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  3. Под знаком орла. Адмиралтейский оркестр Ленинградской военно-морской базы

Под знаком орла. Адмиралтейский оркестр Ленинградской военно-морской базы

Под знаком орла. Адмиралтейский оркестр Ленинградской военно-морской базы
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1. Веттже -"Кронштадт", Марш 1891
2. Римский-Корсаков - Концерт для тромбона с духовым оркестром, солист Максим ИГНАТЬЕВ (тромбон)
3. Леви - "Великорусская фантазия", для корнет-а-пистона, солист: Станислав ИЛЬЧЕНКО (корнет-а-пистон)
4. Воронков - Фантазия на темы вальса Ивановичи "Дунайские волны"
5. Бородин - Половецкие пляски из оперы "Князь Игорь"
6. Чайковский - "1812" Торжественная увертюра
7. Блон - "Да здравствует Санкт-Петербург!" Марш 1903
Russia and the United States have had their differences through the years, but the music is beautiful. Sometimes quite moody and perhaps sorrowful, and at other times lively and similar to gypsy music. Marches, whether US or Russian, are strong. If you want to acquire taste for Russian, even without understanding the words, here's your chance. It's the music which grabs your soul.

Conductor Alexei Karabanov..
1. Wettge - "Cronstadt" Military March 1891.
2. Rimsky-Korsakov - Concert for Trombone with the Band. Soloist Maxim Ignatiev.
3. Levy - "Grand Russian Fantasia" for cornet-a-piston. Soloist Stanislav Ilchenko.
4. Voronkov - Fantasia on the tunes of the Waltz by Ivanovichy "Danube waves".
5. Borodin - Polovtsian Dances from the opera "Prince Igor".
6. Tchaikovsky "1812" Overture Solemnize.
7. Blon "Vivat Saint Petersburg" March 1903
Russia and the United States have had their differences through the years, but the music is beautiful. Sometimes quite moody and perhaps sorrowful, and at other times lively and similar to gypsy music. Marches, whether US or Russian, are strong. If you want to acquire taste for Russian, even without understanding the words, here's your chance. It's the music which grabs your soul.

Conductor Alexei Karabanov..
1. Wettge - "Cronstadt" Military March 1891.
2. Rimsky-Korsakov - Concert for Trombone with the Band. Soloist Maxim Ignatiev.
3. Levy - "Grand Russian Fantasia" for cornet-a-piston. Soloist Stanislav Ilchenko.
4. Voronkov - Fantasia on the tunes of the Waltz by Ivanovichy "Danube waves".
5. Borodin - Polovtsian Dances from the opera "Prince Igor".
6. Tchaikovsky "1812" Overture Solemnize.
7. Blon "Vivat Saint Petersburg" March 1903
1. Vettzhe -"Kronshtadt", Marsh 1891
2. Rimskij-Korsakov - Kontsert dlja trombona s dukhovym orkestrom, solist Maksim IGNATEV (trombon)
3. Levi - "Velikorusskaja fantazija", dlja kornet-a-pistona, solist: Stanislav ILCHENKO (kornet-a-piston)
4. Voronkov - Fantazija na temy valsa Ivanovichi "Dunajskie volny"
5. Borodin - Polovetskie pljaski iz opery "Knjaz Igor"
6. Chajkovskij - "1812" Torzhestvennaja uvertjura
7. Blon - "Da zdravstvuet Sankt-Peterburg!" Marsh 1903
Catalogue N
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