Пьеса "Любимая мелодия" написана в 2005 году в память о замечательном композиторе Игоре Аркадьевиче Цветкове, с которым нас связывала дружба на протяжении многих лет.
В своем творчестве И. А. Цветков...
The collection of popular melodies arranged by Alexander and Tatiana Dugushyns is intended for collective music-making on the folk Russian instruments.
The authors of arrangements address both to...
Новый, впервые издаваемый сборник составлен профессором РАМ им. Гнесиных Н. И. Липс на основе богатого педагогического опыта в классе ансамбля. Популярные сочинения отечественных и зарубежных композиторов...
V poslednee vremja v Rossii stali populjarny nebolshie, mobilnye ansambli russkikh narodnykh instrumentov, takie kak "Terem-kvartet", "Kalinka", "Skify", "Stil pjati", "Sochi-Sjurpriz" i drugie. Blagodarja...
The educational-methodical manual describes the multilateral possibility of spoons in children's musical, artistic and applied activities, shows methods of teaching children of preschool and primary school...
The Honoured Art Worker of Russia Vladislav Kladnitsky was born in Zaporozhie in 1932. He finished the Omsk Musical School and then graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory where he studied in the professor...
The collection is dedicated to two dates — the tercentenary of St Petersburg and the twentieth anniversary of the Russia Folk Instruments Orchestra organized at the Children music school named after the...