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Поэма. Скерцо. Для скрипки и ф-но. Клавир и партия

Поэма. Скерцо. Для скрипки и ф-но. Клавир и партия
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Народный артист России, лауреат Государственной премии Вениамин Ефимович Баснер (01.01.1925, Ярославль – 03.09.1996, Санкт-Петербург) — выдающийся композитор, чье творчество одной из ярких страниц вошло в историю отечественной музыкальной культуры. С шести лет занимался на скрипке, которая стала для него любимым инструментом на всю жизнь, а в 1949 г. он окончил Ленинградскую консерваторию по классу скрипки.
Оба произведения были созданы В. Баснером в 1951 году. Поэма выдержана в лирико-патетическом характере, в Скерцо же господствуют образы стихийно-необузданной силы, вызывающие аналогии со многими скерцозными образами Прокофьева…
Издание предназначается для концертирующих исполнителей, студентов консерваторий и музыкальных училищ.
This is the violin pieces Poem and Scherzo (1951), where the brilliant violinist Basner reveals wonderful knowledge of the instrument and its virtuoso abilities.
The Poem is lyrical and pathetic, accepted at one breath. The composition is opened by the brief introduction, stained in stern contemplative hints. Then the palpitating melody appears performed by the violin on the ground of piano triplets.
The elaborative section outbursts passion and fever, while the growing wave leads to apex. The Poem is completed on weary descending intonations of the theme that seems to have exhausted its energy, thus sounding peaceful and obedient.
The Scherzo reveals concealed features of the composer’s talent. Here the sounding outbreaks dominate as impetuous unbridled, even boorish force casting the moods of Prokofiev’s characters in this genre. This is felt also through the melody of the middle episode, where lucid courageous handsome lyrical temper dominates.
This is the violin pieces Poem and Scherzo (1951), where the brilliant violinist Basner reveals wonderful knowledge of the instrument and its virtuoso abilities.
The Poem is lyrical and pathetic, accepted at one breath. The composition is opened by the brief introduction, stained in stern contemplative hints. Then the palpitating melody appears performed by the violin on the ground of piano triplets.
The elaborative section outbursts passion and fever, while the growing wave leads to apex. The Poem is completed on weary descending intonations of the theme that seems to have exhausted its energy, thus sounding peaceful and obedient.
The Scherzo reveals concealed features of the composer’s talent. Here the sounding outbreaks dominate as impetuous unbridled, even boorish force casting the moods of Prokofiev’s characters in this genre. This is felt also through the melody of the middle episode, where lucid courageous handsome lyrical temper dominates.
Narodnyj artist Rossii, laureat Gosudarstvennoj premii Veniamin Efimovich Basner (01.01.1925, Jaroslavl – 03.09.1996, Sankt-Peterburg) — vydajuschijsja kompozitor, che tvorchestvo odnoj iz jarkikh stranits voshlo v istoriju otechestvennoj muzykalnoj kultury. S shesti let zanimalsja na skripke, kotoraja stala dlja nego ljubimym instrumentom na vsju zhizn, a v 1949 g. on okonchil Leningradskuju konservatoriju po klassu skripki.
Oba proizvedenija byli sozdany V. Basnerom v 1951 godu. Poema vyderzhana v liriko-pateticheskom kharaktere, v Skertso zhe gospodstvujut obrazy stikhijno-neobuzdannoj sily, vyzyvajuschie analogii so mnogimi skertsoznymi obrazami Prokofeva…
Izdanie prednaznachaetsja dlja kontsertirujuschikh ispolnitelej, studentov konservatorij i muzykalnykh uchilisch.
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