1. Электронные словари
  2. Англо-английский словарь сокращений (Polyglossum)

Англо-английский словарь сокращений (Polyglossum)

Англо-английский словарь сокращений (Polyglossum)
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Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/Windows 7/ Windows 8/Windows 10
40.00 € 32.26 € без НДС
Отправка: 2-6 дней после оформления заказа
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Около 72000 терминов.
Этот словарь англоязычных сокращений с их расшифровкой на английском языке включает наиболее современную лексику. По своему объему эта словарная база данных сравнима с поисковыми системами английских акронимов (аббревиатур, сокращений, условных знаков и т.п.) в Интернете.

Этот словарь английских сокращений полезен тем, что позволяет найти большое количество аббревиатур и сокращений, собранных носителями английского, американского английского и новозеландского английского языков и получить расшифровку на английском языке. Это окажет существенную помощь при понимании и переводе англоязычных текстов. Перевод на русский язык англоязычных расшифровок английских сокращений не дается из-за большой трудоемкости и сроков такой работы, что неизбежно ведет к устареванию словарной базы.

Для понимания же и/или перевода англоязычных сокращений, в ряде случаев достаточно просто их расшифровки на английском языке.
About 72000 terms.
This dictionary of English abbreviations showing what they stand for includes the most modern vocabulary. The scale of this dictionary data base is comparable to that of the Internet search systems for English acronyms (abbreviations, reductions, special codes etc.).

The dictionary helps to find thousands of abbreviations and acronyms assembled by native speakers of the Great Britain, American English and New Zealand versions of English language and get to their true meaning, which is an important factor in understanding and translation of any English text.

This new version of the Polyglossum dictionaries renders possible a global search through all dictionaries, and also makes it possible to realize a cross search of terms (words and phrases) in entries of the different dictionaries (dictionary bases). For example, assume that a key to an English abbreviation is found. It shall be marked in the entry by any standard Windows tool, after which the button "to find in all dictionaries" shall be pressed. You can also choose from a list the dictionary base topically most close to the item looked for, in order for the search of this term to be carried out in a correspondent Polyglossum dictionary. If there is no exact match to a required phrase, its translation to any other language will present no problem when using the nearest entries of the dictionary in alphabetic order.
About 72000 terms.
This dictionary of English abbreviations showing what they stand for includes the most modern vocabulary. The scale of this dictionary data base is comparable to that of the Internet search systems for English acronyms (abbreviations, reductions, special codes etc.).

The dictionary helps to find thousands of abbreviations and acronyms assembled by native speakers of the Great Britain, American English and New Zealand versions of English language and get to their true meaning, which is an important factor in understanding and translation of any English text.

This new version of the Polyglossum dictionaries renders possible a global search through all dictionaries, and also makes it possible to realize a cross search of terms (words and phrases) in entries of the different dictionaries (dictionary bases). For example, assume that a key to an English abbreviation is found. It shall be marked in the entry by any standard Windows tool, after which the button "to find in all dictionaries" shall be pressed. You can also choose from a list the dictionary base topically most close to the item looked for, in order for the search of this term to be carried out in a correspondent Polyglossum dictionary. If there is no exact match to a required phrase, its translation to any other language will present no problem when using the nearest entries of the dictionary in alphabetic order.

Avaa koko lista sanakirjoista.

Avaa tästä usein kysytyt kysymykset (englanninkielinen).
Okolo 72000 terminov.
Etot slovar anglojazychnykh sokraschenij s ikh rasshifrovkoj na anglijskom jazyke vkljuchaet naibolee sovremennuju leksiku. Po svoemu obemu eta slovarnaja baza dannykh sravnima s poiskovymi sistemami anglijskikh akronimov (abbreviatur, sokraschenij, uslovnykh znakov i t.p.) v Internete.

Etot slovar anglijskikh sokraschenij polezen tem, chto pozvoljaet najti bolshoe kolichestvo abbreviatur i sokraschenij, sobrannykh nositeljami anglijskogo, amerikanskogo anglijskogo i novozelandskogo anglijskogo jazykov i poluchit rasshifrovku na anglijskom jazyke. Eto okazhet suschestvennuju pomosch pri ponimanii i perevode anglojazychnykh tekstov. Perevod na russkij jazyk anglojazychnykh rasshifrovok anglijskikh sokraschenij ne daetsja iz-za bolshoj trudoemkosti i srokov takoj raboty, chto neizbezhno vedet k ustarevaniju slovarnoj bazy.

Dlja ponimanija zhe i/ili perevoda anglojazychnykh sokraschenij, v rjade sluchaev dostatochno prosto ikh rasshifrovki na anglijskom jazyke.
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