administrative...
This book is an informative historical and ethnographic journey into the past and present of the lands that are now part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; a fascinating account of the customs, traditions...
The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project. State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts. Volume XII
The Poor Man of Nippur is a short tale of 160 lines, telling how a poor man wronged by the governor of his city,...
Современная версия отечественной истории полна умолчаний, несоответствий и противоречивых утверждений. Все чаще к такому выводу приходят независимые исследователи, пытаясь сопоставить события прошлого...
This book initiates the reader into the study of Akkadian literature from ancient Babylonia and Assyria. With this one relatively short volume, the novice reader will develop the literary competence necessary...
Although the impression may still linger that Assyrian women are hidden and unavailable for study, nothing could be farther from the truth. There is a rich...
State Archives of Assyria. Volume XXI
The first half of Assurbanipal's long reign (668-ca. 630 BCE) was a time of peace and great prosperity and political success for Assyria. But towards the middle of...
State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts. Volume IX - SAACT 9
The Babylonian Theodicy is a lengthy dialogue between two learned men, the "Sufferer" and the "Friend," taking the form of an acrostic poem...
Antiikin perintö on olennainen osa eurooppalaista sivistystä ja identiteettiä. Se on läsnä kielissä ja kulttuurissa, tieteissä ja taiteissa, arvoissa ja ajattelumalleissa sekä yhteiskunnan rakenteissa.
The title "Queen of the Arabs" is applied in Neo-Assyrian texts to five women from the Arabian Peninsula. These women led armies, offered tribute, and held religious roles in their communities from 738...
ИНОГДА ИСТОРИЯ НАС ПУГАЕТ, ИНОГДА - ШОКИРУЕТ, А ИНОГДА - УДИВЛЯЕТ. - Как рожали королевы и простые женщины. - Почему было выгодно иметь много детей. - Про самые распространенные болезни и как их...
"Капитолийская волчица" - уникальное произведение знаменитого филолога Михаила Гаспарова, обнаруженное уже после смерти автора в его записных книжках и впервые опубликованное в 2008 году. Это лаконичный...
This book introduces the evocative but largely unknown tradition of Samaritan religious poetry from late antiquity to a new audience. These verses provide a unique window into the Samaritan religious world...
The Torah Unabridged is a detailed examination of legal reasoning in the Hebrew Bible. Focusing on the exegetical operations by which biblical laws related to intermarriage were applied to circumstances...
Написанная (хотя в это трудно поверить) еще в конце XVIII века книга Иоганна Иоахима Винкельмана стала одним из первых сочинений по истории искусства и выдержала столько переизданий, что их трудно подсчитать....
Theban Tomb 188 is the sole archaeological site in the ancient Theban necropolis securely dated to the reign of the "heretic pharaoh" Akhenaten (1353-1336 BCE). The result of several years of clearance...
"История России в рассказах для детей", написанная Александрой Ишимовой и впервые изданная в 1836 году, подробно излагает тысячелетнюю историю нашего государства. Прочти эту книгу, и ты узнаешь, сколько...
Автор множества популярных книг, в числе которых "Словарь английского фольклора" и "Британские драконы", редактор всемирно известного журнала "Фольклор" Жаклин Симпсон рассказывает об искусных стратегах,...
Самым обширным из государств, возникших на обломках империи Александра Великого, было "Азиатское царство". В науке его принято звать Сирийским, потому что центр этой державы находился именно в Сирии. На...
This multidisciplinary study takes a fresh look at Judean history and biblical literature in the late fourth and third centuries BCE. In a major reappraisal of this era, the contributions to this volume...
This volume addresses the nexus of religion and geography in the ancient Near East through case studies of various time periods and regions. Using Sumerian, Akkadian,...
Camels are first mentioned in the Bible as the movable property of Abraham. During the early monarchy, they feature prominently as long-distance mounts for the Queen of Sheba, and almost a millennium later,...
This book publishes 323 handcopies of cuneiform tablets found in the academic papers of W. G. Lambert (1926-2011), one of the foremost Assyriologists of the twentieth century....