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  3. B-2 & Prague Metropolitan Symphonic orchestra vol.1

B-2 & Prague Metropolitan Symphonic orchestra vol.1

B-2  & Prague Metropolitan Symphonic orchestra vol.1
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Album was recorded with the orchestra in 2013: 16 compositions in the arrangement of Gennady Kornilov were performed by the Prague Symphony Orchestra together with the permanent conductor of the band Felix Aranovsky. Three years have elapsed since the release of the first B-2 album with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs's Symphony Orchestra, during which time enough studio material was accumulated in the group's discography so that it would be possible to repeat an interesting and, without false modesty, incredibly successful creative experiment - to record a new record with the orchestra.

1. Ejo Glaza
2. Bowie
3. Devushki
4. Bezvozdushnaja Trevoga (featuring T. Gverdtsiteli)
5. Do Utra (featuring Ju. Chicherina)
6. Vechnaja Prizrachnaja Vstrechnaja
7. Reki Ljubvi
8. Bljuz (featuring N. Poleva)
9. Muza
10. Shambala (featuring E. Kaufman)
11. Shkola Tantsev
12. 1000 Mil
13. Belye Odezhdy (featuring T. Gverdtsiteli)
14. Vniz Po Techeniju Neba (featuring N. Poleva)
15. Beguschij Po Lezviju Britvy (featuring V. Demidova)
16. Shar Zemnoj
Album was recorded with the orchestra in 2013: 16 compositions in the arrangement of Gennady Kornilov were performed by the Prague Symphony Orchestra together with the permanent conductor of the band Felix Aranovsky. Three years have elapsed since the release of the first B-2 album with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs's Symphony Orchestra, during which time enough studio material was accumulated in the group's discography so that it would be possible to repeat an interesting and, without false modesty, incredibly successful creative experiment - to record a new record with the orchestra.

1. Ejo Glaza
2. Bowie
3. Devushki
4. Bezvozdushnaja Trevoga (featuring T. Gverdtsiteli)
5. Do Utra (featuring Ju. Chicherina)
6. Vechnaja Prizrachnaja Vstrechnaja
7. Reki Ljubvi
8. Bljuz (featuring N. Poleva)
9. Muza
10. Shambala (featuring E. Kaufman)
11. Shkola Tantsev
12. 1000 Mil
13. Belye Odezhdy (featuring T. Gverdtsiteli)
14. Vniz Po Techeniju Neba (featuring N. Poleva)
15. Beguschij Po Lezviju Britvy (featuring V. Demidova)
16. Shar Zemnoj
Альбом группы Би-2, записанный с оркестром в 2013 году: 16 композиций в аранжировке Геннадия Корнилова были исполнены Пражским симфоническим оркестром вместе с бессменным дирижёром группы Феликсом Арановским. С момента выхода первого альбома Би-2 с Симфоническим оркестром МВД России прошло три года, за это время в дискографии группы накопилось достаточно студийного материала, чтобы можно было повторить интересный и, без ложной скромности, невероятно успешный творческий эксперимент – записать новую пластинку с оркестром.

1. Её Глаза
2. Bowie
3. Девушки
4. Безвоздушная Тревога (featuring Т. Гвердцители)
5. До Утра (featuring Ю. Чичерина)
6. Вечная Призрачная Встречная
7. Реки Любви
8. Блюз (featuring Н. Полева)
9. Муза
10. Шамбала (featuring Е. Кауфман)
11. Школа Танцев
12. 1000 Миль
13. Белые Одежды (featuring Т. Гвердцители)
14. Вниз По Течению Неба (featuring Н. Полева)
15. Бегущий По Лезвию Бритвы (featuring В. Демидова)
16. Шар Земной
Albom gruppy Bi-2, zapisannyj s orkestrom v 2013 godu: 16 kompozitsij v aranzhirovke Gennadija Kornilova byli ispolneny Prazhskim simfonicheskim orkestrom vmeste s bessmennym dirizhjorom gruppy Feliksom Aranovskim. S momenta vykhoda pervogo alboma Bi-2 s Simfonicheskim orkestrom MVD Rossii proshlo tri goda, za eto vremja v diskografii gruppy nakopilos dostatochno studijnogo materiala, chtoby mozhno bylo povtorit interesnyj i, bez lozhnoj skromnosti, neverojatno uspeshnyj tvorcheskij eksperiment – zapisat novuju plastinku s orkestrom.

1. Ejo Glaza
2. Bowie
3. Devushki
4. Bezvozdushnaja Trevoga (featuring T. Gverdtsiteli)
5. Do Utra (featuring Ju. Chicherina)
6. Vechnaja Prizrachnaja Vstrechnaja
7. Reki Ljubvi
8. Bljuz (featuring N. Poleva)
9. Muza
10. Shambala (featuring E. Kaufman)
11. Shkola Tantsev
12. 1000 Mil
13. Belye Odezhdy (featuring T. Gverdtsiteli)
14. Vniz Po Techeniju Neba (featuring N. Poleva)
15. Beguschij Po Lezviju Britvy (featuring V. Demidova)
16. Shar Zemnoj
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