1. Partitions & livres de musique
  2. Partitions: Musique vocale
  3. Partitions: chant en solo
  4. Arias from Operas (Mozart, Donizetti, Verdi). Bass. Educational aid for vocalists and concermasters. Issue 5

Arias from Operas (Mozart, Donizetti, Verdi). Bass. Educational aid for vocalists and concermasters. Issue 5

Арии из опер (Моцарт, Доницетти, Верди). Бас. Учебное пособие для вокалистов и концертмейстеров. Выпуск 5
Arias from Operas (Mozart, Donizetti, Verdi). Bass. Educational aid for vocalists and concermasters. Issue 5
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9.00 € 2.00 € Prix réduit 77.78%
1.82 € hors TVA
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Seven albums of romances, arias and songs that comprise the present collection constitute the core of the repertoire of the great Russian singer, Eugene Nesterenko. His powerful, magnificient, soul penetrating bass is widely known not only in Russia but in the whole world.
Almost all arias by Russian composers as well as most difficult opera parts by Mozart. Verdi, Puccini, Gounod, Berlioz, Dvorak, Debussy, Bartok are mastered by this genius of a singer and became a foundation of his glory.
His concert repertoire comprises nearly 500 hundred romances and songs; he is the first performer of a considerable number of works by D. Shostakovich and G. Sviridov.
Some of the popular romances songs in the present collection are transposed to convenient keys for bass, this, together with the rarely performed works included into the collection undoubtedly would arouse the interest towards it among musicians.
Being not mere couple of albums but highly organized compilation, this collection helps the performer to compile a logically accomplished concert program.


W. A. Mozart. FIRST ARIA OF SARASTRO. From the opera “The Magic Flute”
W. A. Mozart. SECOND ARIA OF SARASTRO. From the opera “The Magic Flute”
W. A. Mozart. ARIA OF DON BARTOLO. From the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”
G. Donizetti. ARIA OF DON PASQUALE. From the opera “Don Pasquale”
G. Donizetti. CAVATINA OF DULCAMARA. From the opera “The Love Potion”
G. Verdi. THE PRAY OF ZACCARIA. From the opera “Nabucco”
G. Verdi. ARIA OF ATTILA. From the opera “Attila”
G. Verdi. ARIA OF PROCIDA. From the opera “The Sicilian Vespers”
G. Verdi. RECITATIVE AND ROMANCE OF FIESCO. From the opera “Simon Boccanegra”
G. Verdi. ARIA OF KING PHILIP. From the opera “Don Carlos”
Seven albums of romances, arias and songs that comprise the present collection constitute the core of the repertoire of the great Russian singer, Eugene Nesterenko. His powerful, magnificient, soul penetrating bass is widely known not only in Russia but in the whole world.
Almost all arias by Russian composers as well as most difficult opera parts by Mozart. Verdi, Puccini, Gounod, Berlioz, Dvorak, Debussy, Bartok are mastered by this genius of a singer and became a foundation of his glory.
His concert repertoire comprises nearly 500 hundred romances and songs; he is the first performer of a considerable number of works by D. Shostakovich and G. Sviridov.
Some of the popular romances songs in the present collection are transposed to convenient keys for bass, this, together with the rarely performed works included into the collection undoubtedly would arouse the interest towards it among musicians.
Being not mere couple of albums but highly organized compilation, this collection helps the performer to compile a logically accomplished concert program.


W. A. Mozart. FIRST ARIA OF SARASTRO. From the opera “The Magic Flute”
W. A. Mozart. SECOND ARIA OF SARASTRO. From the opera “The Magic Flute”
W. A. Mozart. ARIA OF DON BARTOLO. From the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”
G. Donizetti. ARIA OF DON PASQUALE. From the opera “Don Pasquale”
G. Donizetti. CAVATINA OF DULCAMARA. From the opera “The Love Potion”
G. Verdi. THE PRAY OF ZACCARIA. From the opera “Nabucco”
G. Verdi. ARIA OF ATTILA. From the opera “Attila”
G. Verdi. ARIA OF PROCIDA. From the opera “The Sicilian Vespers”
G. Verdi. RECITATIVE AND ROMANCE OF FIESCO. From the opera “Simon Boccanegra”
G. Verdi. ARIA OF KING PHILIP. From the opera “Don Carlos”
Перед вами семь сборников арий, романсов и песен из репертуара Евгений Евгеньевича Нестеренко — одного из величайших басов современности, легенды не только русской, но и мировой оперной сцены.
В огромный оперный репертуар певца входят почти все русские оперы и труднейшие партии в операх Моцарта, Доницетти, Верди, Пуччини, Бойто, Гуно, Берлиоза, Дворжака, Дебюсси, Бартока.
Концертный репертуар Евгения Нестеренко включает в себя около 500 романсов и песен, он — первый исполнитель многих произведений Дмитрия Шостаковича и Георгия Свиридова.
Многие из популярных романсов и песен транспонированы самим певцом в удобные для баса тональности, кроме того, в сборнике представлены редко исполняемые произведения, все это позволяет вокалистам составить стройную, имеющую внутреннюю логику, концертную программу, и вывести весь цикл сборников Е. Нестеренко за рамки привычного, "ходового" репертуара.


В. А. Моцарт. ПЕРВАЯ АРИЯ ЗАРАСТРО. Из оперы „Волшебная флейта“
В. А. Моцарт. ВТОРАЯ АРИЯ ЗАРАСТРО. Из оперы „Волшебная флейта“
В. А. Моцарт. АРИЯ ДОНА БАРТОЛО. Из оперы „Свадьба Фигаро“
Г. Доницетти. АРИЯ ДОНА ПАСКУАЛЕ. Из оперы „Дон Паскуале“
Г. Доницетти. КАВАТИНА ДУЛЬКАМАРЫ. Из оперы „Любовный напиток“
Дж. Верди. МОЛИТВА ЗАХАРИИ. Из оперы „Набукко“
Дж. Верди. АРИЯ АТТИЛЫ. Из оперы „Аттила“
Дж. Верди. АРИЯ ПРОЧИДЫ. Из оперы „Сицилийская вечерня“
Дж. Верди. РЕЧИТАТИВ И РОМАНС ФИЕСКО. Из оперы „Симон Бокканегра“
Дж. Верди. АРИЯ короля филиппа. Из оперы „Дон Карлос“
Pered vami sem sbornikov arij, romansov i pesen iz repertuara Evgenij Evgenevicha Nesterenko — odnogo iz velichajshikh basov sovremennosti, legendy ne tolko russkoj, no i mirovoj opernoj stseny.
V ogromnyj opernyj repertuar pevtsa vkhodjat pochti vse russkie opery i trudnejshie partii v operakh Motsarta, Donitsetti, Verdi, Puchchini, Bojto, Guno, Berlioza, Dvorzhaka, Debjussi, Bartoka.
Kontsertnyj repertuar Evgenija Nesterenko vkljuchaet v sebja okolo 500 romansov i pesen, on — pervyj ispolnitel mnogikh proizvedenij Dmitrija Shostakovicha i Georgija Sviridova.
Mnogie iz populjarnykh romansov i pesen transponirovany samim pevtsom v udobnye dlja basa tonalnosti, krome togo, v sbornike predstavleny redko ispolnjaemye proizvedenija, vse eto pozvoljaet vokalistam sostavit strojnuju, imejuschuju vnutrennjuju logiku, kontsertnuju programmu, i vyvesti ves tsikl sbornikov E. Nesterenko za ramki privychnogo, "khodovogo" repertuara.


V. A. Motsart. PERVAJa ARIJa ZARASTRO. Iz opery „Volshebnaja flejta“
V. A. Motsart. VTORAJa ARIJa ZARASTRO. Iz opery „Volshebnaja flejta“
V. A. Motsart. ARIJa DONA BARTOLO. Iz opery „Svadba Figaro“
G. Donitsetti. ARIJa DONA PASKUALE. Iz opery „Don Paskuale“
G. Donitsetti. KAVATINA DULKAMARY. Iz opery „Ljubovnyj napitok“
Dzh. Verdi. MOLITVA ZAKHARII. Iz opery „Nabukko“
Dzh. Verdi. ARIJa ATTILY. Iz opery „Attila“
Dzh. Verdi. ARIJa PROCHIDY. Iz opery „Sitsilijskaja vechernja“
Dzh. Verdi. RECHITATIV I ROMANS FIESKO. Iz opery „Simon Bokkanegra“
Dzh. Verdi. ARIJa korolja filippa. Iz opery „Don Karlos“
Classifiсation de la bibliothèque BIC:
Voir les recommandations de Ruslania
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