Елена Поплянова - современный композитор и педагог. Родилась в Челябинске, закончила композиторский факультет Петербургской консерватории. Автор музыкально-сценических произведений, оркестровой музыки,...
Ensemble is some group of performers, acting together. Of course, there are classical instrumental casts in use, such as piano duet, string quartet, winds quintet, so as the duet of guitars presented in...
1. Allegro. Handel G. F.
2. Ispanskij tanets. M. de Falja
3. Arija pevtsa za stsenoj. Arenskij A.
4. Italjanskaja polka. Rachmaninov S.
5. Pod muzyku...
The collection “Step by Step” represents pieces by the petersburgian teacher Galina Kaurina. These miniatures will be of great use for mostly young musicians. The idea really stopped the show, for there...
V svjazi s obschim rostom interesa k muzykalnoj kulture barokko v serii "Novaja gitarnaja biblioteka" izdaetsja mnozhestvo aranzhirovok i transkriptsij neprevzojdennogo genija polifonii J. S. Bacha. Redaktor...
It's difficult to find music without spiritual charge in the creations of J. S. Bach (1650–1750). Everything from menuet to oratorio is filled with thought and light. There is no doubt that the arranger...
The Petersburgian guitarist Ilya Permyakov enjoys his popularity as an executant, being also the skillful arranger and teacher. He was bom in 1959. The town Vyborg (near Petersburg) became his birth-place....
Николай Григорьевич Цымбалов родился в 1936 году на Ставропольщине, в с. Весёлом Ипатовского района. Учился в музыкальном училище г. Элисты (Калмыкия) на хоровом отделении, затем в музыкальном училище...
The pieces various characters, included to this collection are not very hard to.bе performed. Many of them were executed by the Petersburgian guitarists, and not once. The author’s utmost desire was to...
The collection “Step by Step” represents pieces by the petersburgian teacher Galina Kaurina. These miniatures will be of great use for mostly young musicians. The idea really stopped the show, for there...
Alexey Nikolayevich Kofanov was born in 1971. His green years passed in the Siberian city Kemerovo, while in 1982 he moved to Leningrad - St Petersburg, where he studied in the Musorgsky Music College. ...
Na puti k ispolnitelskomu masterstvu ochen vazhna igra v ansambljakh. Slushanie dvukh i bolee golosov odnovremenno razvivaet mnogofunktsionalnyj slukh i umenie nakhoditsja v muzyke so vsemi i otdelno....
I. Starinnaja muzyka
Sarabanda. Anonim XVI–XVII vv.
Menuet. Anonim XVI–XVII vv.
I. Kriger. Menuet
I. Kriger. Burre
G. F. Teleman. Menuet
J. S. Bach. Polonez
J. S. Bach. Khoral
II. Klassicheskaja...