The Hornist's Golden Repertoire. Etudes. For voice and piano. Arranged for horn and piano V. Buyanovsky
Yury Vladimirovich Kochurov (1907-1952), Russian composer mainly of song-setting of Pushkin, Lermontov...
V kontse maja 1884 goda Aleksandr Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865-1936) vmeste s Mitrofanom Petrovichem Beljaevym predprinjali poezdku v Vejmar, gde byl organizovan muzykalnyj festival, posvjaschennyj tvorchestvu...
Публикуются каденции к концертам для валторны Виталия Буяновского (1928-1993) - выдающегося российского валторниста, многие годы проработавшего солистом оркестра Петербургской филармонии, профессора Петербургской...
The collection of works for French horn and piano by the outstanding Russian composer R. M. Gliere (1875-1956) includes five pieces: Nocturne, Intermezzo, Romance, Sad Waltz from Opus 35 and Waltz from...
Prelude. Arranged by V. Buyanovsky
Vocalise. Arranged by A. Usov
Serenade. Arranged by V. Soloduyev
Romance. Horn part arranged by A. Usov
Dont Sing in My Presence, Beauty. Arranged by...
В сборник включены рондо Й. Гайдна, В.А. Моцарта, Л. Бетховена, И. Гуммеля и других композиторов в переложении для валторны и фортепиано. Для студентов музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также для концертирующих...
Одно из популярнейших произведений П. И. Чайковского в переложении для валторны и фортепиано известного российского педагога Е. Семёнова. Для учашихся ДМШ
Genrikh Rudolfovich Avik (born in 1936) is the distinguished master of French horn, pupil of Mikhail Nikolayevich Buyanovsky.
Genrikh Avik is one of the leading teachers of the French horn, having bred...
This is the first publication of the Sonata for French horn and piano by Vsevolod Petrovich Zaderatsky, which presents a worthy addition to the horn repertoire. The 65-year delay of this publication is...
Three popular duets for two horns Otto Nicolai (1810-1849) - the famous German composer, conductor, singer, and pianist are published. A total of six are written. These duets can not only be useful as...
Three popular duets for two horns Otto Nicolai (1810-1849) - the famous German composer, conductor, singer, and pianist are published. A total of six are written. These duets can not only be useful as...
Публикуется сочинение В. М. Буяновского (1928-1993) - выдающегося российского валторниста, многие годы проработавшего солистом оркестра Петербургской филармонии, профессора Петербургской консерватории,...
Музыка и слова этого сочинения принадлежит перу известного валторниста Виталия Буяновского. "Вечерние песни" - это три пьесы: "Вечерний рога звук...", "Вечерний вокализ" и "Заходит солнце", - объединенные...
Georgiy Vasilyevich SVIRIDOV (16.12.1915, Fatezh, now the Kursk region - 06.01.1998, Moscow) - the Russian composer. Most prominent musician of the 20th's century second half, having addressed mainly to...
Популярный в педагогической практике сборник немецкого валторниста XIX века включает 60 этюдов на различные виды исполнительской техники.
Для учащихся ДМШ и музыкальных училищ
The Russian Song
Aria of Vanya. From the opera "Ivan Susanin"
Wind is Walking Near Gates. From the music to the tragedy "Prince Kholmsky"
Girls' Chorus. From the opera "Ivan Susanin"
Genrikh Rudolfovich Avik (b. 1936) is the distinguished master of French horn, pupil of Mikhail Nikolayevich Buyanovsky. Honoured Art Worker of Russian Federation.
S. Poddubny. AUTUMNAL TUNE. For French horn and piano
V. Pleshak. STARS. For French horn and piano
V. Solovyov. TWO LESSONS. For French horn and piano
1. The Easy One
2. The Difficult...
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symphonic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations...
The Studies by G. Galle may be undoubtedly ranked among the most useful material intended for even mastering the skill of performers, i.e. technical strength and agility making for the distinct strokes...
The "Compozitor Publishing House * StPetersburg" calls your attention to the piece "Villanelle" by Paul Dukas. It was initially composed for the French-horn and piano till the eminent horn-player Vitaliy...
C.-W. Gluck. Aria from the opera "Alceste"
Gavot from the ballet Don Juan
Josef Gaydn. Allegro. Serenada. Divertisment
Johann Baptist Wanhal. Andante
Luigi Boccerini. Menuet
Leopold Kozeluh....
Александр Георгиевич Попов (род. в 1957) - петербургский композитор, автор симфонических сочинений, камерно-инструментальной и вокальной музыки. В своих сочинениях Александр Попов особое внимание уделяет...
Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865-1936) originates from the family of the well-known Petersburgian publisher and bookseller. The Glazunovs company was the eldest one in Russia. Konstantin Ilyich,...
В очередном выпуске серии "Золотой репертуар валторниста" - клавир и партия валторны (in F) самого известного из концертов Карла Матиса. Виолончелист Ганноверского оркестра, Карл Матис (1835-1908) был...
The name of Georgiy Ivanovich Salnikov - professor of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, composer, assistant professor of art, honoured art worker of the Russian Federation, - is widely known...
Едва ли не каждому исполнителю на медных духовых инструментах знакомо имя Виталия Михайловича Буяновского (1928-1993) - выдающегося валторниста и педагога, профессора Санкт-Петербургской консерватории....
Prepared to edition and edited by professor A. K. SUKHORUKOV
Vladimir Lvovich Mititello was born in Leningrad in 1933 year. He studied at the distinguished Russian horn-player professor Mikhail Nikolayevich...
Prepared to edition and edited by professor A. K. SUKHORUKOV
Vladimir Lvovich Mititello was born in Leningrad in 1933 year. He studied at the distinguished Russian horn-player professor Mikhail Nikolayevich...