1. Musique
  2. Musique spirituelle russe
  3. The star was rising. The most beautiful Christmas songs by the Vladimir holy mother childrens choir of St. Petersburg.

The star was rising. The most beautiful Christmas songs by the Vladimir holy mother childrens choir of St. Petersburg.

The star was rising. The most beautiful Christmas songs by the Vladimir holy mother childrens choir of St. Petersburg.
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1. Your Nativity, Our Christ
2. With the lightful Feast
3. The Nativity of Christ
4. This night is holy
5. The King of Israel
6. The night is silent over Palestine
7. Today Christ
8. Look here (Slovakian)
9. We bring joy to you (Slovakian)
10. The sky and the earth
11. The bright star raised (Slovakian)
12. The Holy Virgin
13. The Angels appeared over the cave
14. Silence in Bethlehem (Slovakian)
15. Oh Bethlehem, Bethlehem
16. Where are you hurrying on? (Slovakian)
17. Silent night, Holy night
18. Why is so bright this night (Slovakian)
19. The generous evening, the King's evening (Ukranian)
20. New joy (Ukranian)
21. Good evening to you (Ukranian)
22. Sleep, Jesus, sleep (Ukranian)
23. Sounds of reed-pipe faded away
24. Today the most glorious city of Moscow stand in splendour
The hymn of Church

1. Your Nativity, Our Christ
2. With the lightful Feast
3. The Nativity of Christ
4. This night is holy
5. The King of Israel
6. The night is silent over Palestine
7. Today Christ
8. Look here (Slovakian)
9. We bring joy to you (Slovakian)
10. The sky and the earth
11. The bright star raised (Slovakian)
12. The Holy Virgin
13. The Angels appeared over the cave
14. Silence in Bethlehem (Slovakian)
15. Oh Bethlehem, Bethlehem
16. Where are you hurrying on? (Slovakian)
17. Silent night, Holy night
18. Why is so bright this night (Slovakian)
19. The generous evening, the King's evening (Ukranian)
20. New joy (Ukranian)
21. Good evening to you (Ukranian)
22. Sleep, Jesus, sleep (Ukranian)
23. Sounds of reed-pipe faded away
24. Today the most glorious city of Moscow stand in splendour
The hymn of Church
Содержание диска:

1. Тропарь Рождеству Христову
2. С праздником пресветлым
3. Рождество Христово
4. Эта ночь святая
5. Царь Израилев
6. Ночь тиха над Палестиной
7. Днесь Христос
8. Взгляни сюда (словацкая)
9. Несем вам радость (словацкая)
10. Небо и земля
11. Взошла звезда ясная (словацкая)
12. Дева-Богородица (И. Болдышева)
13. Появились над вертепом ангелы
14. В Вифлееме тишина (словацкая)
15. О Вифлеем, Вифлеем (И. Болдышева)
16. Ах, куда же так спешишь ты? (словацкая)
17. Ночь тиха, ночь святя
18. Что так ясно в эту ночь (словацкая)
19. Щедривка (украинская)
20. Нова радисть (украинская)
21. Добрый вэчир тоби (украинская)
22. Спы, Исусэ, спы (украинская)
23. Смолкли на улице звуки свирели
24. Тропарь Владимирской иконе Божией Матери
25. Гимн храму (И.. Болдышева)

Исполняет детский хор Собора Владимирской Божией Матери Санкт-Петербурга
Soderzhanie diska:

1. Tropar Rozhdestvu Khristovu
2. S prazdnikom presvetlym
3. Rozhdestvo Khristovo
4. Eta noch svjataja
5. Tsar Izrailev
6. Noch tikha nad Palestinoj
7. Dnes Khristos
8. Vzgljani sjuda (slovatskaja)
9. Nesem vam radost (slovatskaja)
10. Nebo i zemlja
11. Vzoshla zvezda jasnaja (slovatskaja)
12. Deva-Bogoroditsa (I. Boldysheva)
13. Pojavilis nad vertepom angely
14. V Vifleeme tishina (slovatskaja)
15. O Vifleem, Vifleem (I. Boldysheva)
16. Akh, kuda zhe tak speshish ty? (slovatskaja)
17. Noch tikha, noch svjatja
18. Chto tak jasno v etu noch (slovatskaja)
19. Schedrivka (ukrainskaja)
20. Nova radist (ukrainskaja)
21. Dobryj vechir tobi (ukrainskaja)
22. Spy, Isuse, spy (ukrainskaja)
23. Smolkli na ulitse zvuki svireli
24. Tropar Vladimirskoj ikone Bozhiej Materi
25. Gimn khramu (I.. Boldysheva)

Ispolnjaet detskij khor Sobora Vladimirskoj Bozhiej Materi Sankt-Peterburga
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