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  3. Suite to the verses by the Scottish and English Poets for soloist, mixed choir and two pianos

Suite to the verses by the Scottish and English Poets for soloist, mixed choir and two pianos

Сюита на стихи шотландских и английских поэтов для солиста, смешанного хора и двух фортепиано
Suite to the verses by the Scottish and English Poets for soloist, mixed choir and two pianos
Année de sortie
9.00 € 8.18 € hors TVA
Livraison: 2 semaines á compter de la commande
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Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (born in 1952) is the Petersburgian composer, whose passion is choral and pedagogical activity. The “Compozitor Publishing House • St Petersburg” has already edited his collection of ecclesiastic and secular works to the verses by A. Pushkin, A. Fet, A. Tyutchev, M. Tsvetayeva, I. Annensky, B. Pasternak, A. Tarkovsky, Yu. Morits, so as his cycles “Cypress Casket” to the verses by Innokentiy Annensky and “Birth of Wing” to Yunna Morits, Arseniy Tarkovsky and Boris Pasternak, Concerto to the verses by Osip Mandelshtam “Small Cantata to the verses Lev Ginsburg”, choral triptych to Avetik Isaakyan, three choruses to the Latin American poets translated to Russian by Viktor Viktorov.
The compositions by Dmitri Smirnov have already entered the stock of different choirs in Russia and all over the world.
Poetry is akin to vocal. Their natures are alike. Pronounced word strives for being poured to the sung word.
The Suite to the verses by the Scottish and English poets was composed and firstly performed in 1981 (version for the soloist, female choir and two pianos). In 1987 Smirnov gave birth to the second version of the Suite published in this very edition for soloist, mixed choir and two pianos (now this opus is used in such an edition only).
The première took place in the Small (Maly) Hall of the Petersburg Philharmonic Society on October 1, 1987. The St. Petersburg Chamber Choir (conducted by Nikolai Kornev) was its first performer. The Composition in this exact version entered the repertoire of numerous choruses in Russia, hitting marks all over the world and being recorded at the Petersburg Radio.


I. The Ploughman. Verses by R. Burns, translated by I. Ivanovsky
II. For the Sake O'Somebody. Verses by R. Burns, translated by I. Ivanovsky
III. When We Two Parted. Verses by G. Byron, translated by I. Ivanovsky
IV. My Boat is on the Shore. Verses by G. Byron, translated by I. Ivanovsky
V. Te Young May Moon. Verses by Th. Moore, translated by I. Ivanovsky
VI. O, Wert Thou in the Could Blast. Verses by R. Burns, translated by I. Ivanovsky
Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (born in 1952) is the Petersburgian composer, whose passion is choral and pedagogical activity. The “Compozitor Publishing House • St Petersburg” has already edited his collection of ecclesiastic and secular works to the verses by A. Pushkin, A. Fet, A. Tyutchev, M. Tsvetayeva, I. Annensky, B. Pasternak, A. Tarkovsky, Yu. Morits, so as his cycles “Cypress Casket” to the verses by Innokentiy Annensky and “Birth of Wing” to Yunna Morits, Arseniy Tarkovsky and Boris Pasternak, Concerto to the verses by Osip Mandelshtam “Small Cantata to the verses Lev Ginsburg”, choral triptych to Avetik Isaakyan, three choruses to the Latin American poets translated to Russian by Viktor Viktorov.
The compositions by Dmitri Smirnov have already entered the stock of different choirs in Russia and all over the world.
Poetry is akin to vocal. Their natures are alike. Pronounced word strives for being poured to the sung word.
The Suite to the verses by the Scottish and English poets was composed and firstly performed in 1981 (version for the soloist, female choir and two pianos). In 1987 Smirnov gave birth to the second version of the Suite published in this very edition for soloist, mixed choir and two pianos (now this opus is used in such an edition only).
The première took place in the Small (Maly) Hall of the Petersburg Philharmonic Society on October 1, 1987. The St. Petersburg Chamber Choir (conducted by Nikolai Kornev) was its first performer. The Composition in this exact version entered the repertoire of numerous choruses in Russia, hitting marks all over the world and being recorded at the Petersburg Radio.


I. The Ploughman. Verses by R. Burns, translated by I. Ivanovsky
II. For the Sake O'Somebody. Verses by R. Burns, translated by I. Ivanovsky
III. When We Two Parted. Verses by G. Byron, translated by I. Ivanovsky
IV. My Boat is on the Shore. Verses by G. Byron, translated by I. Ivanovsky
V. Te Young May Moon. Verses by Th. Moore, translated by I. Ivanovsky
VI. O, Wert Thou in the Could Blast. Verses by R. Burns, translated by I. Ivanovsky
Дмитрий Валентинович Смирнов (р. 1952) — петербургский композитор, чья творческая индивидуальность неразрывно связана с областью его деятельности как хормейстера и педагога. Издательством "Композитор • Санкт-Петербург" опубликованы сборники его духовных произведений, хоровые сочинения на стихи русских поэтов (А. Пушкина, А. Фета, Ф. Тютчева, М. Цветаевой, И. Анненского, Б. Пастернака, А. Тарковского, Ю. Мориц), циклы "Кипарисовый ларец" на стихи Иннокентия Анненского и "Рождение крыла" на стихи Юнны Мориц, Арсения Тарковского и Бориса Пастернака, Концерт для хора на стихи Осипа Мандельштама, Маленькая кантата на стихи немецких поэтов XVII века в переводах Льва Гинзбурга, хоровой триптих на стихи Аветика Исаакяна, три хора на стихи поэтов Латинской Америки в переводах с испанского Виктора Викторова.
Сочинения Дмитрия Смирнова давно стали репертуарными хоровыми сочинениями, их исполняют отечественные и зарубежные хоровые коллективы.
Сюита Дмитрия Смирнова на стихи шотландских и английских поэтов написана и впервые исполнена в 1981 году (в версии для солиста, женского хора и двух фортепиано). В 1987 году была создана вторая редакция Сюиты, публикуемая в данном издании, - для солиста, смешанного хора и двух фортепиано (ныне сочинение существует исключительно в этой, второй, редакции). Премьера Сюиты в этой редакции состоялась в Малом зале Петербургской филармонии 1 октября 1987 года (исполнители — Санкт-Петербургский Камерный хор под управлением Николая Корнева). В этой версии сочинение вошло в репертуар многих хоров России, исполнялось в нашей стране и за рубежом; запись Сюиты осуществлена Петербургским радио.


I. Крестьянский парень. Стихи Р. Бёрнса, перевод И. Ивановского
II. Грустит душа. Стихи Р. Бёрнса, перевод И. Ивановского
III. Вечер прощальный. Стихи Дж. Байрона, перевод И. Ивановского
IV. Лодка ждёт на берегу. Стихи Дж. Байрона, перевод И. Ивановского
V. Молодая луна. Стихи Т. Мура, перевод И. Ивановского
VI. В полях под снегом и дождём. Стихи Р. Бёрнса, перевод И. Ивановского
Dmitrij Valentinovich Smirnov (r. 1952) — peterburgskij kompozitor, chja tvorcheskaja individualnost nerazryvno svjazana s oblastju ego dejatelnosti kak khormejstera i pedagoga. Izdatelstvom "Kompozitor • Sankt-Peterburg" opublikovany sborniki ego dukhovnykh proizvedenij, khorovye sochinenija na stikhi russkikh poetov (A. Pushkina, A. Feta, F. Tjutcheva, M. Tsvetaevoj, I. Annenskogo, B. Pasternaka, A. Tarkovskogo, Ju. Morits), tsikly "Kiparisovyj larets" na stikhi Innokentija Annenskogo i "Rozhdenie kryla" na stikhi Junny Morits, Arsenija Tarkovskogo i Borisa Pasternaka, Kontsert dlja khora na stikhi Osipa Mandelshtama, Malenkaja kantata na stikhi nemetskikh poetov XVII veka v perevodakh Lva Ginzburga, khorovoj triptikh na stikhi Avetika Isaakjana, tri khora na stikhi poetov Latinskoj Ameriki v perevodakh s ispanskogo Viktora Viktorova.
Sochinenija Dmitrija Smirnova davno stali repertuarnymi khorovymi sochinenijami, ikh ispolnjajut otechestvennye i zarubezhnye khorovye kollektivy.
Sjuita Dmitrija Smirnova na stikhi shotlandskikh i anglijskikh poetov napisana i vpervye ispolnena v 1981 godu (v versii dlja solista, zhenskogo khora i dvukh fortepiano). V 1987 godu byla sozdana vtoraja redaktsija Sjuity, publikuemaja v dannom izdanii, - dlja solista, smeshannogo khora i dvukh fortepiano (nyne sochinenie suschestvuet iskljuchitelno v etoj, vtoroj, redaktsii). Premera Sjuity v etoj redaktsii sostojalas v Malom zale Peterburgskoj filarmonii 1 oktjabrja 1987 goda (ispolniteli — Sankt-Peterburgskij Kamernyj khor pod upravleniem Nikolaja Korneva). V etoj versii sochinenie voshlo v repertuar mnogikh khorov Rossii, ispolnjalos v nashej strane i za rubezhom; zapis Sjuity osuschestvlena Peterburgskim radio.


I. Krestjanskij paren. Stikhi R. Bjornsa, perevod I. Ivanovskogo
II. Grustit dusha. Stikhi R. Bjornsa, perevod I. Ivanovskogo
III. Vecher proschalnyj. Stikhi Dzh. Bajrona, perevod I. Ivanovskogo
IV. Lodka zhdjot na beregu. Stikhi Dzh. Bajrona, perevod I. Ivanovskogo
V. Molodaja luna. Stikhi T. Mura, perevod I. Ivanovskogo
VI. V poljakh pod snegom i dozhdjom. Stikhi R. Bjornsa, perevod I. Ivanovskogo
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