Встреча весной 1891 года с кларнетистом Мейнингенского оркестра Р. Мюльфельдом побудила Брамса к созданию ряда произведений с участием кларнета, в число которых вошли две сонаты для кларнета и фортепиано...
Transcriptions of 6 cello suites for viola always arouse huge interest. There is a lack of polyphonic music of 17th–19th century composers in this instrument repertoire. In some measure these editions...
The collection includes some works by Russian classics of 19-20th centuries: A. Borodin, A. Dyubyuk, N. Rimsky-Korsakov and other composers. These pieces are largely used in educational practice. For students...
1. А. Ариости. Соната (I и II части)
2. В. А. Моцарт. Концерт (I часть)
3. Г. Зитт. Концерт ля минор, соч. 68 (I часть)
4. К. Хаммер. Соната No. 3
5. Л. Борги. Соната No. 1, соч....
Лев Михайлович Кириллов (р. 19.10.1947, Туркмения) - альтист, дирижер, композитор, педагог. В 1972 году с отличием окончил консерваторию Ростова-на-Дону, а в 1979-м - аспирантуру Ленинградской консерватории...
Like the Viola Concerto four years earlier, the Monologue for Viola and Strings (1989) was written for Yuri Bashmet. The work is in a single movement and, despite its paradoxical title, displays many of...
Work on “Like the Old Organ-Grinder” was a real grind: the mere thought of celebrating the 200th anniversary of Schubert’s birth with the “whole of progressive humanity” was a form of exquisite torment...
This piano arrangement is based on the full score published in the present Collected Works Edition
(series III, volume 11а).
The solo viola part is given without editorial performing directions, as,...
A one-part concert of an outstanding domestic composer is dedicated to the famous viola player Y. Bashmet. Bright in music and compact in form, the work occupies a worthy place in the repertoire of performers.
ПРОЩАНИЕ. Для альта (скрипки) и фортепиано (посмотреть ноты)
ПРОЩАНИЕ. Для альта и струнного оркестра
ПАНТЕОН. Траурно-героический марш для альта и фортепиано
The collection includes popular plays of the great Russian composer - "Nocturne" (arranged by V. Borisovsky), "Snowdrop" (arranged by V. Borisovsky), "Moment lyrique" (arranged by G. Bezrukov), "Impromptu"...
Igor Yefimovich Rogalyov (born in 1948) is ranked among the galaxy of the Petersburgian composers. Different kinds of operas; symphonic, string and chamber scores; vocal cycles, concertos, so as choral...
The popular music book includes sketches by A. Komarovsky, N. Baklanova, F. Wolfarth, B. Campagnoli, G. Sitt, G. Kaiser, A. Bruni, K. Mostras and other authors. Intended for students of children's music...
The violist, conductor, composer and pedagogue Lev Mikhailovich Kirillov was born on October 19, 1947 in Turkmen. He graduated with honours from the Rostov-on-Don Conservatoire in 1972 and completed successfully...
The system of major/minor scales with the 1/2 tone pitch, which I offer here for studying and practicing has three levels of difficulty:
1) 2 octave scales for beginners,
2) 2 1/2 octave scales...
Collected Works. Series VI. Chamber Works. Volume 1. Works for Violin and Piano, Solo Violin and Solo Viola. Part 7. Works for solo violin and solo viola
Critical edition based on the composer's archive...
The Concerto for viola and chamber orchestra “Tragicomedy” was composed after the unrealized ballet “Crime and Punishment” (this performance after F. M. Dostoyevsky was conceived by Mikhail Chemiakine,...
Сергей Михайлович Слонимский (род. 1932) — один из лидеров современной отечественной музыки, автор произведений во всех жанрах, от опер и симфоний до кинематографических саундтреков.
Сюита для альта...
Sergey Slonimsky, one of the most outstanding Russian composers of our times does not need to be introduced to classical music fans. Encyclopaedic mind, one of the mist brilliant creative geniuses of epoch...
В учебном пособии автор - профессиональный альтист с многолетним исполнительским стажем - прослеживает историю развития альта как оркестрового, камерно-ансамблевого. а также как солирующего инструмента;...
Соната для альта и фортепиано, соч. 147 Д. Д. Шостаковича - последнее сочинение великого композитора. В нем Шостакович обращается не только к собственным композиторским концепциям, созданию и развитию...
О значении этого концерта в репертуаре альтистов свидетельствует тот факт, что его исполнение является обязательным на конкурсах при поступлении на работу в группу альтов в большинстве крупнейших оркестров...
This viola tutor based on the Colourstrings method is ideally suited for small viola players. The four colourful symbols represent the fours strings of the instrument and the visual stimuli makes learning...
Griboedov A. Waltz
Liadov A. Op. 57 No. 1. Prelude
Glinka M. Barcarole
Tchaikovsky P. Declaration of Love
Rachmaninov S. Op. 3 No. 5. Serenade
Scriabin A. Op. 9 No. 1. Prelude
Popular materials for learning. Compiled by famous Russian teachers. Includes the necessary material from the program of music schools. For students of higher grades of high schools.
The Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg offers your attention the series “Violist’s Golden Repertoire”, edited by the distinguished musician and teacher Alexey Vladimirovich Lyudevig.