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  3. Partitions: ensembles de cuivres
  4. Rosamunde. Fragment of the music to the play W. von Chezy arranged for five trumpets by V. Margolin. Piano score and parts

Rosamunde. Fragment of the music to the play W. von Chezy arranged for five trumpets by V. Margolin. Piano score and parts

Розамунда. Фрагмент из музыки к пьесе В. фон Чези в переложении для пяти труб В. Марголина. Партитура и партии
Rosamunde. Fragment of the music to the play W. von Chezy arranged for five trumpets by V. Margolin. Piano score and parts
Année de sortie
9.00 € 8.18 € hors TVA
Livraison: 2 semaines á compter de la commande
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Veniamin Savelyevich Margolin — a soloist and teacher is one of the most famous musicians in Russia. Born in Petrograd in 1922, he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory and became a member of the Kirov Opera and Ballet House Orchestra and, for twenty seven years (1947–1974), he was a soloist with the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra. Mr. Margolin is an Honoured Artist of Russia and Professor of St Petersburg Conservatory.
Veniamin Savelyevich Margolin — a soloist and teacher is one of the most famous musicians in Russia. Born in Petrograd in 1922, he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory and became a member of the Kirov Opera and Ballet House Orchestra and, for twenty seven years (1947–1974), he was a soloist with the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra. Mr. Margolin is an Honoured Artist of Russia and Professor of St Petersburg Conservatory.
Марголин Вениамин Савельевич — выдающийся российский музыкант современности, заслуженный артист РСФСР — родился в Петрограде в 1922 году. Обучался в Ленинградской консерватории у профессоров А. Шмидта и М. Ветрова, окончил ее в 1953 году по классу трубы. В 1944–1947 годах Марголин — солист оркестра Театра оперы и балета имени Кирова, а с 1947 по 1977 год — солист Заслуженного коллектива России симфонического оркестра Ленинградской филармонии под управлением Е. А. Мравинского
Margolin Veniamin Savelevich — vydajuschijsja rossijskij muzykant sovremennosti, zasluzhennyj artist RSFSR — rodilsja v Petrograde v 1922 godu. Obuchalsja v Leningradskoj konservatorii u professorov A. Shmidta i M. Vetrova, okonchil ee v 1953 godu po klassu truby. V 1944–1947 godakh Margolin — solist orkestra Teatra opery i baleta imeni Kirova, a s 1947 po 1977 god — solist Zasluzhennogo kollektiva Rossii simfonicheskogo orkestra Leningradskoj filarmonii pod upravleniem E. A. Mravinskogo
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