Book is only in Russian language
The manual is intended to enhance the speaking skills of students who speak Russian at level B2 and above. There are 35 topics for discussion. Each topic consists of an...
The goal of the textbook is to reach the advanced level (B2-B3) of the communicative competence.
The textbook consists of five lessons. Each lesson is devoted to a certain...
Пособие по аудированию, чтению и говорению для иностранных учащихся
Цель пособия - формирование и развитие у учащихся навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения в соответствии с требованиями к Базовому уровню...
Go ahead! A manual on the Russian colloquial speech. Including CD-MP3
The present manual is designed for students of the advanced level of Russian (B1-B2). It could be of use for all those, who have made...
Keskusteluja elämästä. Tehtäväkirja
Tämä kokoelma auttaa kehittämään puhetta ja sosiokulttuurista kompetenssia.
B1 -taso.
Kokoelma sisältää: Tekstikirjan (sis. CD-MP3), Työkirjan ja Koetehtävät
Keskusteluja elämästä. Tekstikirja (sisältää CD-MP3)
Tämä kokoelma auttaa kehittämään puhetta ja sosiokulttuurista kompetenssia.
B1 -taso.
Kokoelma sisältää: Tekstikirjan (sis. CD-MP3), Työkirjan ja...
The textbook has a practical focus. A variety of exercises presented in the manual, is aimed at the comprehensive development of the students ' oral speech habits, as well as at the mastering of vocabulary...
The manual is designed for students mastering Russian at B1 or B2 level, or translators and/or journalists working in Russia.
The main goal of this manual is to make the foreign students acquainted with...
What did you say? Textbook for development of listening comprehension and speaking in Russian as a foreign language.
The book is designed for low intermediate students of Russian. It contains varied materials...
Audio materials are available by QR code in textbook
Level: A2-C1
TO LISTEN AND TO HEAR. A listening course for the foreign students of Russian.
The manual forms and develops skills of perception on...
Данное пособие знакомит с этикетными формулами, которые используются в современном русском языке в различных стилях речи. Языковой материал предлагается в речевых ситуациях, которые подкреплены авторскими...
We discuss the global problems and repeat the Russian grammar: manual for foreign students .
The manual is aimed at the development of professional communication skills. Actual political and social themes...
Read and understand Russian: a teaching book to develop speaking skills
The present book makes part of the teaching complex "Survival Russian". It can be used both for the classroom and independent studies.
About Russian Movies in Russian
The textbook can be used as a supplement to the main course of learning the Russian language. It contains methodical materials to work with the texts of nine Russian feature...
RUSSIAN VOCABULARY IN EXERCISES AND CROSSWORDS. VOLUME 1. A Human. All vocabulary concerning the topic "Human" is presented in exercises and crosswords.
Основная цель учебника - совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности в научно-учебной и социально-культурной сферах общения, а также обучение русской интонации,...
In Russian for the first time: introductory phonetic and grammar course for Chinese speakers.
This correcting course contains introductory teaching and methodical material. It is recommended for beginners....
You receive an activation code for one-year license.
The e-book runs on the publisher's own platform.
-texts and exercises
-quick navigation
-interactive tasks
What is there to discuss?: a manual of conversational practice for students of Russian as a foreign language.
The textbook presents authentic texts that serve as a basis for the formation and development...
Семь шагов к общению на русском языке
Пособие адресовано иностранцам, которые осваивают базовый уровень (А2) общего владения русским языком. Цель пособия - помочь иностранцам быстрее сориентироваться...
The present course serves the interest of a very wide audience of the Russian language students. It can be used by those studying Russian at the initial, intermediate or advanced levels and also by business...
A simple story.
The manual is based on a story, presented in dialogues. It contains six parts. Each part includes a set of exercises which help to develop verbal speech skills. The main teaching principle...
Level B1, B2
This manual is designed for foreign students of the first certificate level. It contains authentic topic-organized material based on the newspaper...