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Spacewalker. Время первых

Spacewalker. Время первых
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The Age of Pioneers (Russian: Время первых), Time of the first ones, Spacewalker

60-е. Разгар холодной войны. Две супердержавы, СССР и США бьются за первенство в космической гонке. Пока СССР впереди, на очереди — выход человека в открытый космос.
За две недели до старта взрывается тестовый корабль. Времени на выявление причин нет. И пусть риски огромны, мы не можем уступить лидерство.

Опытный военный летчик Павел Беляев и его напарник Алексей Леонов, необстрелянный и горячий, мечтающий о подвиге, — два человека, готовые шагнуть в неизвестность. Но никто не мог даже предположить всего, с чем им предстояло столкнуться в полете. В этой миссии все, что только можно, пошло не так…

слоган «Подними голову!»
режиссер Дмитрий Киселёв
сценарий Юрий Коротков, Сергей Калужанов, Ирина Пивоварова, ...
продюсер Тимур Бекмамбетов, Евгений Миронов, Сергей Агеев, ...
оператор Владимир Башта
композитор Юрий Потеенко
художник Ангелина Терехова, Владимир Купцов
монтаж Антон Анисимов, Алексей Кумакшин, Николай Булыгин, ...
жанр приключения, триллер
The Age of Pioneers (Russian: Время первых, translit. Vremya Pervykh, lit. "Time of the first ones"), also known as Spacewalker, is a Russian historical drama film about cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, the first human to perform a spacewalk. Leonov himself served as a consultant for the film.

March 1965. In the heat of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR are competing for supremacy in space. What both superpowers aim for in this race, is to be the first to have a man walk in outer space. To accomplish that, no price is too high and no risk is too great. Now it s up to the unlikely duo of a seasoned war veteran and a hot-headed test-pilot to fulfill this mission. Two men in a tiny spaceship, without proper testing, facing the complete unknown... They were supposed to do what no man has done before and no man imagined what would happen next...

SPACEWALKER is an edge-of-your-seat space thriller from the team behind Wanted, Apollo 18 and Night Watch
The Age of Pioneers (Russian: Время первых, translit. Vremya Pervykh, lit. "Time of the first ones"), also known as Spacewalker, is a Russian historical drama film about cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, the first human to perform a spacewalk. Leonov himself served as a consultant for the film.

March 1965. In the heat of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR are competing for supremacy in space. What both superpowers aim for in this race, is to be the first to have a man walk in outer space. To accomplish that, no price is too high and no risk is too great. Now it s up to the unlikely duo of a seasoned war veteran and a hot-headed test-pilot to fulfill this mission. Two men in a tiny spaceship, without proper testing, facing the complete unknown... They were supposed to do what no man has done before and no man imagined what would happen next...

SPACEWALKER is an edge-of-your-seat space thriller from the team behind Wanted, Apollo 18 and Night Watch
The Age of Pioneers (Russian: Vremja pervykh), Time of the first ones, Spacewalker

60-e. Razgar kholodnoj vojny. Dve superderzhavy, SSSR i SSHA bjutsja za pervenstvo v kosmicheskoj gonke. Poka SSSR vperedi, na ocheredi — vykhod cheloveka v otkrytyj kosmos.
Za dve nedeli do starta vzryvaetsja testovyj korabl. Vremeni na vyjavlenie prichin net. I pust riski ogromny, my ne mozhem ustupit liderstvo.

Opytnyj voennyj letchik Pavel Beljaev i ego naparnik Aleksej Leonov, neobstreljannyj i gorjachij, mechtajuschij o podvige, — dva cheloveka, gotovye shagnut v neizvestnost. No nikto ne mog dazhe predpolozhit vsego, s chem im predstojalo stolknutsja v polete. V etoj missii vse, chto tolko mozhno, poshlo ne tak…

slogan «Podnimi golovu!»
rezhisser Dmitrij Kiseljov
stsenarij Jurij Korotkov, Sergej Kaluzhanov, Irina Pivovarova, ...
prodjuser Timur Bekmambetov, Evgenij Mironov, Sergej Ageev, ...
operator Vladimir Bashta
kompozitor Jurij Poteenko
khudozhnik Angelina Terekhova, Vladimir Kuptsov
montazh Anton Anisimov, Aleksej Kumakshin, Nikolaj Bulygin, ...
zhanr prikljuchenija, triller