Georgiy Ivanovich Strautman (1939-2007) - wonderful musician, trombonist, conductor, composer and teacher, whose tribute to the Leningrad-Petersburg winds-playing art is rightfully considered inestimable....
Trombone is the instrument of great might and simultaneously of unique warmth. It’s acting most significant and sometimes even incompatible in the symphony orchestra, thus denying the opinion of its rather...
Zhanneta Lazarevna Metallidi was born on June 1, 1934 in Leningrad. In 1960 she graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where she studied composition at G. I. Ustvolskaya and O. A. Yevlakhov (disciples...
The collection includes jazz arrangements of popular melodies by D. Ellington, G. Warren, W. Handy, F. Perkins and J. Marks.
Intended for students of music schools and colleges, students of conservatories,...
Едва ли не каждому исполнителю на медных духовых инструментах знакомо имя Виталия Михайловича Буяновского (1928–1993) — выдающегося валторниста и педагога, профессора Санкт-Петербургской консерватории....
Владислав Александрович УСПЕНСКИЙ (1937–2004). Учился в Музыкальном училище при Московской консерватории, окончил Ленинградскую консерваторию (класс Бориса Арапова). С 1962 по 1965 год учился в аспирантуре...
The composer German Grigoriyevich Okunev (1931–1973) is the distinguished representative of the Russian composition school during the second half of the 20ieth century. Okunev was born in Leningrad and...
Georgiy Ivanovich Strautman (1939–2007) — wonderful musician, trombonist, conductor, composer and teacher, whose tribute to the Leningrad-Petersburg winds-playing art is rightfully considered inestimable....
The pieces by Fauconier take special place in the tuba repertoire, that does not seem abundant indeed. They are useful for mere educational purposes, being meanwhile real tramp-cards on the concert st...
Серию "Золотой репертуар тромбониста" подготовил к изданию Виктор Венгловский, член Международной ассоциации тромбонистов, профессор Санкт-Петербургской консерватории, в прошлом солист симфонического оркестра...
Georgy Ivanovich Strautman is the conductor of the stage band of the Mariinsky Theatre. Formerly he was а soloist of the orchestra of the theatre.
During all his artistic life Mr Strautman has...
G. I. Strautman — dirizher stsenicheskogo orkestra Mariinskogo teatra, do etogo dolgoe vremja byl solistom simfonicheskogo orkestra etogo teatra. Na protjazhenii vsej svoej tvorcheskoj zhizni on zanimaetsja...