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  4. Quartet No. 2 for two violins, viola and piano. Score and parts

Quartet No. 2 for two violins, viola and piano. Score and parts

Квартет No. 2 для двух скрипок, альта и виолончели. Партитура и партии
Quartet No. 2 for two violins, viola and piano. Score and parts
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The Quartet No. 2, op. 5 (1953) differs greatly from the first one. Its music seems to have undergone the influence of the classical Russian school, that is revealed in the structural elements akin to the Russian traditional songful-dancing melos. However, Basner himself rises as a thoughtful composer with the heightened receptivity and keen aesthetic outlook.
The atmosphere of clarity and purity dominates along the whole cycle of three movements. Already the first theme of the first movement is presented as the translucent drawling melody, so very to any canticle.
The Quartet doesn't have any literary programme. This would be doubtlessly the adjective “young” or “youthful” that is to shine upon the whole composition indeed, if the composer decided to name his creation. It may be explained by the brand new feelings recalled every time by the Quartet's music. The Quartet No. 2 was awarded the prize at the Fifth International Democratic Youth Festival in Warsaw, where the young composer was deservedly appreciated for his skill, so amazing for a youth of his age.
The Quartet No. 2, op. 5 (1953) differs greatly from the first one. Its music seems to have undergone the influence of the classical Russian school, that is revealed in the structural elements akin to the Russian traditional songful-dancing melos. However, Basner himself rises as a thoughtful composer with the heightened receptivity and keen aesthetic outlook.
The atmosphere of clarity and purity dominates along the whole cycle of three movements. Already the first theme of the first movement is presented as the translucent drawling melody, so very to any canticle.
The Quartet doesn't have any literary programme. This would be doubtlessly the adjective “young” or “youthful” that is to shine upon the whole composition indeed, if the composer decided to name his creation. It may be explained by the brand new feelings recalled every time by the Quartet's music. The Quartet No. 2 was awarded the prize at the Fifth International Democratic Youth Festival in Warsaw, where the young composer was deservedly appreciated for his skill, so amazing for a youth of his age.
Вениамин Ефимович Баснер (1925–1996) — выдающийся композитор, чье творчество одной из ярких страниц вошло в историю отечественной музыкальной культуры; Народный артист России, лауреат Государственной премии. Его именем названа одна из малых планет Солнечной системы. Автор множества разноплановых произведений: симфоний, сюит, сочинений для камерных составов. Всенародное признание композитору, безусловно, принесли песни (среди которых такие шедевры, как "С чего начинается Родина", "На безымянной высоте", "Махнем не глядя") и музыка к кинофильмам.
Жанр струнного квартета занимает особое место в творчестве композитора. Струнный квартет No. 2 В. Баснера, соч. 5 (1953), по своему стилю значительно отличается от Первого, написанного в 1948 году. В этом произведении В. Баснер опирается на наследие русской музыкальной классики. Квартет не имеет литературной программы. Его музыка пронизана духом молодости: не случайно это произведение было отмечено 2-й премией на V Всемирном фестивале демократической молодежи в Варшаве (1955).
Издание адресовано концертирующим музыкантам, студентам и педагогам консерваторий и музыкальных училищ, а также широкому кругу любителей музыки.
Veniamin Efimovich Basner (1925–1996) — vydajuschijsja kompozitor, che tvorchestvo odnoj iz jarkikh stranits voshlo v istoriju otechestvennoj muzykalnoj kultury; Narodnyj artist Rossii, laureat Gosudarstvennoj premii. Ego imenem nazvana odna iz malykh planet Solnechnoj sistemy. Avtor mnozhestva raznoplanovykh proizvedenij: simfonij, sjuit, sochinenij dlja kamernykh sostavov. Vsenarodnoe priznanie kompozitoru, bezuslovno, prinesli pesni (sredi kotorykh takie shedevry, kak "S chego nachinaetsja Rodina", "Na bezymjannoj vysote", "Makhnem ne gljadja") i muzyka k kinofilmam.
Zhanr strunnogo kvarteta zanimaet osoboe mesto v tvorchestve kompozitora. Strunnyj kvartet No. 2 V. Basnera, soch. 5 (1953), po svoemu stilju znachitelno otlichaetsja ot Pervogo, napisannogo v 1948 godu. V etom proizvedenii V. Basner opiraetsja na nasledie russkoj muzykalnoj klassiki. Kvartet ne imeet literaturnoj programmy. Ego muzyka pronizana dukhom molodosti: ne sluchajno eto proizvedenie bylo otmecheno 2-j premiej na V Vsemirnom festivale demokraticheskoj molodezhi v Varshave (1955).
Izdanie adresovano kontsertirujuschim muzykantam, studentam i pedagogam konservatorij i muzykalnykh uchilisch, a takzhe shirokomu krugu ljubitelej muzyki.
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