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  2. Musique russe : chansons folkloriques
  3. Baraka - Hip Hop Tribute to Ahmad Zahir

Baraka - Hip Hop Tribute to Ahmad Zahir

Baraka - Hip Hop Tribute to Ahmad Zahir
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World folk rock hang drum throat singing traditional ethno world music Russian Federation
The new album of Baltic band Baraka is devoted to Ahmad Zahir - famous Afghan singer from the mid-20 century who is well-known and beloved throughout the Eastern world and beyond. The basic conceptual and semantic line of the album is to show that the life of the prophet, save in his own country (and Ahmad Zahir was certainly a prophet to some extent), is short, dangerous, and, of course, tragic. The last song on the album is called “My Death” - Zahir performed it when he was still alive, thus saying that his life will be an offering to the culture of his people, it will be bright like the flight of the star, but, unfortunately, rather short. He was a great reformer, as he brought European instruments and electronic sound into the Afghan popular music. At that time, it was a huge and brave step forward for all of its musicians. We continued his reforms in some sense by adding rap and jazz to the famous Central Asian songs. Besides constant Baraka band members album features various hip-hop artists from Tajikistan and singer Zarina Tajibaeva who is well-known in Europe. The album is accessible to a wider audience, for Western listeners as well as for the Eastern. It includes certain elements of the Eastern culture, jazz improvisation, rap and academic vocal performance.
musicians Devika Evsikova - vocal, bass Zarina Tajibaeva - vocal Deniss Pashkevich - flute, sax Viktor Ritov - piano, rhodes piano, synth solo Artem Sarvi - rhodes piano, synth solo Madars Kalnins - rhodes piano Egor Kovaikov - electric and acoustic guitars, dutor Artur Kutepov -guitars Dmitry Evsikov - all percussion and arrangements Rap Alijon Boynazarov Amin Mamadnazarov Khurshed Davronzod Dorob Yan's Rayyan Sabet-Parry Sabzali Navruzov Imomdod Orifov Mister Ruslan KiLLa Voice Kova Tilavpur

1 Bewafo Yaaram
2 Nabar In Guman
3 Dostet Darom Wallah Billah
4 Modare Man
5 Zindagi Okhir Sar Oyad
6 Sultani Qalbam Tu Hasti
7 Emshab Ba Qessae
8 Pas Az In Zari Makon
9 Charkh Bizan
10 Yaad-e Rozgore Shereen
11 Layley Jaan
12 Ay Sorbon
13 Chi Khelaf Sar Zad Az Ma
14 Pas Az In Zari Makon Reprise
15 Marge Man
World folk rock hang drum throat singing traditional ethno world music Russian Federation
The new album of Baltic band Baraka is devoted to Ahmad Zahir - famous Afghan singer from the mid-20 century who is well-known and beloved throughout the Eastern world and beyond. The basic conceptual and semantic line of the album is to show that the life of the prophet, save in his own country (and Ahmad Zahir was certainly a prophet to some extent), is short, dangerous, and, of course, tragic. The last song on the album is called “My Death” - Zahir performed it when he was still alive, thus saying that his life will be an offering to the culture of his people, it will be bright like the flight of the star, but, unfortunately, rather short. He was a great reformer, as he brought European instruments and electronic sound into the Afghan popular music. At that time, it was a huge and brave step forward for all of its musicians. We continued his reforms in some sense by adding rap and jazz to the famous Central Asian songs. Besides constant Baraka band members album features various hip-hop artists from Tajikistan and singer Zarina Tajibaeva who is well-known in Europe. The album is accessible to a wider audience, for Western listeners as well as for the Eastern. It includes certain elements of the Eastern culture, jazz improvisation, rap and academic vocal performance.
musicians Devika Evsikova - vocal, bass Zarina Tajibaeva - vocal Deniss Pashkevich - flute, sax Viktor Ritov - piano, rhodes piano, synth solo Artem Sarvi - rhodes piano, synth solo Madars Kalnins - rhodes piano Egor Kovaikov - electric and acoustic guitars, dutor Artur Kutepov -guitars Dmitry Evsikov - all percussion and arrangements Rap Alijon Boynazarov Amin Mamadnazarov Khurshed Davronzod Dorob Yan's Rayyan Sabet-Parry Sabzali Navruzov Imomdod Orifov Mister Ruslan KiLLa Voice Kova Tilavpur

1 Bewafo Yaaram
2 Nabar In Guman
3 Dostet Darom Wallah Billah
4 Modare Man
5 Zindagi Okhir Sar Oyad
6 Sultani Qalbam Tu Hasti
7 Emshab Ba Qessae
8 Pas Az In Zari Makon
9 Charkh Bizan
10 Yaad-e Rozgore Shereen
11 Layley Jaan
12 Ay Sorbon
13 Chi Khelaf Sar Zad Az Ma
14 Pas Az In Zari Makon Reprise
15 Marge Man
Новый альбом прибалтийской группы Барака посвящен творчеству Ахмада Захира - известнейшего персидского исполнителя середины 20 века, его знают и любят во всем Восточном Мире и за его пределами.

Основная концептуальная и смысловая линии альбома - показать, что жизнь пророка в своем отечестве (Ахмад Захир был в некоторой степени пророк) - опасна, коротка и конечно же трагична. Последняя песня альбома называется "Моя смерть". Певец еще при жизни исполнил ее, тем самым рассказал, что его жизнь будет приношением культуре своего народа, она будет яркой как полет звезды, и, к сожалению не длинной.

Ахмад Захир был большим реформатором, он ввел в популярную музыку Афганистана европейские инструменты и электронное звучание. Это был большой и смелый шаг в то время для всех его музыкантов. Мы продолжили в некотором смысле его реформы, добавив реп и джаз в известные песни Средней Азии.

В записи альбома кроме неизменных участников Baraka приняли участие hip-hop исполнители из Таджикистана, а также известная в Европе исполнительница Зарина Таджибаева. Альбом доступен для восприятия самым широким массам, как западным, так и восточным. Там есть и элементы Востока и джазовые импровизации и реп и академический вокал.

1 Bewafo Yaaram
2 Nabar In Guman
3 Dostet Darom Wallah Billah
4 Modare Man
5 Zindagi Okhir Sar Oyad
6 Sultani Qalbam Tu Hasti
7 Emshab Ba Qessae
8 Pas Az In Zari Makon
9 Charkh Bizan
10 Yaad-e Rozgore Shereen
11 Layley Jaan
12 Ay Sorbon
13 Chi Khelaf Sar Zad Az Ma
14 Pas Az In Zari Makon Reprise
15 Marge Man
Novyj albom pribaltijskoj gruppy Baraka posvjaschen tvorchestvu Akhmada Zakhira - izvestnejshego persidskogo ispolnitelja serediny 20 veka, ego znajut i ljubjat vo vsem Vostochnom Mire i za ego predelami.

Osnovnaja kontseptualnaja i smyslovaja linii alboma - pokazat, chto zhizn proroka v svoem otechestve (Akhmad Zakhir byl v nekotoroj stepeni prorok) - opasna, korotka i konechno zhe tragichna. Poslednjaja pesnja alboma nazyvaetsja "Moja smert". Pevets esche pri zhizni ispolnil ee, tem samym rasskazal, chto ego zhizn budet prinosheniem kulture svoego naroda, ona budet jarkoj kak polet zvezdy, i, k sozhaleniju ne dlinnoj.

Akhmad Zakhir byl bolshim reformatorom, on vvel v populjarnuju muzyku Afganistana evropejskie instrumenty i elektronnoe zvuchanie. Eto byl bolshoj i smelyj shag v to vremja dlja vsekh ego muzykantov. My prodolzhili v nekotorom smysle ego reformy, dobaviv rep i dzhaz v izvestnye pesni Srednej Azii.

V zapisi alboma krome neizmennykh uchastnikov Baraka prinjali uchastie hip-hop ispolniteli iz Tadzhikistana, a takzhe izvestnaja v Evrope ispolnitelnitsa Zarina Tadzhibaeva. Albom dostupen dlja vosprijatija samym shirokim massam, kak zapadnym, tak i vostochnym. Tam est i elementy Vostoka i dzhazovye improvizatsii i rep i akademicheskij vokal.

1 Bewafo Yaaram
2 Nabar In Guman
3 Dostet Darom Wallah Billah
4 Modare Man
5 Zindagi Okhir Sar Oyad
6 Sultani Qalbam Tu Hasti
7 Emshab Ba Qessae
8 Pas Az In Zari Makon
9 Charkh Bizan
10 Yaad-e Rozgore Shereen
11 Layley Jaan
12 Ay Sorbon
13 Chi Khelaf Sar Zad Az Ma
14 Pas Az In Zari Makon Reprise
15 Marge Man
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