145 mm x 205 mm
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) — the Austrian composer, conductor, opera producer. His creattv activity took place ш many places. From 1880 he conducted different opera theatres in Austro-Hungary, including the Viennese Court Opera during the period of 1897–1907, from 1907 — in the USA, from 1897 he held performances ш Russia.
Mahler is considered to be one of the most eminent and genuine symphonists of thе world music history. His creation became the link between the romanticism of the 19th century and the 20th century's expressionism (first оГа11 the New-Viennese school). Such distinguished composers of the 20th century as D. Shostakovich, В. Britten, А. Schnitke were influenced by various aspects of his aesthetic method.
The Ninth Symphony was created in summer 1908 and 1909. It happened in Toblach. The symphony belongs to the late uncompleted trilogy: "Song of the Earth" — the Ninth — the Tenth. They are imbued with the conception оf the future validiction with the life. It was in 1907 when Mahler mourned his little daughter, having died, being five. Exactly then he was informed about his bad cordial disease. Bruno Walter, the famous conductor, disciple of Gustav Mahler described the mentioned years: "The world was extended before him enlightened by the mild farewell shine".
The Ninth Symphony is the last accomplished composition by Mahler. It has the pure instnunental nature, consisting of four movements. Their sequence is based on tempo symmetry, i. e. two rapid scherzo movements in the middle and the slow ones surrounding it (in particular the finale valedictory Adagio). Alban Berg imparted his thoughts: "Once I гап through Mahler's Ninth Symphony again. The first movement seetns to Mahler's apex. This is the manifest о1'unprecedented love to this Earth, passionate desire of living on it in реасе, enjoying it ш full swing, dissolved in its nature until death, impends, for it approaches nearer".
The premiere took place in Vienna on June 26, 1912. Bruno Walter conducted the symphony of his late master.
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) — the Austrian composer, conductor, opera producer. His creattv activity took place ш many places. From 1880 he conducted different opera theatres in Austro-Hungary, including the Viennese Court Opera during the period of 1897–1907, from 1907 — in the USA, from 1897 he held performances ш Russia.
Mahler is considered to be one of the most eminent and genuine symphonists of thе world music history. His creation became the link between the romanticism of the 19th century and the 20th century's expressionism (first оГа11 the New-Viennese school). Such distinguished composers of the 20th century as D. Shostakovich, В. Britten, А. Schnitke were influenced by various aspects of his aesthetic method.
The Ninth Symphony was created in summer 1908 and 1909. It happened in Toblach. The symphony belongs to the late uncompleted trilogy: «Song of the Earth» — the Ninth — the Tenth. They are imbued with the conception оf the future validiction with the life. It was in 1907 when Mahler mourned his little daughter, having died, being five. Exactly then he was informed about his bad cordial disease. Bruno Walter, the famous conductor, disciple of Gustav Mahler described the mentioned years: «The world was extended before him enlightened by the mild farewell shine».
The Ninth Symphony is the last accomplished composition by Mahler. It has the pure instnunental nature, consisting of four movements. Their sequence is based on tempo symmetry, i. e. two rapid scherzo movements in the middle and the slow ones surrounding it (in particular the finale valedictory Adagio). Alban Berg imparted his thoughts: «Once I гап through Mahler's Ninth Symphony again. The first movement seetns to Mahler's apex. This is the manifest о1'unprecedented love to this Earth, passionate desire of living on it in реасе, enjoying it ш full swing, dissolved in its nature until death, impends, for it approaches nearer».
The premiere took place in Vienna on June 26, 1912. Bruno Walter conducted the symphony of his late master.
145 mm x 205 mm
Густав Малер (1860–1911) — австрийский композитор, дирижер, оперный режиссер. Один из самых выдающихся симфонистов в истории музыки. Гением Малера-дирижера восхищался П. И. Чайковский. Творчество Малера оказало сильное влияние на развитие музыкальной культуры XX века.
Десять симфоний Малера представляют собой грандиозные музыкальные полотна, которые можно рассматривать как главы единой философской поэмы, где Первая симфония служит своеобразным прологом, а "Песнь о земле" и Девятая симфония эпилогом.
Девятая симфония создавалась Малером летом 1908 и 1909 годов в Тоблахе. Она входит в оставшуюся незавершенной "трилогию", относящуюся к позднему периоду творчества композитора ("Песнь о земле" — Девятая — Десятая). Все эти произведения проникнуты мыслью о предстоящем прощании с земным миром: в 1907 году Малер, переживший смерть пятилетней дочери, узнал о своей неизлечимой сердечной болезни. О последних годах жизни композитора его ученик дирижер Бруно Вальтер говорил: "Мир лежал перед ним в мягком свете прощания".
Девятая симфония — последнее завершенное Малером произведение — чисто инструментальна, состоит из четырех частей, расположенных по принципу темповой симметрии: две быстрые скерцозные части в середине и медленные по краям. Альбан Берг писал об этой симфонии: "Как-то я вновь проиграл Девятую Малера: первая часть — лучшее, что написал Малер. Это — выражение неслыханной любви к этой земле, страстное желание в мире жить на ней, еще и еще раз до глубочайшей глубины насладиться ею, природой — пока не придет смерть. Ибо она неудержимо приближается".
Премьера симфонии состоялась уже после смерти композитора — 26 июня 1912 года в Вене, под управлением Бруно Вальтера.
Издание адресовано дирижерам, музыковедам, а также широкому кругу любителей музыки.
145 mm x 205 mm
Gustav Maler (1860–1911) — avstrijskij kompozitor, dirizher, opernyj rezhisser. Odin iz samykh vydajuschikhsja simfonistov v istorii muzyki. Geniem Malera-dirizhera voskhischalsja P. I. Chajkovskij. Tvorchestvo Malera okazalo silnoe vlijanie na razvitie muzykalnoj kultury XX veka.
Desjat simfonij Malera predstavljajut soboj grandioznye muzykalnye polotna, kotorye mozhno rassmatrivat kak glavy edinoj filosofskoj poemy, gde Pervaja simfonija sluzhit svoeobraznym prologom, a "Pesn o zemle" i Devjataja simfonija epilogom.
Devjataja simfonija sozdavalas Malerom letom 1908 i 1909 godov v Toblakhe. Ona vkhodit v ostavshujusja nezavershennoj "trilogiju", otnosjaschujusja k pozdnemu periodu tvorchestva kompozitora ("Pesn o zemle" — Devjataja — Desjataja). Vse eti proizvedenija proniknuty myslju o predstojaschem proschanii s zemnym mirom: v 1907 godu Maler, perezhivshij smert pjatiletnej docheri, uznal o svoej neizlechimoj serdechnoj bolezni. O poslednikh godakh zhizni kompozitora ego uchenik dirizher Bruno Valter govoril: "Mir lezhal pered nim v mjagkom svete proschanija".
Devjataja simfonija — poslednee zavershennoe Malerom proizvedenie — chisto instrumentalna, sostoit iz chetyrekh chastej, raspolozhennykh po printsipu tempovoj simmetrii: dve bystrye skertsoznye chasti v seredine i medlennye po krajam. Alban Berg pisal ob etoj simfonii: "Kak-to ja vnov proigral Devjatuju Malera: pervaja chast — luchshee, chto napisal Maler. Eto — vyrazhenie neslykhannoj ljubvi k etoj zemle, strastnoe zhelanie v mire zhit na nej, esche i esche raz do glubochajshej glubiny nasladitsja eju, prirodoj — poka ne pridet smert. Ibo ona neuderzhimo priblizhaetsja".
Premera simfonii sostojalas uzhe posle smerti kompozitora — 26 ijunja 1912 goda v Vene, pod upravleniem Bruno Valtera.
Izdanie adresovano dirizheram, muzykovedam, a takzhe shirokomu krugu ljubitelej muzyki.