1. Böcker
  2. Filologi
  3. Nemetskaja filologija v Sankt-Peterburgskom gosudarstvennom universitete. Vyp. X

Nemetskaja filologija v Sankt-Peterburgskom gosudarstvennom universitete. Vyp. X

Немецкая филология в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете. Вып. X
Nemetskaja filologija v Sankt-Peterburgskom gosudarstvennom universitete. Vyp. X
60/84/16 mm
32.00 € 29.09 € utan Moms
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В тематический выпуск входят статьи, написанные авторами по материалам докладов на Международной конференции к 110-летию со дня рождения В. Г. Адмони, одного из классиков отечественной теории грамматики, германистики и общего языкознания. На материале исследований конкретных грамматических категорий немецкого языка, разножанровых типов немецкоязычных текстов в их диахронической и синхронной данности, грамматических свойств лексических и фразеологических единиц немецкого языка показаны актуальность и эвристический потенциал разработанной Адмони лингвистической концепции для современной грамматической науки. Теоретические подходы Адмони не только продолжают играть значительную роль в традиционном структурно-грамматическом описании немецкого языка, но и являются источником и генератором идей для современных направлений лингвистических исследований, особенно для функциональной грамматики, функционально-коммуникативного синтаксиса, лингвопрагматического анализа грамматических средств и категорий, лингвистических исследований стилей, типов текста и форм языковой коммуникации. Авторам статей, вошедших в сборник, удалось показать преемственность дисциплинарного знания в области грамматики, межкатегориальных взаимодействий грамматики и лексики, теории текста.
Ключевые слова: грамматика, лингвистика, немецкая филология, В. Г. Адмони, грамматическая категоризация, коммуникативно-грамматические категории, логико-грамматические категории, грамматический строй, теория текста, языковая коммуникация.
This special issue includes articles based on the proceedings of the International Conference marking 110 years of the birth of V. G. Admoni, one of the most prominent scholars in the Russian grammar theory, Germanistic studies and general language science. Using specific grammatical categories of the German language, looking at different German text types in various genres both in diachrony and synchrony, examining grammatical properties of German lexical and phraseological units, the papers in this issue demonstrate the relevance and the heuristic potential of Admoni-developed linguistic framework for contemporary grammar studies. A particular emphasis is laid on Admoni's concepts of the sentence as a multi-aspect inventory and communication unit, communication-driven consistency of the grammatical system, text typology criteria, principles of the evolutionary-diachronical description of the German language at different levels, and the multi-layered character of the grammatical content in structural units o man language as part of the so-called "bathysmatic chain". Authors seek to demonstrate the continuity of the scholarly knowledge in grammar studies, in cross-category interactions of grammar and vocabulary, as well as in the text theory. All published papers share the point that theoretical approaches brought forward by Admoni continue to play a significant role in the traditional structural-grammatical description of the German language but can also be tapped for ideas and insights in contemporary linguistic studies, especially in functional grammar, functional-communicative syntax, pragmalinguistic analysis of grammatical means and categories, linguistic studies of the style, text types and forms of communication.
Keywords: grammar, linguistics, German philology, W. G. Admoni, grammatical categorization, communicative categories of grammar, logical
V tematicheskij vypusk vkhodjat stati, napisannye avtorami po materialam dokladov na Mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii k 110-letiju so dnja rozhdenija V. G. Admoni, odnogo iz klassikov otechestvennoj teorii grammatiki, germanistiki i obschego jazykoznanija. Na materiale issledovanij konkretnykh grammaticheskikh kategorij nemetskogo jazyka, raznozhanrovykh tipov nemetskojazychnykh tekstov v ikh diakhronicheskoj i sinkhronnoj dannosti, grammaticheskikh svojstv leksicheskikh i frazeologicheskikh edinits nemetskogo jazyka pokazany aktualnost i evristicheskij potentsial razrabotannoj Admoni lingvisticheskoj kontseptsii dlja sovremennoj grammaticheskoj nauki. Teoreticheskie podkhody Admoni ne tolko prodolzhajut igrat znachitelnuju rol v traditsionnom strukturno-grammaticheskom opisanii nemetskogo jazyka, no i javljajutsja istochnikom i generatorom idej dlja sovremennykh napravlenij lingvisticheskikh issledovanij, osobenno dlja funktsionalnoj grammatiki, funktsionalno-kommunikativnogo sintaksisa, lingvopragmaticheskogo analiza grammaticheskikh sredstv i kategorij, lingvisticheskikh issledovanij stilej, tipov teksta i form jazykovoj kommunikatsii. Avtoram statej, voshedshikh v sbornik, udalos pokazat preemstvennost distsiplinarnogo znanija v oblasti grammatiki, mezhkategorialnykh vzaimodejstvij grammatiki i leksiki, teorii teksta.
Kljuchevye slova: grammatika, lingvistika, nemetskaja filologija, V. G. Admoni, grammaticheskaja kategorizatsija, kommunikativno-grammaticheskie kategorii, logiko-grammaticheskie kategorii, grammaticheskij stroj, teorija teksta, jazykovaja kommunikatsija.
This special issue includes articles based on the proceedings of the International Conference marking 110 years of the birth of V. G. Admoni, one of the most prominent scholars in the Russian grammar theory, Germanistic studies and general language science. Using specific grammatical categories of the German language, looking at different German text types in various genres both in diachrony and synchrony, examining grammatical properties of German lexical and phraseological units, the papers in this issue demonstrate the relevance and the heuristic potential of Admoni-developed linguistic framework for contemporary grammar studies. A particular emphasis is laid on Admoni's concepts of the sentence as a multi-aspect inventory and communication unit, communication-driven consistency of the grammatical system, text typology criteria, principles of the evolutionary-diachronical description of the German language at different levels, and the multi-layered character of the grammatical content in structural units o man language as part of the so-called "bathysmatic chain". Authors seek to demonstrate the continuity of the scholarly knowledge in grammar studies, in cross-category interactions of grammar and vocabulary, as well as in the text theory. All published papers share the point that theoretical approaches brought forward by Admoni continue to play a significant role in the traditional structural-grammatical description of the German language but can also be tapped for ideas and insights in contemporary linguistic studies, especially in functional grammar, functional-communicative syntax, pragmalinguistic analysis of grammatical means and categories, linguistic studies of the style, text types and forms of communication.
Keywords: grammar, linguistics, German philology, W. G. Admoni, grammatical categorization, communicative categories of grammar, logical
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