This publication was compiled under the aegis of European Union ERASMUS+ program 'The New Europe in The New International Order' and is timed to coincide with the Russian Presidential elections of 2018....
The monograph is devoted to the updating of technical Park of a grain subcomplex of agroindustrial complex of the Ural region. Economic evaluation update of the Technopark are disclosed in the following...
The book is dedicated to the implementation of the UN Principles of Effective Governance for Sustainable Development, agreed at CEPA 17 and endorsed by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in July...
The publication presents the author's point of view on the electoral is-sues of modern Europe (with an emphasis on France and Austria), including consideration of both theoretical and practical issues,...
In this monograph, three-dimensional problems of acoustics and electrodynamics are investigated. Scalar problems of acoustic wave diffraction as well as vector problems of electromagnetic wave scattering...
Dans cette monographie il s'agit de l'utilisation de l'air comprime pendant le flux de production dans les raffineries, des systemes d'automatisation, commande a air comprime, dans la conception des moteurs...
For the first time applied a coordination approach to the consideration of legal phenomena, thanks to which one can explore legal phenomenon from a new angle of view. The above mentioned gives opportunity...
On October 4-6, 2017, The International Scientific Conference "Capital of Revolutions" was held at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, timed to coincide with the 100th...
"Business Architect: Business Management Systems Design" is a guidebook on technologies of process cost engineering, aimed at the formation of knowledge and practical skills of business owners. The book...
Im Lehrwerk werden die Angaben über die Landeskunde Deutschlands angeführt. Unbestreitbarer Vorzug dieses Buches sind die Angaben über die Kultur, Etikette und Sprachrituale in den situationsbezogenen...
The present study explores the possibility of achieving a commensurate or better result by a simpler controller in comparison with the well-known sophisticated methods of synthesizing PIlDm-regulators....
The monograph is devoted to a problem of production and sale of the concentrating and mountain equipment. The economic evaluation of production and sale is opened in the following sequence. The economic...
V sbornike predstavleny nauchnye stati professorsko-prepodavatelskogo sostava kafedry "Analiz riskov i ekonomicheskaja bezopasnost" FGOBU VO "Finansovyj universitet pri PravitelstveRossijskoj Federatsii",...
V sbornike predstavleny nauchnye stati professorsko-prepodavatelskogo sostava kafedry "Analiz riskov i ekonomicheskaja bezopasnost" FGOBU VO "Finansovyj universitet pri Pravitelstve Rossijskoj Federatsii",...
Monografija postroena na obshirnom kruge pervoistochnikov i literatury na neskolkikh jazykakh. Ona posvjaschena razvitiju i posledstvijam vnutrennego vooruzhennogo protivoborstva. V kachestve obekta issledovanija...
29 oktjabrja 2018 goda ispolnilos 100 let Leninskogo komsomolu. Data solidnaja dlja molodjozhnoj organizatsii. I trudno pereotsenit vsjo to, chto bylo sdelano za eti desjatki let neskolkimi pokolenijami...
Rassmotreny fizicheskie protsessy v poluprovodnikakh, poluprovodnikovykh ventilnykh perekhodakh, kontaktnye javlenija poluprovodnikov i metallov, a takzhe printsipy raboty i konstruktsii tverdotelnykh...
Rassmatrivaet projavlenie komparativistskogo metoda v prave, a takzhe istoricheskoe stanovlenie, oformlenie i razvitie sravnitelno-pravovoj nauki kak napravlenija sovremennoj jurisprudentsii. Nauchno-poznavatelnyj...
Rassmotreny voprosy vybora strategii, planirovanija, organizatsii tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivanija i remonta sistem i oborudovanija atomnykh stantsij, konstruktsionnye i remontnye osobennosti reaktornogo,...
Rassmatrivajutsja ponjatie i kategorii professionalnoj etiki. Daetsja predstavlenie o kriterijakh nravstvennoj otsenki dejatelnosti predstavitelej razlichnykh napravlenij juridicheskoj i drugikh professij....
V nastojaschee vremja slabo issledovany teoreticheskie, metodolo-gicheskie i prakticheskie problemy razvitija promyshlennogo kompleksa Rossii na osnove regulirovanija rynka innovatsij otraslevoj ekonomiche-skoj...
Raskryvaetsja znachenie i osobennosti razrabotki strategicheskikh i takticheskikh planov v logisticheskoj sisteme. Privodjatsja osnovy planirovanija, organizatsii logisticheskikh operatsij i upravlenija...
Rassmatrivajutsja osnovy teorii, metody i instrumenty, problemy organizatsii investitsionnogo menedzhmenta i puti ego sovershenstvovanija. V nashej strane investitsionnyj menedzhment kak nauchnaja i uchebnaja...