1. DVD-фильмы
  2. Драма
  3. Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино

Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино

По мотивам произведений А. П. Чехова Никита Михалков создал подлинный киношедевр с блистательным актерским ансамблем. Механическое пианино наигрывает веселую мелодию и под ее звуки столь же механически-бессмысленно существуют герои фильма. В этом мирке тотальной лжи, фальшивых страстей и пафосных речей, где любая драма превращается в фарс, им остается лишь бесконечно отыгрывать однажды выбранные роли… Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
The film is based on the works by Russian writer Anton Chekhov. This is a picture of life of the Russian gentry in the late 19th century. Without a grain of sentimentality, the director reveals the moral bankruptcy of his heroes. A village teacher, Platonov, is undergoing an emotional crisis. He believes his life has had no purpose. He is tormenting both himself and his young wife, Sashenka. The film’s another protagonist – Doctor Terletsky – hates his patients and his work. The guests staying with a general’s wife, Anna Petrovna, are talking about the pleasures of a simple village life, not really believing what they are saying. The retro style chosen by the director and the masterly cinematography (a credit to Nikita Mikhalkov’s permanent cameraman – Pavel Lebeshev) combine to make this film a real treasure for the lovers of Russian classics. Played in the film is the music by G. Donizetti, F. Liszt, S. Rachmaninov. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Keskeneräinen sävelmä mekaaniselle pianolle.) Elokuva pohjautuu Anton Tsehovin kertomuksiin ja kertoo Venäjän alemman aateliston elämästä 1800-luvulla. Ilman sentimentaalisuuden häivääkään elokuva paljastaa henkilöidensä moraalisen rappion. Kylän opettaja Platonovilla on henkinen kriisi. Hän ei usko elämällään olevan mitään tarkoitusta ja kiduttaa sekä itseään että nuorta vaimoaan. Toinen päähenkilö tohtori Terletsky vihaa työtään ja potilaitaan. Vieraat, jotka viipyvät kenraalin vaimon Anna Petrovnan luona, puhuvat maaseudun yksinkertaisen elämän iloista, eivät kuitenkaan edes itse usko sanojaan. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
The film is based on the works by Russian writer Anton Chekhov. This is a picture of life of the Russian gentry in the late 19th century. Without a grain of sentimentality, the director reveals the moral bankruptcy of his heroes. A village teacher, Platonov, is undergoing an emotional crisis. He believes his life has had no purpose. He is tormenting both himself and his young wife, Sashenka. The film’s another protagonist – Doctor Terletsky – hates his patients and his work. The guests staying with a general’s wife, Anna Petrovna, are talking about the pleasures of a simple village life, not really believing what they are saying. The retro style chosen by the director and the masterly cinematography (a credit to Nikita Mikhalkov’s permanent cameraman – Pavel Lebeshev) combine to make this film a real treasure for the lovers of Russian classics. Played in the film is the music by G. Donizetti, F. Liszt, S. Rachmaninov.
Pièce inachevée pour piano mécanique (Neokontchennaia piessa dlia mekhanitcheskogo pianino) Le piano mécanique entonne un air joyeux et les héros du film mènent une existence aussi mécanique et absurde que ses sons. Dans ce monde du mensonge total, des passions fausse et des discours pathétiques, où tout drame se transforme en farce, il ne leur reste que jouer infiniment les rôles une fois choisis…

Inspiré par des œuvres de A.P.Tchékhov, Nikita Mikhalkov a créé un véritable chef-d’œuvre de cinéma avec un ensemble d’acteurs brillants.
The film is based on the works by Russian writer Anton Chekhov. This is a picture of life of the Russian gentry in the late 19th century. Without a grain of sentimentality, the director reveals the moral bankruptcy of his heroes. A village teacher, Platonov, is undergoing an emotional crisis. He believes his life has had no purpose. He is tormenting both himself and his young wife, Sashenka. The film’s another protagonist – Doctor Terletsky – hates his patients and his work. The guests staying with a general’s wife, Anna Petrovna, are talking about the pleasures of a simple village life, not really believing what they are saying. The retro style chosen by the director and the masterly cinematography (a credit to Nikita Mikhalkov’s permanent cameraman – Pavel Lebeshev) combine to make this film a real treasure for the lovers of Russian classics. Played in the film is the music by G. Donizetti, F. Liszt, S. Rachmaninov.
The film is based on the works by Russian writer Anton Chekhov. This is a picture of life of the Russian gentry in the late 19th century. Without a grain of sentimentality, the director reveals the moral bankruptcy of his heroes. A village teacher, Platonov, is undergoing an emotional crisis. He believes his life has had no purpose. He is tormenting both himself and his young wife, Sashenka. The film’s another protagonist – Doctor Terletsky – hates his patients and his work. The guests staying with a general’s wife, Anna Petrovna, are talking about the pleasures of a simple village life, not really believing what they are saying. The retro style chosen by the director and the masterly cinematography (a credit to Nikita Mikhalkov’s permanent cameraman – Pavel Lebeshev) combine to make this film a real treasure for the lovers of Russian classics. Played in the film is the music by G. Donizetti, F. Liszt, S. Rachmaninov.
Po motivam proizvedenij A. P. Chekhova Nikita Mikhalkov sozdal podlinnyj kinoshedevr s blistatelnym akterskim ansamblem. Mekhanicheskoe pianino naigryvaet veseluju melodiju i pod ee zvuki stol zhe mekhanicheski-bessmyslenno suschestvujut geroi filma. V etom mirke totalnoj lzhi, falshivykh strastej i pafosnykh rechej, gde ljubaja drama prevraschaetsja v fars, im ostaetsja lish beskonechno otygryvat odnazhdy vybrannye roli… Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.