A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a 1916 novel and cornerstone of literary modernism by Irish author James Joyce. The story follows Stephen Dedalus, Joyce's fictional alter-ego, and charts his...
Fondateur de la science-fiction, Jules Verne est un des ecrivains francais du XIXe siecle les plus populaires et les plus aimes. "Voyage au centre de la Terre" est un brillant recit des aventures d'Otto...
L'un des plus grands maitres de la satire francaise du XVIe siecle, Francois Rabelais est un classique de la litterature mondiale. "Gargantua et Pantagruel" est la oeuvre magistrale qui n'a rien perdu...
The House by the Churchyard is a novel by Sheridan Le Fanu published in 1863 that combines elements of the mystery novel and the historical novel. Set in the village of Chapelizod, near Dublin, in the...
In Othello Shakespeare creates a powerful drama of a marriage that begins with fascination (between the exotic Moor Othello and the Venetian lady Desdemona), elopement, intense mutual devotion and that...
King Solomon's Mines tells of a search of an unexplored region of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Allan Quatermain for the missing brother of one of the party. It is the first English adventure...
Debjut pisatelnitsy iz Ekaterinburga v tsentralnom izdatelstve. Roman 'Fabrikantsha' - dramaticheskaja istorija sovremennoj delovoj zhenschiny, rasskazannaja jazykom silnykh chuvstv i tochnykh vnezapnykh...
Zagnannykh loshadej pristrelivajut, ne pravda li? Personazhi novogo romana Dmitrija Stakhova osuzhdeny na "zhizn, v kotoroj k strakhu i tsinizmu dobavljaetsja neponjatno otkuda beruschajasja, bjuschaja...
38-letnij prozaik Aleksandr Skorobogatov rodom iz Belorussii, nyne zhivet v Antverpene. "Zemlja bezvodnaja" napisana v sootvetstvii s kanonami zapadnogo psikhologicheskogo trillera ("Padshij angel" U....