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  4. Симфония No. 13. Бабий Яр. Партитура. Факсимиле автографа

Симфония No. 13. Бабий Яр. Партитура. Факсимиле автографа

Симфония No. 13. Бабий Яр. Партитура. Факсимиле автографа
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Факсимильное издание автографа партитуры Тринадцатой симфонии Дмитрия Дмитриевича Шостаковича (1906-1975) представляет собой первую публикацию подлинного авторского текста симфонии, которая после премьеры была надолго запрещена к исполнению и никогда не издавалась на родине композитора в неискажённом виде. Высококачественное полиграфическое воспроизведение авторского манускрипта дает возможность для непосредственного знакомства с этим шедевром и для изучения процесса творческой работы Шостаковича. Вступительная статья впервые на документальной основе подробно освещает историю создания и первого исполнения симфонии. Текст на русском и английском языках. Издание приурочено к 100-летию со дня рождения Д.Д.Шостаковича.
The facsimile edition of the author's manuscript of the score of Dmitri Shostakovich's (1906-1975) Thirteenth Symphony is the first publication of the original author's text of the symphony. After its premiere, the performance of this symphony was long banned, and it was never published in the author's homeland in its original and unadulterated form. This high-quality printed reproduction of the author's manuscript makes it possible to become acquainted firsthand with this masterpiece and follow Shostakovich through the creative process on the basis of an authentic document. The introductory article gives the first detailed account of the composition and premiere of this symphony. The text is presented in Russian and in English. This publication is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Dmitri Shostakovich's birth.

Introductory article by Manashir Iakubov:
The original text of the score of Dmitri Shostakovich's Thirteenth Symphony is being reproduced in this publication for the first time.
The need for this publication transpired long ago.
The Thirteenth Symphony occupies a special place among those of Shostakovich's compositions which experienced difficult and tragic fates. In particular, it was distinguished by unexpected twists and turns during the emergence and development of its idea and by dramatic upheavals in the fate of the finished work. The symphony was written in 1962.
A poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, a young, but already very well-known poet at that time, called "Babi Yar" served as the stimulus for beginning work on the symphony. Babi Yar is a ravine on the northwest outskirts of Kiev, where, carrying out Hitler's plans to execute the "final solution to the Jewish question", the German troops who occupied Ukraine shot approximately one hundred thousand Jews in 1941-1943. According to the official German report, in the first two days of the campaign alone, 29 and 30 September 1941, the Hitlerites shot 33,771 Jews at Babi Yar; and the punitive operations continued until August 1943

5 M.Iakubov Shostakovich's Thirteenth Symphony on Publication of the Facsimile of the Score
23 Dmitri Shostakovich The Thirteenth Symphony. Score. Facsimile
25 I. Babi Yar
69 II. Humour
125 III. In the Shop
142 IV. Fears
166 V. Career
Faksimilnoe izdanie avtografa partitury Trinadtsatoj simfonii Dmitrija Dmitrievicha Shostakovicha (1906-1975) predstavljaet soboj pervuju publikatsiju podlinnogo avtorskogo teksta simfonii, kotoraja posle premery byla nadolgo zapreschena k ispolneniju i nikogda ne izdavalas na rodine kompozitora v neiskazhjonnom vide. Vysokokachestvennoe poligraficheskoe vosproizvedenie avtorskogo manuskripta daet vozmozhnost dlja neposredstvennogo znakomstva s etim shedevrom i dlja izuchenija protsessa tvorcheskoj raboty Shostakovicha. Vstupitelnaja statja vpervye na dokumentalnoj osnove podrobno osveschaet istoriju sozdanija i pervogo ispolnenija simfonii. Tekst na russkom i anglijskom jazykakh. Izdanie priurocheno k 100-letiju so dnja rozhdenija D.D.Shostakovicha.
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