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  2. Partitions: Instruments à cordes
  3. Partitions: violoncelle
  4. Variations on Obtaining of a Dwelling for violoncello and piano. Piano score and part

Variations on Obtaining of a Dwelling for violoncello and piano. Piano score and part

Вариации на обретение жилища для виолончели и фортепиано. Клавир и партия
Variations on Obtaining of a Dwelling for violoncello and piano. Piano score and part
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10.00 € 9.09 € hors TVA
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LEONID DESYATNIKOV born in 1955) is one of the most oroginal and widely performed among the Petersburgian composers. He is a graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory and a member of the Composers Union. He has been a freelance composer since 1984.

Desyatnikov has penned four operas, several cantatas, and numerous vocal and instrumental compositions. The composer defines his style as "the emancipation of consonance, the transformation of the banal, minimalism with a human face"; his favorite genre is the "tragically naughty bagatelle". His principal compositions include Rosenthal's Children (an opera in two acts; Vladimir Sorokin, libretto), Poor Liza (a chamber opera in one act; Leonid Desyatnikov, libretto, after the novella by Nikolai Karamzin; Gift (a cantata based on the verses of Gavrila Derzhavin), A Leaden Echo (a piece for voice and instruments based on the verses of Gerard Manley Hopkins) and The Rite of Winter 1949 (a symphony for choir, soloists and orchestra).

Since 1996 Desyatnikov has worked closely with Gidon Kremer, both as a composer (Wie der Alte Leiermann, the chamber orchestra version of Sketches for "Sunset", Russian Seasons and as an arranger of compositions by Astor Piazzolla. He has also composed the music for such films as Sunset, Lost in Siberia, Moscow Nights, Hammer and Sickle, Giselle's Mania, His Wife's Diary, The Prisoner of the Mountains and Moscow (Grand Prize, 4th Biennial Film Music Festival, Bonn, 2002).
Леонид Десятников - один из самых исполняемых современных российских композиторов, член Союза композиторов - родился в Харькове 16 октября 1955 года. Окончил Ленинградскую консерваторию по классу композиции профессора Бориса Арапова и по классу инструментовки у профессора Б. Тищенко. Среди его сочинений 4 оперы, симфония для хора, оркестра и солистов; 2 кантаты; вокальный цикл, музыка к фильмам "Закат", "Серп и молот", "Подмосковные вечера", "Мания Жизели", "Кавказский пленник", "Москва" и мн. др.
Leonid Desjatnikov - odin iz samykh ispolnjaemykh sovremennykh rossijskikh kompozitorov, chlen Sojuza kompozitorov - rodilsja v Kharkove 16 oktjabrja 1955 goda. Okonchil Leningradskuju konservatoriju po klassu kompozitsii professora Borisa Arapova i po klassu instrumentovki u professora B. Tischenko. Sredi ego sochinenij 4 opery, simfonija dlja khora, orkestra i solistov; 2 kantaty; vokalnyj tsikl, muzyka k filmam "Zakat", "Serp i molot", "Podmoskovnye vechera", "Manija Zhizeli", "Kavkazskij plennik", "Moskva" i mn. dr.
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