THE LEVIATHAN. The adapted text of the popular novel (2300 words in concordance with lexical minimum of the 1st certification level. The text supplies with the stress, questions and tasks, including testes,...
Учебное пособие. Адаптированный текст популярного романа Бориса Акунина из серии 'Приключения Эраста Фандорина'.(2300 слов с опорой на лексический минимум уровня В1). Ударения, вопросы и задания, ключи,...
Предлагаем вашему вниманию книгу из серии "Библиотека Златоуста". Серия включает адаптированные тексты для 5 уровней владения русским языком: произведения классиков русской литературы, современных писателей,...
Ten stories: A reading book.
This reading book acquaints foreign students with works of such Russian writers as Bunin, Averchenko, Teffi, Aldanov and others. The lexical material which is out of the first...
The novel "The first love" by I.S.Turgenev, an outstanding Russian writer of the XIX century is presented in the book. This is the story about the feelings and emotions of a young man who has fallen in...
Адаптированые произведения классиков русской литературы, ориентируются на лексический минимум уровня В1 и выше (2300 слов), разработанный для Российской государственной системы тестирования по русскому...
This reader provides a shortened version of Lev Tolstoy's famous story of Anna Karenina, specifically adapted for Russian language learners at B2 level.
The book includes commentaries and comprehension...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
This textbook is based on the popular didactic method of storytelling. Stories convey country-specific information, introduce new grammatical constructions and vocabulary and motivate...
The book contains texts about Russia on topics such as travelling, shopping, food, family, cultural events, national cultural characteristics, holidays, etc. The texts are accompanied by a dictionary and...
The book presents literature texts of authors whose works are popular in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language as well as of the authors whose works are not known to the foreign public....
The book contains a humorous novel "Diary of a clever cat" by contemporary Russian writer Tamara Kryukova. The novel is written on behalf of the cat, whose name is Barsik. He describes with humor his domestic...
THE LADY WITH A DOG. The adapted text of the popular novel (2300 words in concordance with lexical minimum of the 1st certification level. The text supplies with the stress, questions and tasks, including...
This reader presents a novel "Dubrovskij" (Dubrovsky) by Alexander Pushkin, a great Russian writer of the 19th century.
This is a romantic love story of a young lady and a young man, but at the same time...
The story called "Nose" by the great Russian writer N.V.Gogol is presented in the book. It is one of the funniest and the most original stories of the writer. Reality and fantastic are combined in the...
This is the sad story of a young man who, for 8 years, has been hopelessly in love with a married princess. Perhaps this love is what every woman dreams of?
The text has been adapted for learners of the...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
В книге представлены юмористические рассказы известного русского писателя А.П. Чехова. Это смешные и грустные истории о взаимоотношениях мужчин и женщин. Они влюбляются, ссорятся, страдают, но в конечном...
This is an unusual romantic love story about a ship captain who falls in love with a poor girl. It shows that you have to believe in your dreams and that miracles can happen!
В учебном пособии по аналитическому чтению для студентов-иностранцев представлены в адаптированном и сокращённом виде произведения русских писателей XIX - первой половины XX века. Материалы пособия - литературные...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
Настоящее издание предназначено для бакалавров и магистрантов, обучающихся в университетах на факультетах, связанных с нефтегазовой отраслью. Пособие рассчитано на подготовку по русскому языку на уровне...
Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для иностранных магистров и аспирантов, изучающих русский язык под руководством преподавателя, имеющих подготовку по русскому языку на уровне В1 (ТРКИ-1) и специализирующихся...
В книге представлена повесть в жанре городского фэнтези "Кот, герань и чемодан" современной писательницы Эльвиры Смелик.
Наверное, всем знакома сказка Шарля Перро "Красавица и чудовище". Настя тоже о...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
The series is designed for learners of Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its heroes are representatives of various professions living in Russia in the 21st century. The series...
AZAZEL. The adapted text of the popular novel. Comments. Test tasks. Keys. The Russian-English dictionary. Illustrations.
Level B1. Lexical minimum 2300 words.
Azazel (translated into English as "The...
THE WHITE NIGHTS. A romantic love story by Dostoevsky. The text is adapted for the level of 2300 frequently used words and supplied with stresses.
It provides exercises, tests, keys to the exercises,...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
The series is designed for learners of Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its heroes are representatives of various professions living in Russia in the 21st century. The series...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...
The series is designed for those who are learning Russian as a second / foreign language at levels A2 and B1. Its characters are representatives of various professions living in contemporary Russia. The...